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Well-known member
the whole movement needs adjusting . the media and spinners will allow singular scapegoats for blame so the slaughter can continue for more generations and many people get some kind of satisfaction , they lose one puppet and replace with another. the top dogs remain . democracy never existed imo . bibi is a cunt too. i agree with that

moose eater

Well-known member
I don't see Bibi as acting in a puppet role in this case.

Israel's Nationalist Zionist Theocrats have a defiance currently in their "God has said we're his chosen" nonsense that has them flipping the bird to the entire world if they're criticized, including the US.

And I believe that some crimes are so heinous that it is solely up to those who have been harmed to decide if the crimes are forgiven or not.

If those were my 3 or 4 generations of children who have been arbitrarily murdered in Gaza by lunatic religious fanatics, I'd have done everything in my power to end Bibi and those like him long ago.

If I were Rachel Corie's parents, I'd have been holding bake sales and selling my possessions until I could afford someone who could get close enough to him to cause a change in his plans for his future. And I absolutely would not repent for such an action.

I've been opposed to the death penalty for decades. Systems/governmental bodies make errors and are typically not held to account for their crimes due to their immunity. But we offer immunity for those who commit heinous crimes as a matter of their twisted perceptions of 'duty' these days; power brokers coated with Teflon.

There are some people in this world for whom I believe the world spins a lot better if they're not weighting it down with their imbalance. Bibi is one of those in my opinion.

The Palestinian Doc who lost 2 daughters years ago to Israeli tank shells fired into his house and then another 22 family members to the Israeli bombing of the refugee camp? I respect him, but he has a right to call for forgiveness. In my opinion, no one has a right to demand he forgives, though he has chosen that path. And I admire him for that. He's a far greater man than I will likely ever be.


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Anglo-American rage and strategic patience of’Iran​


By Mikhail Gamandiy Egorov
Washington and London are looking for’ climbing on an international scale. Finding themselves in obvious difficulty on all fronts, the two regimes are now desperately trying to find ways to break the strategic patience of their main opponents internationally, he said, among which of course Iran’.

The strikesbritish-etasunians conducted against Yemen are once again not some demonstration of force on the part of the’axon, Anglo-saxon, but rather a desperate sign that their much-desired scenarios are not going as planned. There is no shortage of reasons. Failure of the famous Otano-Kievian counter-offensive of last summer, in which British and American strategists had played a key role, failure also underway in the Middle East where despite the countless Palestinian civilian casualties – Washington, London as Tel Aviv fail to achieve their goals. The very at’time when the regional resistance forces – in Lebanon, Iraq, Iraq, Turkey,in Syria as in Yemen have shown their determination by making effective limited strikes against nostalgic people of unipolarity – without currently using their full potential.

Obviously and in this explosive regional configuration – the enemies of international peace seek by all means to directly involve’Iran. At a time when it has become definitively clear that the’ Zionist state, the great regional ally of Anglo-East Americans, is certainly not the main regional power. And who already suffering many difficulties on the ground in the face of Palestinian resistance – finds himself at the same time in a very complicated economic situation.

However,’Iran continues to show strategic patience, supporting its regional allies, who are showing’Iran efficiency with expenses incomparably lower than those of the’ax Washington-London-Tel-Aviv. Possible new sanctions of the western world minority against’ Iran n’y will also change nothing as the Persian nation being one of the two countries, along with Russia, will, the most targeted by these illegal unilateral sanctions – has perfectly demonstrated being able to overcome them. And even before the new opportunities that have been offered to Tehran through the even greater strengthening of ties with Moscow and Beijing, l’official accessionat the BRICS, normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia, ongoing dedollarization and new major projects in the Eurasian’.

It’ is precisely that which so hinders the western otanesque’ax and all the nostalgic of’a bygone era. As they are no longer able to dictate their wild law to the world, they also realize that time is playing in favor of the proponents of the contemporary multipolar world order. And this – on all fronts. De-facto this impotence enrages the anglo-etasunians who hope through their crimes push the’adversary to the fault. Except that’s must keep in mind that only direct aggression against Iranian territory will push Tehran to retaliate much more firmly than is the case today’, with all the consequences as well for the tens of thousands of US military present in the region, as well as’ regarding l’existence subsequent to the Israeli regime.

One thing is for sure – chaos, which forms the very basis of the US and British regimes, turns against its instigators. This being said – the flames that’s receive in return already today’s are far from representing the true potential of retaliation that can strike the worst criminals in the history of’humanity.


Well-known member
The cowardice and arrogant stupidity of the neonazi terrorist US/UK will soon get what they deserve :ROFLMAO::hotbounce


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Egypt and China call for the establishment of a Palestinian state​

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Chinese diplomat Wang Yi believe it is necessary to resolve the crisis through the creation of an independent Palestinian state, in accordance with international legal acts, according to the spokesman of the Egyptian President.
This statement was relayed after the reception of the head of Chinese diplomacy in Cairo.
The parties condemned the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their territories and insisted on compliance with international legislation in this area.
Wang Yi conveyed to the Egyptian head of state an oral message from the Chinese President who highly appreciates Egypt's role in strengthening security and stability in the Middle East.


moose eater

Well-known member

Imagine a group of thieves, standing in front of your home, celebrating, boasting, chanting, and singing of the taking of your possessions and homes!

In my 'hood, one might call that a 'target practice opportunity.' The kind of shit that requires serious indoctrination, mass delusions of grandiosity and the ego of religious 'superiority' that shrieks, "God LOVES ME MOST!!!", to justify such bullshit.

How many countries in the world are so prestigious as to receive a perpetual pass for such barbarism? The US of A, in its posturing, boasts of having invaded countries for less.

Yet in this case, we lift restrictions on use of banned weapons, standards of conduct for even having access to our weapons, and as a good-luck tip, an additional $14.8 Billion USD for whatever happens down the road, and to bribe our representatives with the involvement of AIPAC.

And people accept this as honorable, and somehow in synch with that whole "and justice for all", or "Land of the Free" bullshit.

Somewhere Rod Serling is spinning, and hollering, "WHY WEREN'T MY WRITERS IN ON THIS SCRIPT???!!!"


Well-known member

Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis​

Is it a coincidence that the world's foremost terror organization is being revived just as the US struggles under a multi-front assault on its hegemony in West Asia? More curiously, both ISIS and Washington's targets are exactly the same.


moose eater

Well-known member

Joe has lost his Irish card

The Irish knew oppression. Joe knows Corvettes, private prisons, DoD excesses, and Wall St.

Many of my ancestors were Irish who came to the US colonies in the 1730's, descended from an Irish Pagan King, and worked the land with their hands as farmers in a small log cabin that housed the 8 of them, adults and children, until they owned the majority of refined farmland around their small Indiana home, and donated the land that now represents the community cemetery there. The ashes of my mother and younger brother are buried there.

Joe's got no visible relationship to the plight of the Irish, for whom I have family volumes in books and drawings.. He'd more likely have affiliated with the Irish kings of 500 A.D. who betrayed their citizens and countrymen in order to kiss the King's ass and retain their tiny mercenary kingdoms.

Joe's been a pro-corporatist Wall Streeter since his days in the Senate. His occasional pretense toward progressive issues is a shallow effort toward appeasement in an attempt to retain a fraction of that vote for what is now most likely an unwinnable election for him. He's a political whore with a giant ego, and now, as was the case with his support for the illegal invasion of Iraq, he's complicit in mass murder, and now, genocide.
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