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Well-known member
@greyfader dunno what my pic had to do with Maga?

I'm not even American you *insult that I'm not allowed to say on here, because they delete everything*

pretty funny, duuuh


Well-known member
@greyfader dunno what my pic had to do with Maga?

I'm not even American you *insult that I'm not allowed to say on here, because they delete everything*

pretty funny, duuuh
don't get personal, it's just my way of checking. it's still funny, though! now i know that you are not American, but what nation are you in and why do you support russia in this war?


Well-known member


Well-known member
what nation are you in and why do you support russia in this war?

first of all, this isn't picking a team, like it's a feckin sports game.
Second of all, I'm playing in Team Jesus!

A nation that is neutral and yet is getting fucked by Uncle Sam.
Do you even have an idea what damage your little proxy war is causing to my people?

6 in 10 homes are now struggling because energy prices exploded like 500%, after our neoliberal government jumped onto the sanctions band wagon, while getting like 85% of raw energy from Russia. Apparently nobody told them about that fact...
We've once been the 6th richest country in the world and the one with the highest standard of living.
All gone! Thanks to Joe and Ursula's blackmail, you gotta love the cunning.
Let's go Brandon!
big guy.jpeg

Most important though, Russia gave us our independence, so we can never again raise arms against them, especially not after what we did to them... there is a reason we are not in NATO...
Our independence day celebrates the very day, when the last Russian soldier had withdrawn.
We could have ended up a US military base, like Germany :sick:


I speak Russian, not as well as English, but enough to make myself a picture.
Like my ancestors, I'm now sitting it out, waiting for the Red Army to liberate us from tyranny... Communism this time :ROFLMAO:

Of course Putin is a thug, he personally killed people, which I can respect.
I don't respect Obama's drone strikes though e.g.
From an ethical standpoint, Putler's invasion is unjustifiable, duh!
But geopolitics = imperialism = no ethics. Also huge double standard here...



Just understand, that there is no right or wrong in this, we are all fucked! WW3!
As a person, I just wanna be able to survive and maybe prosper, that's all.

If America gives me that cheap gas and fuel, I would sing "O! say can you see, by the dawns early light..." so fucking well, that you would throw me a green card.

but since this has never been the case ever, it's always gonna be "Rossia - sviashennaia nasha derzhava, Rossia - lubimaia nasha strana!"

65% of Austrians today have Slavic ancestry, myself included.
How could I ever turn against my blood?
Now Slavs die on both sides and the Anglo Saxons cheering them on, adding fuel to the fire...
it just sickens me!
Some things you just feel right about inside, so it doesn't matter when people call you stupid for what you feel.

If Ukraine wasn't run by puppets, I can see a moral case for support.
But in reality they are getting played, this thing would already be over without NATO weapons, just prolonging the inevitable.

We the people, are getting played here! We butt our heads over these stupid issues, that are created for just that. Pushed by the media to keep us divided, while "they" are robbing us blind.


"divide et imperia"

turned out to be a long rant, just know that I love you all!
Team Jesus, you know

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Well-known member
first of all, this isn't picking a team, like it's a feckin sports game.
Second of all, I'm playing in Team Jesus!

A nation that is neutral and yet is getting fucked by Uncle Sam.
Do you even have an idea what damage your little proxy war is causing to my people?

6 in 10 homes are now struggling because energy prices exploded like 500%, after our neoliberal government jumped onto the sanctions band wagon, while getting like 85% of raw energy from Russia. Apparently nobody told them about that fact...
We've once been the 6th richest country in the world and the one with the highest standard of living.
All gone! Thanks to Joe and Ursula's blackmail, you gotta love the cunning.
Let's go Brandon!
View attachment 18880433

Most important though, Russia gave us our independence, so we can never again raise arms against them, especially not after what we did to them... there is a reason we are not in NATO...
Our independence day celebrates the very day, when the last Russian soldier had withdrawn.
We could have ended up a US military base, like Germany :sick:


I speak Russian, not as well as English, but enough to make myself a picture.
Like my ancestors, I'm now sitting it out, waiting for the Red Army to liberate us from tyranny... Communism this time :ROFLMAO:

Of course Putin is a thug, he personally killed people, which I can respect.
I don't respect Obama's drone strikes though e.g.
From an ethical standpoint, Putler's invasion is unjustifiable, duh!
But geopolitics = imperialism = no ethics. Also huge double standard here...

View attachment 18880445
View attachment 18880443

Just understand, that there is no right or wrong in this, we are all fucked! WW3!
As a person, I just wanna be able to survive and maybe prosper, that's all.

If America gives me that cheap gas and fuel, I would sing "O! say can you see, by the dawns early light..." so fucking well, that you would throw me a green card.

but since this has never been the case ever, it's always gonna be "Rossia - sviashennaia nasha derzhava, Rossia - lubimaia nasha strana!"

65% of Austrians today have Slavic ancestry, myself included.
How could I ever turn against my blood?
Now Slavs die on both sides and the Anglo Saxons cheering them on, adding fuel to the fire...
it just sickens me!
Some things you just feel right about inside, so it doesn't matter when people call you stupid for what you feel.

If Ukraine wasn't run by puppets, I can see a moral case for support.
But in reality they are getting played, this thing would already be over without NATO weapons, just prolonging the inevitable.

We the people, are getting played here! We butt our heads over these stupid issues, that are created for just that. Pushed by the media to keep us divided, while "they" are robbing us blind.


"divide et imperia"

turned out to be a long rant, just know that I love you all!
Team Jesus, you know

View attachment 18880442
first of all, i sincerely thank you for explaining yourself! you are the first one in the opposition on this thread to do so.

and you have identified yourself as part of the religious right in Europe. i respect your stance on this because you are honest about it.

i am anti-war and protested vietnam to the point where i was being chased down Haight Street by police wielding riot batons. i don't think we should have gone into Iraq.

but. most of the reasons you have given are selfish ones. and temporary. you blame the US and NATO for your energy problems. may i submit to you that you wouldn't be having any of these problems if putler hadn't invaded Ukraine. and the energy problems will cease the moment he leaves Ukraine.

"geopolitics = imperialism = no ethics." yes, and putler's ethics are non-existent. he uses religion as a tool to control large masses of uneducated people and that's about as despicable as it gets. "God told me to do it."

"let's go brandon" i'm not too happy with biden either, but i detest trump.

your comments on sexuality assume that tolerating is endorsing, and it's not the same thing. i'm not gay and i don't tell children it's ok. but i must support their right to be what they want to be. they are human and part of every society in the world.

and here is something to consider about religion and pedophiles. the catholic church, and i suspect most official churches, have more pedophiles per capita as members than any other segment of society.

if i ever caught someone molesting a child i would probably execute them on the spot. i don't believe in robbing a child of their innocence. i don't think schools should be talking about sexuality. that's up to the parents to decide.

i am an independent who would vote republican next time if they can come up with a sane, moderate, and responsible candidate

so, mr hmong, i love you too, brother, and i hope your suffering will be relieved soon. i don't hate anyone!


Well-known member
@greyfader look! we are simply too many generations apart to have anything in common.

You are over there cheering for the war from the retirement home! Yeah lets fuck those Ivan's, fuck em to death.

While I am here, 700miles from the action, still of prime military age, did my conscription and am therefore eligible to be drafted by law. Once shit really hits the fan!

and you have identified yourself as part of the religious right in Europe.

That's called "Catholicism"
It's a thing in my country, read some history^^

but. most of the reasons you have given are selfish ones.
ALL my reasons are selfish, that was my whole argument.
Imagine having a survival instinct!
mhm? my self preservation vs. others morals? really tough choice!

Oh, he so selfish for wanting to live cheaply, where people don't defecate and shoot up on the sidewalk. Bad conservative! bad! bad!

Fascists! Barbarians! Degenerates!
says CNN...
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Well-known member
i certainly don't think we have anything in common. i use logic and you use emotion to form arguments.

i am not cheering for the war, i wish it had not happened at all. but, unlike you, i understand that the russians staged a massive invasion of a sovereign country. i am not the only one to think so, 143 nations have formally condemned russia.

and i really don't think you have to worry about being drafted as you are not russian or ukrainian. you seemed to be consumed by fear and, once again, motivated by emotion.

about reading some history, it's one of my favorite subjects. correct me if i'm wrong but i think austria has been predominately catholic since the habsburg monarchy. do you know that there are 72 million catholics in the US? isn't that about 7 times the entire population of austria?

we are all selfish but sometimes we have to think of others. you know, just to be morally correct. like jesus.

you must not have read much of this thread because you missed the part where i spoke about the failed social experiments in oregon, where i lived for 5 years, 2013-2018, running my own commercial legal grow.

i've already expressed my conservative leanings to you in the last post. do you have trouble interpreting what you read? the difference is that i'm not extreme right, just a little right of center, moderate, and independent. i don't like either political party in my country. i don't want extreme anything. i would really like to see some common sense and civility in politics. i'm tired of the culture wars.

that last pic you posted is hilarious when you consider that the average russian lives in poverty compared to any western country.

The average annual salary in Russia is 1,240,000 Rubles (RUB) or USD 14,771 (according to the exchange rate in June 2023)

whereas in the poorest state in the US;

The average salary in Mississippi is $46,500 per year or $22.36 per hour. Entry level positions start at $32,755 per year while most experienced workers make up to $100,630 per year.

if you don't have a calculator handy that's more than 3 times the average income in russia.

maybe it's you who needs to do a little reading.


Well-known member
Obama, Drone War, I just said it all above...
i saw it. i just believe that Putin is responsible for more deaths, whether by his own hand (which YOU "respect") or by those merely "following orders". call it whatever you like, no skin off of my nose. i simply do not trust your "numbers" or classifications of "invasions". tough choices have to be made, and they made them. were mistakes made, and innocent people died? yup. how many countries have the US and allies "annexed" by military means (or ANY means) with the intent of keeping them? and how many independent nations has Putin got his sights on or threatened?:unsure:
i'm not too happy with biden either, but i detest trump.
voting for the lesser evil is misconstrued more on here (probably deliberately) than anything else. yeah, i know...it is still voting for an evil. but NOT voting for the lesser guarantees the success and resulting misery from the greater. i'm not "pro-Biden", i'm "anti-Chump". that means i'll vote for whoever is running against him...:shucks::good:count on it!


Well-known member
i saw it. i just believe that Putin is responsible for more deaths, whether by his own hand (which YOU "respect") or by those merely "following orders". call it whatever you like, no skin off of my nose. i simply do not trust your "numbers" or classifications of "invasions". tough choices have to be made, and they made them. were mistakes made, and innocent people died? yup. how many countries have the US and allies "annexed" by military means (or ANY means) with the intent of keeping them? and how many independent nations has Putin got his sights on or threatened?:unsure:

voting for the lesser evil is misconstrued more on here (probably deliberately) than anything else. yeah, i know...it is still voting for an evil. but NOT voting for the lesser guarantees the success and resulting misery from the greater. i'm not "pro-Biden", i'm "anti-Chump". that means i'll vote for whoever is running against him...:shucks::good:count on it!
putler the annexer!

i hear you on the trump issue. we don't need a sociopath in the presidency again. now someone will read this and call me a flaming liberal. i don't want to be part of someone's social experiment either. i want to move forward not backward, but with common sense.


Well-known member
because it's the soul, that is the Divine and the intellect is the Devil.

Atheists, man... pointless

I rest my case, your honor.
"because it's the soul, that is the Divine and the intellect is the Devil."

please show me one place in the scriptures where this sentiment is expressed. you can't do it because it doesn't exist in any Christian bible.

from St Catharine of Siena;

“How is this Sacrament to be truly tasted, seen, and touched? With the sentiment of the soul. With what eye is It to be seen? With the eye of the intellect if within it is the pupil of the most holy faith. This eye sees in that whiteness whole God and whole man, the Divine nature united with the human nature, the Body, the Soul, and the Blood of Christ, the Soul united to the Body, the Body and the Soul united with My Divine nature, not detached from Me, as I revealed to you, if you remember well, almost in the beginning of your life; and not so much at first through the eye of your intellect as through your bodily eye, although the light being so great your bodily eyes lost their vision, and only the sight of the eye of your intellect remained. I showed it to you for your enlightenment in the battle that the Devil had been waging against you in this Sacrament; and to make you increase in love in the light of the most holy faith.;

"only the sight of the eye of your intellect remained."

it appears as if she is saying the intellect is as important as the sentiment of the soul. and you've assumed i'm an atheist without reason to believe so.

you are so internally conflicted. when you look in the mirror do you see two?


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
first of all, this isn't picking a team, like it's a feckin sports game.
Second of all, I'm playing in Team Jesus!

A nation that is neutral and yet is getting fucked by Uncle Sam.
Do you even have an idea what damage your little proxy war is causing to my people?

6 in 10 homes are now struggling because energy prices exploded like 500%, after our neoliberal government jumped onto the sanctions band wagon, while getting like 85% of raw energy from Russia. Apparently nobody told them about that fact...
We've once been the 6th richest country in the world and the one with the highest standard of living.
All gone! Thanks to Joe and Ursula's blackmail, you gotta love the cunning.
Let's go Brandon!
View attachment 18880433

Most important though, Russia gave us our independence, so we can never again raise arms against them, especially not after what we did to them... there is a reason we are not in NATO...
Our independence day celebrates the very day, when the last Russian soldier had withdrawn.
We could have ended up a US military base, like Germany :sick:


I speak Russian, not as well as English, but enough to make myself a picture.
Like my ancestors, I'm now sitting it out, waiting for the Red Army to liberate us from tyranny... Communism this time :ROFLMAO:

Of course Putin is a thug, he personally killed people, which I can respect.
I don't respect Obama's drone strikes though e.g.
From an ethical standpoint, Putler's invasion is unjustifiable, duh!
But geopolitics = imperialism = no ethics. Also huge double standard here...

View attachment 18880445
View attachment 18880443

Just understand, that there is no right or wrong in this, we are all fucked! WW3!
As a person, I just wanna be able to survive and maybe prosper, that's all.

If America gives me that cheap gas and fuel, I would sing "O! say can you see, by the dawns early light..." so fucking well, that you would throw me a green card.

but since this has never been the case ever, it's always gonna be "Rossia - sviashennaia nasha derzhava, Rossia - lubimaia nasha strana!"

65% of Austrians today have Slavic ancestry, myself included.
How could I ever turn against my blood?
Now Slavs die on both sides and the Anglo Saxons cheering them on, adding fuel to the fire...
it just sickens me!
Some things you just feel right about inside, so it doesn't matter when people call you stupid for what you feel.

If Ukraine wasn't run by puppets, I can see a moral case for support.
But in reality they are getting played, this thing would already be over without NATO weapons, just prolonging the inevitable.

We the people, are getting played here! We butt our heads over these stupid issues, that are created for just that. Pushed by the media to keep us divided, while "they" are robbing us blind.


"divide et imperia"

turned out to be a long rant, just know that I love you all!
Team Jesus, you know

View attachment 18880442

At least you will work inside their parameters.

Thanks for being up front in your forwardness.


Well-known member
this is fascinating! the video is about Ukraine's progress with the offensive but if you go to 14:05 you will see some interesting behavior from putler. he plays with his 100k dollar watch. he takes it off his left arm, fidgets with it, puts it on his right arm, and then, a few moments later looks at his left arm to check the time.

all subconscious behavior showing stress. i believe his cheese has slid off his cracker!


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