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Ukraine is looking to make a « dirty bomb »​

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#Terrorist_State – Ukraine seeks to manufacture a “dirty bomb”, according to Russian intelligence

"kyiv has transported nuclear fuel from the Rovno power plant for reprocessing," Sergei Narishkine said.

"This fuel was transported to a storage site in Chernobyl," he said.

The head of Russian Foreign Intelligence (SVR) stressed that the Ukrainian authorities had at no time notified the IAEA of this activity.

A mixture of conventional explosives and nuclear substances, a dirty bomb would have 'disastrous consequences' over a vast territory of Eastern Europe, he warned

Moscow is legitimately worried that this will not stop the kyiv regime, which has taken an assumed terrorist turn, covered up by its Western sponsors.

➡➡ "Aware of its imminent end", the kyiv regime "sinks into madness"

WAIT! Isn't that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman????

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

holocaust (n.)

mid-13c., "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Old French holocauste (12c.), or directly from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston "a thing wholly burnt," neuter of holokaustos "burned whole,"

Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki. So much for me being a ”holocaust denying nazi hater”. Rest assure I will continue to refute your lies, all while pointing out the genocidal nature of ”the good side”.

As for the germans doing nothing wrong lol, they started a war against Russia and got their asses handed to them.

There are pictures of the ovens at Dachau and Auschwitz. Get over yourself.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children..."

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


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Active member
There are pictures of the ovens at Dachau and Auschwitz. Get over yourself.
We have crematories here too. The cremation process takes an hour after which the remains are then ground into powder.

How many ovens did they have in Auschwitz and how many supposed victims do you believe they turned to ashes? Was it 4 million or 1.5? Asking because the numbers have been revised.

And that is not even going into the details of supposed gas chambers with wooden doors and no trace of hydrogen cyanide.

Maybe start a new topic if you want to continue this discussion.


Active member
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children..."
Here is how America cares for its people.

But send more billions to Ukraine so that ever more ukranians can end up dead, or like this one out of three survivors among 120.

Best money ever spent, because russians are dying…


Well-known member
might as well start the day off right! chomp, chomp, chomp! munitions factory burning deep in Russia.

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We have crematories here too. The cremation process takes an hour after which the remains are then ground into powder.

How many ovens did they have in Auschwitz and how many supposed victims do you believe they turned to ashes? Was it 4 million or 1.5? Asking because the numbers have been revised.

And that is not even going into the details of supposed gas chambers with wooden doors and no trace of hydrogen cyanide.

Maybe start a new topic if you want to continue this discussion.

We can document your holocaust denial here.


Active member
We can document your holocaust denial here.
Like I said, there is no holocaust denial from me: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Countless civilian victims burned to death by the supposed good guys of the second world war, the very people who protected genocidal ukranian nazis then and now alike.


Well-known member
Like I said, there is no holocaust denial from me: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Countless civilian victims burned to death by the supposed good guys of the second world war, the very people who protected genocidal ukranian nazis then and now alike.
and none of it has any bearing or effect on this war. there is no acceptable justification for the invasion of Ukraine.


Active member
and none of it has any bearing or effect on this war. there is no acceptable justification for the invasion of Ukraine.
1. Right and this is why I told mustard to go start another thread.

2. Ukronazi ceasfire violations and preparations for a ground assault against the Donbass republics was reason enough.

That said no one one cares that you do not find their reasons and responsibility to protect the people of Donbass ”acceptable”.


Well-known member
1. Right and this is why I told mustard to go start another thread.

2. Ukronazi ceasfire violations and preparations for a ground assault against the Donbass republics was reason enough.

That said no one one cares that you do not find their reasons and responsibility to protect the people of Donbass ”acceptable”.
you "told" him? how about i tell you to start another thread about your twisted beliefs?

apparently, most of the civilized world does care about the "acceptability" of Russia's assault on a sovereign nation as they have voted to condemn it in the United Nations and are pouring massive aid into Ukraine right now.

even China and India have now voted against the invasion.



Well-known member
so here we are, 30 years past the breakup of the USSR, and Russia is trying to regain its empire by intimidation, blackmail, and outright use of force.

all they have done is harden the resolve to resist. and expand NATO.

what if, instead of taking this course, they had engaged in a campaign to win the hearts and minds of these people by being a beneficial, helpful neighbor who enriched those countries and helped build their economies and improve their quality of life?

Russia would be seen today as a great nation and would have strong allies amongst the former Soviet republics. they would love and respect Russia instead of fearing and despising it.

now, Russia is known as a brutal, oppressive, rogue regime that has ill intent. nobody wants to be Russian.


Active member
apparently, most of the civilized world does care about the "acceptability" of Russia's assault on a sovereign nation as they have voted to condemn it in the United Nations and are pouring massive aid into Ukraine right now.

even China and India have now voted against the invasion.
Most of the civilized world lmao. Well, good for you to come out from your closet racist. But who are you to speak about national sovereignty? Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, on and on goes the list of nations whos sovereignty has been violated by the United States.

First end your occupations of Syria, German, Japan etc etc, then you come back and talk about national sovereignty.
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Well-known member



Active member
so here we are, 30 years past the breakup of the USSR, and Russia is trying to regain its empire by intimidation, blackmail, and outright use of force.
Funny how 130 nations attended the SPIEF in spite of americans threatening them. And here you are, an american russophobe pretending that they attended because Russia threatened them.


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The outcome of the war in Ukraine is approaching with lightning speed​

y Gilbert Doctorow

Today, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made an announcement that has yet to be picked up by Western media, but is of the utmost importance.

According to the latest intelligence reports, Russia believes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces now intend to cover their failed counter-offensive in the Donbass using US-provided HIMARS multi-launch artillery and missiles UK supplied Storm Shadow cruisers, possibly in the longer range local version, to attack Crimea.

If that happens, Shoigu said, Russia will consider the United States and Britain to have entered the war fully as co-belligerents. And Russia will immediately respond to any such attack on its territory by destroying the "decision-making centers" of the kyiv regime. This is a fairly transparent threat to "neutralize" the machinery of government and its personnel, including, logically, President Zelensky.

The Shoigu declaration leaves little doubt that we are entering the final phase of the war in Ukraine, a war limited to the geography of Ukraine, and that we may be heading towards a wider war in the unforeseeable consequences both for Europeans and (ultimately) for Americans.

The ball is in Washington's and London's court.

source: Gilbert Doctorow


Well-known member

America's Perpetual War: Six Important Questions​

by Joseph H. Chung


Former US President Jimmy Carter said in 2018 that in America [United States] there have been 226 years of wars since its independence which took place 242 years ago thus leaving only 16 years of peace.

Since World War II, there have been 32 US military conflicts involving dozens of countries. Some of these military conflicts have lasted for more than twenty years and others are still ongoing.

In other words, the United States is a country of perpetual war. War is a terribly destructive human activity. Millions of human beings were sacrificed. Tens of trillions of dollars worth of homes, schools, factories, hospitals and other infrastructure have been destroyed in countries that have been the target of US military attacks.

Perpetual war has destroyed the very foundation of freedom and democracy ; it has prevented a sound and equitable economic development of the world; it has led to the violation of human rights; it has ruined the traditional values of many countries and, above all, it has caused lasting human suffering.

America's perpetual, billion-dollar war has deprived millions of Americans of decent incomes, adequate housing, needed food, much-needed health care, street safety, reliable infrastructure, essential education and other goods and services necessary for a decent life.

Before going any further, I would like to quote the historic declaration of the President Dwight Eisenhower.

«Every weapon made, every warship launched, every rocket fired ultimately means robbery from those who are hungry and unfed, from those who are cold and unclothed. This world in arms does not only spend money, it spends the sweat of its workers, the genius of its scientists, the hope of children.". (Address by President Dwight Eisenhower to the North American Society of News editors, April 16, 1953)

In this article, I ask the following six questions:

  • How many wars has the United States fought since World War II?
  • How are American wars organized?
  • What is the purpose of America's wars?
  • Who are the beneficiaries of America's wars?
  • What are the negative impacts of American wars?
  • Will America's wars continue?

How many wars has the United States fought since World War II?

There are undoubtedly several ways of defining war. In this article, I define war in terms of US military interventions. Defined thus, I counted 32 wars undertaken by the United States since World War II.

I have classified these wars according to the following categories:

  • invasion (23 cases),
  • "civil war" (7 cases), and
  • multi-target warfare (2)
Which give 32 wars that have taken place since World War II, during the so-called "post-war era".

There is reason to believe that there are still many undeclared military interventions carried out by “war contractors” and special operations forces units spread across 1000 military bases in 191 countries. The list of American wars is presented below.

invasions :

Korean War (1950-1953), Vietnam War (1955-1975); Cuban, Bay of Pigs (1961), Lebanon (1982-1984), Grenada (1983), Bombing of Libya (1984), Tanker War-Persian Gulf (1984-1987), Panama (1989-1990), Gulf (1989-1991), Iraq War (1991-1993), Bosnian War (1992-1995), Haiti (1994-1999), Kosovo (1998-1999), Afghanistan (2001-2021), Yemen (2002) -present), Iraq (2003 -2011), Pakistan (2004-2018), Somalia (2007-present) Libya (2011), Niger (2013-present) Iraq (2014-2021), Syria (2014-present), Libya (2015-2019). [Ukraine, yet to be categorized]

Civil Wars:

Indochina (1959-1975), Indonesia (1958-1961), Lebanon (1958), Dominican Republic (1968-1966), Korea DMZ (1966-1969), Cambodia (1967-1975), Somalia (1991-present).

Multi-Target Wars :

Operation Ocean Shield : location, Indian Ocean (2008-2016), Operation Observant Compass : location, Uganda and Central Africa (2011-2017).

How are American wars organized?

To understand the nature and implications of perpetual war in the United States, it is necessary to introduce the concept ofAmerican Pro-War Community (APWC).

In the literature and the media, the notion of military-industrial complex (MIC) to describe America's vast system of perpetual wars. But, in reality, the perpetual war system involves many more individuals and organizations than in the MIC.

The APWC is a tight-knit community that pursues its interests at the expense of the well-being of average Americans and the interests of people in target countries. It is so well organized and so well rooted and so powerful that it is almost impossible to dissolve it.

The AWPC's core group includes the War Societies and Federal Government led by the Pentagon, Congress, Senate and other government agencies.

There are two support groups comprising all kinds of institutions and organizations.

There is the group supporting the supply of war goods and services.

Then there is the group supporting the creation of demand for war goods and services.

The efficiency of the whole system of production and sale of war goods and services depends on how well the core group and supporting groups can work in harmony to achieve the wars goals of maximizing profit. and intra-APWC profit sharing.

Supply of War Goods and Services

The supply of war goods and services is ensured by companies that produce weapons, construction companies that build and manage all kinds of buildings, catering companies that supply food and drink to GIs, information companies that offer information needed for wars and even academics that offer ideas and technologies.

In the United States, 40 large companies have annual sales of nearly $600 billion.

The following chart shows the importance of the top five military companies in the United States.

Table 1. Five major companies in the American Defense [armaments] sector: 2022 annual sales ($ billion) and growth (latest years: %)

Note: LM (Lockheed Martin), NG (Northrop Grumman); Source GD (general dynamics)

The total annual revenue of the top five arms companies in 2022 was $241,8 billion, including $183,3 billion from the sale of war goods and services, or 75,8% of the total. total turnover.

The supply of war goods and services relies on an extensive production chain involving foreign and domestic suppliers of raw materials and intermediate products. In addition, academics and information companies provide information, technology and other services necessary for the production of weapons.

Here is a list of the best known universities that are involved in America's wars. Each of these universities offers a variety of war goods (products) and services for the war industry.

In this article, for each academic institution, only one representative product or service is mentioned.

At least 70% of university research projects are funded by the Pentagon:

  • Boston College helps the Air Force.
  • The University of Massachusetts Lowell is developing mono-technology for the military.
  • Tufts University improves the cognitive and physical performance of soldiers.
  • MIT provides such a large amount of military equipment and services that it is known as the "war corporation" ("war corporation" -military).
  • Columbia University and Brown University are developing the neural engineering system for DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Project Agency).
  • Princeton University produces hardware for the design and verification of open-collector integrated circuits.
  • Dartmouth University sells machine learning.
  • The University of Pennsylvania is developing artificial intelligence.
  • Stanford University develops chemical warfare technology and other war goods and services, so much so that it is considered to be in partnership with war corporations.
  • Harvard University develops educational materials for the war and is the main source of human resources for the arms industries. It was also at Harvard that American chemist Louis F. Fieser invented napalm for use in bombs and flamethrowers. The napalm bomb was widely used during the Korean War, the Vietnam War and several wars.
  • Johns Hopkins University manufactures the tools needed to assess the alternative offensive capabilities needed for combat in air, sea and cyberspace.
The sad reality of these American universities is that they depends so much war money that they are losing their primary vocation.

Christian Sorensen tackled this problem in his book (“Understanding the War Industry», Clarity Press 2022- Understand the war industry, Clarity Press 2022). He believes that universities are neglecting their vocation relating to the search and dissemination of the truth.

«But its complex ties to the War Department show that the university's true color is more about government funding than the nobility of academia.". (Sorenson: p.221)

By the way, I found a lot of useful information, data and ideas in Sorensen's book, which is certainly an important contribution to the critical literature of Perpetual Wars.

Information technology companies are also active participants in America's wars. In fact, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google provide the armed forces with cutting-edge technology that makes it easier to reduce the human and material costs of wars.

The demand for war goods and services

What distinguishes thewar economy de l 'peace economy, it is the amazing fact that supply generates demand.

In the American war economy, the final demand for war goods (goods) and services is determined by the Pentagon (the Department of Defense) and certain foreign countries.

However, the Pentagon does not have all the information needed to estimate war demand, so it relies on information provided by war companies.

Therefore, war businesses that supply war products and services have the amazing role of determining demand.

Thus, on the market for war products and services, supply determines demand.

This is the root of the perpetual nature of American wars and the profit that accrues to the APWC.

But to have war, you have to have enemies. However, War Enterprises lack the research capability to find real enemies or fabricate enemies. The role of finding or making enemies falls to the think tanks that are generously funded by the war societies.

When think tanks find or manufacture enemies, new wars or the continuation of old wars are justified.

On the other hand, lobby groups are now pressuring legislators and policy makers to recognize the identity of the enemies produced by the think tanks ; this is done through lobbying (bribes).

As for the media, their role is to best prepare the minds and souls of Americans to accept the colossal defense budget. without realizing the destructive consequences of perpetual wars.

It goes without saying that pressure groups and the media are financed by the war enterprises.

The demand for war goods and services created by these pro-war individuals and organizations translates into the annual defense budget of the United States which amounts, in 2023, to 886 billion dollars.

This means that Washington's defense budget in 2023 is 50% of South Korea's GDP in 2023, which is $1800 trillion. The US defense budget represents 40% of the $2200 trillion global defense budget.

The Big Five Arms Companies: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics receive up to 150 billion dollars from the defense budget.

Think Tanks

Think tanks play a major role in perpetuating America's wars. Their function is to produce reports and documents to show the seriousness of the crisis and the need to increase the military budget so that the crisis can be managed by military force.

The following shows how some large think tanks (Think Tanks) are generously funded by war corporations. The data is taken from a Global Research article by Amanda Yee (“Six War Managing Think Tank and the Military Contractors that finance them», March 7, 2023).

Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS)

CSIS has received in 2022 $100 or more from the following war enterprises: Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, Bechtel, Cummings, Hitachi, Hanhwa Group, Huntington Ingalls Industries, Mitsubishi Corp., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Raytheon, Samsung.

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

CNAS received in 2021, $50 or more from the following war enterprises: Huntington Ingalls Group, Neal Blue, BAE System, Booz Allen, Hamilton Intel Corp, General Dynamics.

Hudson Institute (HI)

HI has secured, in 2021, $50 or more from the following war enterprises: General Atomics, Linden Blue, Neal Blue, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Mitsubishi.

The Atlantic Council (AC)

In 2021, CA received $50 or more from the following war enterprises: Airbus, Neal Blue, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and SAIC.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

The IISS has received, in 2021, $25 or more from the following war enterprises: BAE System, Boeing, General Atomics, Raytheon, Rolls-Royce, Northrop Grumman.

There was a case where a think tank expressed an “expert opinion” in order to protect the interests of its sponsor (war enterprise). It was August 12, 2021.

The gigantic military contractor CACI which had a contract of 907 million dollars for 5 years in Afghanistan was disappointed with the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, which meant a loss of profit.

His think tank was the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). ISW President Kimberly Kagan said the US withdrawal would make Afghanistan a second ground for jihadism. By the way, retired General Jack Keane is a member of the IWS.

Pressure group

The lobby groups are led by individuals with close ties to war businesses, the Pentagon and Congress. Here is the partial list of pressure groups.

  • The Aerospace Industry Association (AIA): Its CEO is the former vice-president of a company producing rockets. AIA represents over 340 aerospace and defense companies
  • The National Defense Industry Association (NDIA) has 1600 members
  • The political action committee
  • The Association of United States Army (AUSA): Produces an industry guide for war businesses.
  • Business Executives for National Security (BENS) is made up of 450 nonprofit business executives who discuss security issues.
  • The Association of Old Crows (AOC) is a brotherhood of electronic warfare veterans and warlords. It is backed by war companies such as AECOM and Raytheon.
  • The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronomy (AIAA)
  • The National Security Resource Council
  • The War Policy Board, Department of Defense. (The War Dept Defense Policy Board)

Pro-war media

Most American media are pro-war. There are several reasons why the media is not critical of perpetual war, or even outright pro-war.

First, being corporate media, they are primarily concerned with making money rather than the collective welfare of American society.

Corporate media, including CNN, MSMBC and Fox News, prioritize program ratings.

They have no opinion on the terribly destructive consequences of perpetual war. Even if they have useful opinions, they dare not express them. When expressing an opinion, they usually refer to the opinion of the elite class.

Secondly, it is a long tradition in the United States that the media does not criticize the government.

Thirdly, the government censors the media, especially offline media.

Fourth, the number of media is directly related to the war industry. For example, in Defense News, retired 4-star Air Force general T. Michael Mosely wrote in April 2019 that the Air Force was woefully under-equipped.

There is a long list of pro-war media, mostly media related to the armed forces.

Cinquièmement, war societies openly pressure the media not to mention the root of war. For example,

«General Dynamics wants the corporate media never to question the root cause of the war". (Sorensen: p.72)

Sixth, the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows for greater corporate media propaganda.

In short, the demand for war is formed by the coordinated pro-war views created by war corporations, think tanks, pressure groups and the media.

These opinions are sent to the Pentagon, which determines the extent of the financial and human resources to be allocated to the war.

The remarkable coordination between these individuals and organizations resembles a well-prepared symphony orchestra.

Think tanks play the fiddle to produce a sweet sound for war societies;

Pressure groups play the trumpet to make the sound louder;

The media is drumming to draw public attention to the necessity of wars.

All of these actors are led by war corporations.

What is the purpose of America's wars?

There can be defensive goals et offensive goals of war. Defensive objectives may include the protection of national territory and national values such as religion, democracy and national property representing national tradition.

Then there may be offensive war aims which may include the imperial invasion of a foreign country in order to change the political and economic regime, change religion, appropriate the foreign country's natural resources and maintain hegemonic dominance. from America.

There is another offensive objective, namely,

In all likelihood, defensive purposes are irrelevant. No country dares to challenge American territory and its values. On the other hand, all offensive purposes are relevant.

Yet none of the offensive "goals" of the American wars seem to have been achieved.

  • Christianity had long concealed its presence.
  • American democracy is rapidly collapsing.
  • The regime change war ended with the destruction of the regime.
  • America's global hegemony must overcome several challenges.
As for the expropriation of natural resources from foreign countries, US imperialism should have been a success made possible by the global value chain. Its main beneficiaries are American multinationals.

Now, with regard to the impact of perpetual american war on the american economy, the usual analysis model is military keynesianism. A series of economic studies show that it can have a positive effect on the national economy in the short term, but that in the medium term it will harm the growth potential of the economy. In other words, war harms the national (civilian) economy.

«After the initial boost in demand, the effect of increased defense spending becomes negative about six years. After 10 years of higher defense spending, there would be 464 fewer jobs than the base scenario with lower spending'. (Dean Baker, economist cited in journals.openedition.org)

In short, American wars are not necessary for the achievement of defensive objectives.

Nor are they useful means for the materialization of offensive ends except for the expropriation of natural resources from foreign countries.

So why does the United States continue its wars?

If the war continues despite its questionable results, there must be people who benefit from the war. The inevitable conclusion is that these same people are members of the American Pro-War Community (APWC).

Who are the beneficiaries of America's wars?

For the AWPC to receive the benefits of wars, profit from war enterprises must be abnormally maximized. In fact, the profit of war enterprises must be very high for these reasons.

First, war enterprises receive research grants from the Pentagon and tax benefits from the federal government.

Secondly, the use of artificial intelligence-based production systems can significantly reduce the cost of production of war goods and services by war businesses.

Thirdly, war enterprises enjoy near-monopoly status through the merger of companies in the highly specialized weapons production sector. Lockheed's merger with Martin is a typical example.

Fourth, in a situation of Pentagon-war business collusion, the Pentagon's acceptance of a high contract price is important.

The privatization of war. The Culture of Eternal Corruption

Once the high profit of the company is assured, the next step to maintain the perpetual wars is the intra-AWPC sharing of the profit of the company.

This is done through bribes. Having received bribes, pro-war policymakers and pro-war legislators must join war businesses pushing for “more wars.”

Bribes are given to policy makers and legislators to agree to what the war societies demand. It's the start of a culture of eternal corruption.

The following cases illustrate some of the dimensions of the culture of corruption:

In 2012, the war businesses gave $30 million and in 2014 they gave $25,5 million to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Christian Sorensen shows the source of corporate funds given to the 25-member Senate Armed Services Committee. Here are some examples.

  • John McCain (R) : General Electric, Raytheon and several other war corporations
  • Jeanne Shaheen (D) : Boeing General Electric
  • Lindsey Graham (D) : Northrop Grumman, Raytheon
  • Bill Nelson (D): Lockheed Martin, Raytheon
A former CIA lobbyist made a significant statement regarding the state of corruption:

«Years of legalized corruption have exposed me to the worst elements of the political workings of our country. Today most lobbyists are engaged in a system of bribery, but it is legal bribery, the kind that runs rampant in the halls of Washington". (Sorensen: p.65)

In the last presidential election, Lockheed Martin donated $91 million. Fifty-eight members of the House Armed Service Committee received an average of $79 from the sector (war industry), three times more than other representatives. The expenses of lobbying member of the hawkish community amounted to $247 billion in the last two presidential elections.

The swinging door relationship

However, in addition to the bribe system, there is a swinging door relationship between the war industry and the Pentagon.

Swing-door relationships translate into direct industry involvement in the development of defense policy.
In fact, the Pentagon decision makers and the decision makers in the war industry are the same people.

The first swinging door allows two-way traffic for business leaders and Pentagon executives. Here are some decision making swing door system cases.

  • Ryan McCarthy assistant of Robert Gate, Secretary of Defense [War] returned to Lockheed Martin. He is now the undersecretary of the army.
  • General James Mattis is now on the board of General Dynamics, then, he became Secretary of Defense [War], then back to General Dynamics
  • An Assistant Secretary of Defense [War] was the chairman of oil and gas-focused Goldman Sachs
  • A director of Defense Technical Information (DTC) is a director of several companies
  • The Pentagon's Undersecretary of Defense [War] Finance was a partner in an accounting firm, Kearney, which has a close business relationship with the Pentagon.
  • Lester Lyle, general manager of General Dynamics was national commander of the Air Force
  • Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, had the following members in its advisory group: the CEOs of Apple, Visa, Walmart, Home Depot, IBM, the American Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Community College.
There are also what might be called the "three-way swing doors» , Namely

“The triad of corporations, the Pentagon and Think Tanks”

Some of the key members of Washington's war camp work for war companies, the Pentagon and think tanks. In this dynamic, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is often involved.

The bribe system and the swing-door apparatus of policy-making necessarily support the culture of corruption.

«Corporate America as a whole has also corrupted hearts and minds, dulling the public with entertainment and flooding it with commercialism.". (Sorensen: p.60)

What are the negative impacts of American wars?

America's wars have negative internal and external impacts. The internal negative impacts of US wars include the human cost and the economic cost.

The human cost of America's perpetual war is high. No one knows how many Americans are killed or injured. But some estimates say up to 50 Americans were injured in addition to the tens of thousands of GIs who were killed because of the perpetual wars.

«There is no honest account of where, how, and why we kill, how American citizens are protected, and what security advantages actually accrue to the United States in the pursuit of perpetual war.'. (William M. Arkin : Newsweek)

The economic and social costs are high. The destruction of the potential economic growth of the United States of America is the result of insufficient investments in the areas of education, health and infrastructure.

The United States invests nearly $1000 trillion a year to support its perpetual wars, forcing Americans to contribute $2200 a year (in taxes) to fund the wars.

The “opportunity cost” of American wars is high. “Opportunity cost” refers to investments that have been avoided due to wars.

Here are some examples of “opportunity costs”:

  • $70 billion to fight poverty;
  • $42 billion to repair 43 bridges in poor condition;
  • $10,6 billion for the proposed Center for Disease Control program;
  • $11,9 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • $17 billion for starving children.
Additionally, Washington needs the money to save 100 Americans who die of drug overdoses every year.

Washington must find a way to eliminate the street killings or killings that happen four times a day.

More than 10% of Americans are not covered by medical insurance. Even those who have medical insurance, the cost of insurance is beyond the reach of the majority of Americans.

Another serious internal negative impact of the war is the increase in public debt.

In 2023, the American public debt is 31 billion dollars against 000 billion dollars for its GDP. This means that public debt is 27% higher than GDP.

Much of this debt is attributable to wars. In fact, the war in Iraq has produced a US public debt of $3000 trillion.

This is a very dangerous situation, because with this type of public debt, the country's fiscal policy becomes completely useless.

Now, when it comes to the external negative impact of America's wars, the impacts are indescribable.

Nearly 1,3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan alone, not to mention that. the influx of millions of refugees.

Over the years, perpetual American wars have ruined national economies; they have undermined traditional religions and values; they have taken away hope for a better life from the peoples of the countries that have been the targets of American wars.

What is really troubling is this. American wars are meant to promote and maintain a safer world. But, in reality, America's wars have instead worsened global security and that of civilians.

«After two decades of fighting, in fact, no country in the Middle East – not a single country in the world – can claim to be safer than it was before 11/XNUMX. Every country now part of the expanding battlefield of perpetual war is a bigger disaster than a decade ago". (newsweek.com ibid).

So, who benefits from America's wars? sorensen gives an answer.

«The only people who ultimately benefit from the militarized war on drugs are senior military officers, DC [Washington] regime leaders, war corporations, and a few Native American elites.". (Sorenson: p. 298)

I can even go further. I would say the beneficiaries are the members of APWC.

Will America's wars continue?

Despite its terribly negative impact, these wars will continue, because it is beneficial for the APWC.

Perpetual war requires the following strategies: the perpetual existence of enemies on the one hand and, on the other hand, the adoption of an invisible war without politics.

If there is no demand for war, there will be no war.

Therefore, for war to continue, there must be a continuous demand for war.

But, for there to be a demand for war, there must be a crisis and there must be countries or individuals in crisis. These countries and individuals become enemies of the United States of America.

There would be eu several waves of military crises in the eyes of the APWC.

The first wave of crisis: the expansion of communism, 1950-1989

The second wave of crisis: the threat of terrorism, 1990-present

The third wave of crisis: the danger of nuclear proliferation, 1950-present

The fourth crisis wave: the war on drugs, from 1990 to today

The fifth wave of crisis: human rights violations from 2001 to today

Thus, there are several ongoing crises and enemies. The APWC therefore does not have to worry about the absence of enemies.

according to William M Arkin Washington has bombed or is bombing the following countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Niger, Mali, Uganda In addition, there are ten other countries that could be bombed. These are mainly African countries including Cameroon, Chad, Kenya and 7 other countries.

In addition, APWC is used to invent enemies. The next likely target for the crisis could be the “Yellow Peril Crisis” involving China and other Asian countries.

President, Joe Biden decided to intervene in case of "crisis" in foreign countries even without the authorization of the countries concerned. This can represent a lot of potential enemies.

Anyway, when it comes to the existence of enemies, the AWPC need not worry. There will be many enemies, otherwise the APWC will simply invent them.

For example, not being pro-American could be considered a crisis and a creator of crisis, classified as an enemy of America [United States of America].

The next hurdle for APWC to overcome is to take on the anti-war movement in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

The solution is to find ways to make wars invisible, saving American lives but profitable. This can be done through the use of unmanned weapons and the reduction of production costs by using AI-based technology, which enables long-range warfare under the “hub-spoke” warfare strategy. which allows you to attack the enemy without being present on the battlefield.

Increasingly, warfare is being waged by a hub-and-spoke system. In the current war on terrorism, hubs [hubs] are located in several countries in the Middle East, with Kuwait being the hub (hub) of the army and Bahrain being the hub of the navy. THE spokes are spread all over the world, especially in the Middle East and Africa.

William M. Arkin describes the effectiveness of the star wars model.

«It is so little understood, so invisible, so effective, even though four successive presidents have promised and then tried to stop the war, the rays have grown and widened».

The reason for the development of this type of war is the need to break free from public anti-war and anti-war policies.

“War brings in money”. The vicious cycle of human greed

But the most important reason for the perpetuation of American wars is the vicious circle of human greed.

  • War brings in money;
  • Money invites wars;
  • Wars bring in more money;
  • More money leads to more wars and to infinity.

This is the vicious circle of human greed.

Since human greed knows no borders, American wars will remain perpetual.

Thus, American wars can continue until there are no more worthy enemies.

In other words, the war will continue until the total destruction of the world.

To save the world, therefore, we must put an end to perpetual American wars.

source: globalization


Well-known member
Most of the civilized world lmao. Well, good for you to come out from your closet racist. But who are you to speak about national sovereignty? Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, on and on goes the list on nations whos sovereignty has been violated by the United States.

First your occupations of Syria, German, Japan etc etc, then you come back and talk about national sovereignty.
so you admit most of the world is against Russia? no matter how hard you try, using political and historical arguments still does not justify this invasion.