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A bas l`etat policier polygame!
IN WW2, after D Day, the Allies needed 8 weeks for the breakthrough of the german lines and they had the air supremacy. I ask me how the offensive is going on, without ukrainian air supremacy?


Active member
No, 24,000 who have been identified BY NAME!
Like I said, those are the numbers of actual confirmed deaths.
Well fuck nuts,. Mediazone is Russian sooo. And let's take a look at your graph. It appears you didn't add the pertinent information that came with it. "
Mediazona, working with BBC News Russian service and a team of volunteers,
Here you are claiming ”Mediazona” is russian when it, even by your own word apparently, is linked to the British state. No wonder they need to sprinkle their casualty figures with wishful thinking etc.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Like I said, those are the numbers of actual confirmed deaths.
Jesus yer stupid. You DO understand that casualties also include wounded and missing and not just dead, right? No, of course you don't. You aren't intelligent enough to know that.
Here you are claiming ”Mediazona” is russian when it, even by your own word apparently, is linked to the British state. No wonder they need to sprinkle their casualty figures with wishful thinking etc.
Hey dumbass? YOU posted a Mediazona chart of Russian casualty figures and claimed it was 100% accurate. Now you're claiming that Mediazona "sprinkles their casualty figures with wishful thinking". Well which is it dumbass? Mediazona is accurate or it fills its Russian casualty figures with wishful thinking? You can't claim it's both, unless you're a moron.


Well-known member

China develops most effective orbital bombing system ever​

by Mariame Maiga

With its fractional orbital bombardment system paired with a glider, China has created a weapon capable of effectively hitting targets around the world. A news that Washington does not welcome with a very good eye.

Has Beijing developed an unstoppable weapon? This is the question posed by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, an American institution following developments related to nuclear innovations, which deciphers a two-year-old test on a bombardment via space.

A mix of ancient technologies​

In the summer of 2021, China was testing a unique type of weapon in its arsenal: a Long March 2C rocket at the time launched into orbit a fractional orbital bombardment system (SBOF), a weapon that flies into low orbit before launching into orbit. enter the atmosphere to deliver a potentially nuclear attack and return to orbit. While this description may sound ominous, fractional orbital bombardment systems were in fact a Cold War invention pioneered by the Soviets but abandoned due to their lack of accuracy.

Despite a trajectory and speed making them difficult to detect, their strategic use was therefore supposed to be limited. The Americans, such as General Glen VanHerck quoted by our colleagues from the Financial Times, feared at the time thesignificant challengesoffered by this new type of machine, despite the handicap posed by their low precision.

But Beijing has managed to innovate enough to address the flaws of an SBOF, according to the Bulletin. China would thus have developed a "hypersonic glider" accompanying the system at a speed ranging from 5 to 25 times that of sound. The combination of this glider making it possible to reach crazy speeds with the principle of an SBOF passing through space considerably reinforces the threat of this type of system, which can deliver nuclear strikes. According to American reports, the SBOF struck about thirty kilometers from its target: a considerable distance, but which will be corrected later.

The best of glider and orbital system​

The characteristics of both technologies are reinforced. The SBOF is launched from the earth, enters orbit, passes through the atmosphere to strike its target before returning to orbit. Among the advantages: the range of such a machine and its speed of execution. And among the disadvantages: a significant margin of error on its accuracy following orbiting. But the hypersonic glider makes it possible to adjust and maneuver with precision when entering the atmosphere. These trajectory corrections therefore make it possible to escape several anti-aircraft defenses, while remaining sufficiently close to the ground to pass below radar zones.

A ballistic missile, the alternative for this type of long-range strike, will follow a predictable trajectory, and is therefore easier to intercept. The proliferation of satellites, which should reach 58 by 000, also makes it increasingly complex to track down a single device. An SBOF could therefore be launched years in advance and remain in orbit among other satellites, undetected, and eventually strike the earth.

But are these systems prohibited? Yes, if we refer to the Salt II agreement followed by the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War without being ratified. But START I, modifying SALT II, prohibits only devices of mass destruction “in orbit around the Earth”: a turn of phrase which authorizes ballistic missiles and SBOFs to penetrate the Earth’s orbital zone, in which they do not go. however, not necessarily to position themselves for a long time. Unless the treaties are updated, China therefore finds itself with a major advantage in its game.

source: Ocean Guinea


Well-known member

Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Undoing the empire” of American military bases around the world​

Published by a mainstream US site (Real Clear Politics), a breathtaking video of Robert Francis Kennedy Junior, candidate for the Democratic primary for the US presidential elections of 2024. I translated it for you into French. This translation (3 pages) is attached. English speakers will be able to get information directly from the original version, the link to which is given as the source of my PJ translation.

Robert F. Kennedy Junior is the son of Robert Francis Kennedy known as Bob Kennedy, assassinated in 1968 when he was a candidate for the primary of the Democratic Party of which he was favorite at the time of his death. The latter could, like his brother, have become president if death had not interrupted the course of his campaign.

Robert F. Kennedy Junior is therefore the nephew of US President John Kennedy also assassinated in November 19631. He is 69 years old today.

He was 14 when his father was murdered. He was already able to understand a number of things. It is therefore the third Kennedy to present himself in a US presidential election. He could well be the third to leave this earth prematurely and he seems to be aware of it.

His talk about the military-industrial complex and the US neocons will certainly not please "the deep state". It would not be surprising if our media deliberately ignored these remarks or treated him as a conspirator.

Everyone has their own opinion, of course.

Dominique Delawarde


Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Nephew of the president assassinated in 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, son of Bob, brother of John Kennedy, also assassinated in 1968.

My central question is: how to rebuild the middle class and how to get out of these eternal wars?

Joe Rogan:
How do you see the end of the war in Ukraine?

Kennedy: It's easy to get out of the war in Ukraine, the Russians wanted to settle this crisis from the beginning… The Minsk agreements were a settlement… Zelensky presented himself in 2019 as a comedian and actor… How did he won with 70% of the vote? He won because he showed up on a platform of peace, promising to sign the Minsk Accords, which was an agreement that Russia, France and Germany all agreed to, which would have left Donbass within the framework of Ukraine, as an autonomous region so that ethnic Russians could speak their own language and protect themselves from attacks by the central government installed by the United States, and that NATO would remain outside the Ukraine, what the Russians wanted, a promise that NATO would never enter, what we should have done for them. We shouldn't have considered putting NATO in Ukraine, we had promised never to do it, we had committed ourselves to it. And we have repeatedly broken those promises, et there are people in the White House who want this war.

They have said it many times, even President Biden has said that the purpose of the war is to overthrow Vladimir Putin.

Roger: And what, install a puppet government?

Kennedy: This is the problem. These are the same people who got rid of Saddam Hussein and cost us $8000 trillion, and Iraq is now in a worse situation than what we found. We have killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein, we led Iraq to tie up with Iran, where they are now a proxy state of Iran. We have reduced this nation to an incoherent mess of civil war between Sunni and Shia death squads. We created ISIS, we then had to do the war in Syria, the war in Yemen and Afghanistan-Pakistan. We drove two million refugees to Europe and destabilized all European democracies for the next two generations and caused Brexit. That's what we got for that 8000 trillion dollars and a devastated middle class in our country.

the same people, the neoconservatives, who led this operation, lied to us about weapons of mass destruction, trapped us in this war, and thought we were now out of government forever, outcasts, disgraced, they (the neocons) are now all back in the Biden administration with a new project. Lloyd Austin, who is Biden's defense secretary, said that the purpose of the war for us was to exhaust Russia and degrade her ability to fight anywhere in the world. It's not good for Ukraine, because the way we wear out Russia is to have 350 Ukrainian children slaughtered. In short, we have turned this nation into a slaughterhouse for the flower of Ukrainian youth.

I don't excuse Putin, Putin is a freak, a thug, a gangster who illegally invaded and didn't need it, but we must take responsibility for the provocations that these neoconservatives (US) have been doing for more than a decade.

In fact, the reason we are in this war is because Americans are good people. We were convinced, by this kind of comic strip representations, which the military-industrial complex has become adept at, that this is a confrontation between good and evil: everything is done to drag us into these wars. This war is a money laundering racket for contractors in the military-industrial complex. The money goes there and comes right back, then they all go on CNN, generals, etc., and if you look at their CVs, they all work for General Dynamics and military contractors, and they tell us that we have to participate in this war by telling us horrible stories.

But we're here because Americans are good people, they have compassion, and they think they're righting a wrong. My son went there and fought… without telling us, he left law school… joined the Foreign Legion, and fought as a machine gunner for a special forces unit during the offensive of Kharkhiv… The Ukrainian people are showing bravery and the anguish they are suffering from is beyond description, but we have to look at our role in this regard. We must seek paths to peace and try to end the killings. 30-80 thousand young Russians also died there, and we shouldn't be happy about that. We should try to find a settlement. The United States should be the adult in the room and find a way to stop the bloodshed. That's what we should be doing there.

And I will say another thing Joe, this war has cost us $113 billion so far. The total budget of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is $12 billion per year. The total budget of the Environmental Protection Agency is approximately $12 billion. 57% of people in our country couldn't get their hands on $1000 if they needed it in an emergency. 25% of Americans are hungry now and not getting enough food.

I have a friend who was a commercial fisherman, who spent his life fishing and had a business, but because it's a private business, he has no benefits. He now has a disability. His son-in-law runs the business but cannot support himself, he is disabled and he survived on $280 in food stamps of the SNAP program, and that doesn't get you too far. But on March 1, he received a robocall from the government saying his food stamps had been reduced by 90%, you now get $25 a month. Try to eat 90 cents a day in this country.

30 million Americans have received this same call. And that same month, we printed 200 billion new dollars to bail out Silicon Valley Bank and we increased Ukraine's war pledge to $113 billion. So we have a lot of money for the military-industrial complex and for the bankers, but we are starving Americans to death.

Because of all the inflation, we spent $16 trillion on containment (COVID), we wasted. We got nothing for that. 8000 trillion dollars on the war [in Iraq and] 16 is 000 trillion dollars that they had to print for nothing. This money, the way they pay it back, they're not going to tell us they're raising taxes because you can't do that. It's a hidden tax called inflation, and it hits the poor and the middle class in this country.

My friend's food bills for staples like chicken, dairy and eggs have gone up 76% in two years. To pay for the war in Iraq, the war in Ukraine and the Covid confinements. His food bills continue to rise. And now the government is showing him that we have plenty of money for the military and for the banks, but we don't have any for the Americans, who are hard-working people.

Something is wrong.

We're in crisis in this country, and we need to start dismantling the empire. We have 800 overseas bases. We were told in 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that we were going to get the peace dividend. That military spending was going to drop from $600 billion a year to $200 billion, and that we were going to stop building $XNUMX billion stealth bombers, who cannot fly in the rain; That we were going to take that money home and build schools with it, build infrastructure, and provide good health care in the inner cities. And then none of that happened. Today, instead of going down to $200 billion, total military spending, if you include national security (and retired military pensions) are 1300 billion

And it hasn't made our country any safer. It made it worse… $1300 trillion if you include this national security apparatus, all that you have to go through at the airport, and if you include the $300 billion for veterans, which you can't cut . The veterans? We have 29 a day who kill themselves. These wars are neither good for our country nor for our children.

We have to stop being an empire
, and instead, go home, rebuild the middle class, then project economic power like the Chinese do, who eat our lunch because they know how not to project military power. They know how to project economic power, that's how you win the hearts and minds of the world and national security.

My uncle, John Kennedy, did. He refused to go to war. He was surrounded by the military-industrial complex and the intelligence apparatus, and he learned early on that the purpose of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus was to create a constant stream of new wars for the military-industrial complex. (...)

[And after the Bay of Pigs invasion], he realized that they had been lying to him and trying to deceive him, and he said: «I wanna take the CIA and smash it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds».

For the next 1000 days of his presidency, he was at war with his military-industrial and intelligence apparatus. They tried to get him to Laos, they tried to get him to Vietnam with 250 soldiers, he refused. Everyone around him wanted to go to Vietnam. He sent 000 military advisers – that's fewer people than he sent…to send a black man to school…And [later] he signed a national security executive order withdrawing all American troops from Vietnam. The first 16 over the next month, and the rest in early 000. And then a month later, he was killed.

But what he thought was that America's vision abroad shouldn't be a soldier with a gun, but rather a Peace Corps volunteer building wells, USAID helping the poor. and the Alliance for Progress building the middle class. He started the Kennedy Milk Program to feed poor children around the world. As a result, in Africa today, there are more statues to John F. Kennedy, more boulevards named after him, hospitals, schools and universities in every major city named after him. than any other president.

The Chinese have taken that model and done the same thing now and all these countries that are supposed to be allied with us and are now realigning with the Chinese and switching to their currency because the Chinese are not here to kill people , they're there to build the roads, and the universities, and the colleges, and it turns out people like that a lot more. We should project economic power around the world and not military power, it would make us much stronger.

source: Real Clear Politics


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
The force, with you may be!


Active member
Jesus yer stupid. You DO understand that casualties also include wounded and missing and not just dead, right? No, of course you don't. You aren't intelligent enough to know that.

Hey dumbass? YOU posted a Mediazona chart of Russian casualty figures and claimed it was 100% accurate. Now you're claiming that Mediazona "sprinkles their casualty figures with wishful thinking". Well which is it dumbass? Mediazona is accurate or it fills its Russian casualty figures with wishful thinking? You can't claim it's both, unless you're a moron.
”Because Mediazona estimates Russian casualties from Feb 2022 to June 2023 to be 300,000.”

Your words yeah, guesswork and wishful thinking vs the numbers they managed to confirm. Of course I am a dumbass, moron and pathetically stoopid for pointing this out to a IQ-genius neo-nazi like yourself.


Well-known member
here is something a little more meaningful. from this point, it's only 45 air miles to Melitopol. at which point the Russian lines will be cut in two.

the lastest map from the Institute for the Study of War shows that the Ukrainians have taken 40 sq miles back thus far.

and it shows large-scale partisan activity against Russia on the ground around Melitopol, as well.

it's just a matter of time. chomp, chomp, chomp! you'll have to enlarge the image to see the blue diagonal lines indicating anti-russian partisan activity.

the color code is on the left and will help you understand.

Last edited:

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
”Because Mediazona estimates Russian casualties from Feb 2022 to June 2023 to be 300,000.”
Not my words, Mediazona's. I showed you the evidence with links. Don't get all pissy with me because you can't handle reality.
Your words yeah, guesswork and wishful thinking vs the numbers they managed to confirm
I was right, you don't understand the word "casualties". And no, not my words. Mediazona's claims. How thick are you? On top of that, Prigozhin has publicly stated that Fagner PMS suffered some 20,000 casualties. So what you're trying to tell us is the rest of the Ruzzian army has suffered only 4,000 casualties in more than a year. If you believe the Ruzzians have only suffered 24,000 total casualties in over a year of war I have 100 acres of prime swampland to sell you and I'll even throw in a bridge for free.
Of course I am a dumbass, moron and pathetically stoopid
Well at least we agree on something.
for pointing this out to a IQ-genius neo-nazi like yourself.
Typical Bedpan orc claim, anyone who opposes Bedpan's Ruzzia and his weenie attempt to reconstitute the Soviet Union is a neo-nazi. But thank you for the compliment. I do have an IQ of 153. (genius is anything over 140 by the by).

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Well I guess showing up and leaving is a fair bit better than vanishing because he was assassinated.

China and Saudi Arabia seem to have problems accounting for "missing political dissidents"...

Be careful whose ass you are kissing.
The Chinese are just pissed because Blinkin wouldn't take any of their "do us a favour" money.