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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No you didn't answer.

You danced around the question but did not answer it.

You see, credibility is key in getting people to believe that you have a clue of what you are talking about.

I'm just indicating that you possess the ability to regurgitate others' words, yet seem to be allergic to using your own.

Maybe you could use a bit of introspection and fix whatever it is that's keeping you from answering direct questions directly...??

Or maybe it's part of a pompous ploy to simply ignore whatever you can whilst posting pertinent propaganda...


Well-known member


Well-known member

ALL IN ONE YES! Since 3 weeks and the annihilation of the secret underground bunker of NATO the yankee babies need diapers three times a day. Russians don't bluff like small Yankee dicks, they haven't even released their entire arsenal yet that the NATO demons are already bathing in their shit!



Hypersonic mating​

• Some more important details on Russian hypersonic devices, particularly in the light of their operational employment in Ukraine. • They are given by a highly appreciated expert, even if little known, the retired Croatian admiral Davorin Domazet. • Each new approach to the phenomenon confirms its fantastic strategic importance at the highest level, and the dramatic delay of the Westerners, USA in mind. • For Domazet, the last strike in Ukraine says: “ We can sink ALL your aircraft carriers at once”.

Let's expect a text from Alex Crainer, from the site ‘TrendCompass’, this text taken up for the occasion by ‘ZeroHedge.com’. We do not particularly know Crainer, but he intervenes to tell us about a ( specialist little known to the Western media world, and this is a good sign ), retired Croatian admiral Davorin Domazet. Crainer tells us that he holds Domazet for one of the best specialists in technical matters of armaments and technologism, and he compares him to the Russian Andrei Martianov. Like him, said Crainer, he has a great knowledge of advanced mathematics and the science of probabilities.

« Like Martianov, he insists that it is impossible to assert oneself in modern war without a thorough knowledge of advanced mathematics and probabilities. Most importantly, it may have the clearest understanding of the general historical context of the current confrontation between Russia and the Western powers. »
Obviously, Crainer is impressed by the historical, symbolic or even esoteric context in which it is important, according to Domazet, to place the current conflict which we classify under the name of ’ ‘Ukrisis’. The details that Crainer gives, according to an interview with Domazet, are particularly, – both original, exotic and finally, in the extraordinary context in which we operate, much as credible as the sham that the System press watered us with.

Here are the details, which you have no chance of hearing cited in “ the LCI ” interviews or in “ the columns of the World”; you will have to recognize that they are exhilarating, – we mean exciting for the hypothetical imagination, – in relation to the intensity and the call to extrahuman subjectivity suggested by the current events :

« Domazet is the only military analyst I know who takes into account the history of the Western financial oligarchy, its Venetian roots, its migration to Amsterdam where it formed the Dutch Empire, and its subsequent move to London which, to date, remains the ideological and spiritual seat of the British Empire zombie.
He correctly described the enemy of humanity as ’ “ Western occult oligarchy ” and even described the war in Ukraine as a confrontation between Christ and Antichrist, stressing that the Antichrist is to the West. Croatia is a member state of NATO and is, like Poland, a Slavic Catholic nation, even sharing part of its cultural russophobia ( although it is not as rabid in Croatia as it is in Poland ).
But what interests us essentially is one of the military and technical subjects addressed by the admiral and taken up by Crainer. This is the area of hypersonic weapons, which Admiral Domazet believes to be a formidable strategic revolution and that Russia occupies an indisputable number one place there which gives it a strategic position as it is in the balance of power equation. ( Admiral Domazet's observations that Crainer reports come from a Serbo-Croatian interview on March 17 on the channel ‘Project Velebit’. )

Hypersonic power​

We have widely reported the events, – acts, facts & circumstances, – which accompanied Putin's revelation of Russia’s progress in this new area of armaments. This brings us back to March 2018, – five years already, during which the powers of ’ “ West-collective ” have not stoned too much on the subject, contenting themselves above all with dissecting the innumerable doubts which they raise around Russian declarations, even acts themselves.

We find on several texts of the period the first data of this event, for example the March 8, 2018, the March 11, 2018, the March 22, 2018, the May 7, 2018, the May 25, 2018, etc., – all these texts from the beginning of this case marked by these questions about the spirit of adaptability and innovations of the West Collectives, of which we obviously know, – today more than ever, – the answers :

• But how did they get left behind in this way ?

• But how did they see nothing coming ?

• But how do they intend to react apart from repeating “ This is another joke from ‘Russiagate’ ” ?

« The term “ hypersonic ” refers to missiles that fly at a speed of 5 or more mach. At the time, many Westerners rejected Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We know today that he was not bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world to have hypersonic missiles already deployed and operational, – not one but three types: ‘ Zircon ’, ‘ Kinzhal ’ and l ’ ‘ Avantgard ’. »
Domazet’s conception is that the tanks were the technology that decisively rocked the First World War, with the air force playing this role for the Second World War. In particular, attack aircraft carrier groups, carrying an air fleet of attacks on the seas, constituted an irresistible offensive system, which has reigned since... Today, he believes, great change: it is the hypersonic who tilts the equation of strategy and balance of forces, – which makes all these weapons outdated and useless, – and of course, and precisely, and how! – attack aircraft carriers...

Domazet’s current concept is that two main fronts are identified in the strategic face-to-face meeting between Russia and the United States. Domazet only takes on a defensive aspect because the problem it addresses is that of “ defense ” ( impossible against hypersonics ). It does not specify, for example, that NATO / USA ABM batteries on the Russian border have the capacity to also fire offensive land-land missiles, which is a source of extreme concern for the Russians and makes these batteries prime targets for Russian hypersonics.

In the meantime, here are the two defensive axes identified by Domazet. But these axes play no role in the “ defense ” against hypersonics due to disabilities ( especially on the US side, anti-hypersonic defense work already underway on the Russian side ),
1 ) to identify and target hypersonics who evolve in maximum avoidance mode ;
2 ) above all, to do anything in front of hypersonic speeds making interception impossible.

This classification of Domazet remains very summary, – but it does not matter for our remarks which concerns only hypersonic.

« According to Admiral Domazet, the main military front in the current world conflict is the ( ABM ) anti-ballistic batteries that the United States has installed on the Poland-Romania axis and the Russians on the North-Kaliningrad- Pole axis.Crimea-Syria. These are defensive systems, designed to intercept approaching nuclear missiles. However, current ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 ( 3.5 times the speed of sound ). »

The ‘Kinzhal’ in Ukraine​

Domazet's details on the actual operational use of hypersonic are known by many other sources ( including official ), but not in detail. The ‘ missileKinzal’, generally taken from MiG-31, is the weapon used in Ukraine, at least three times. Its maximum flight speed capacity in hypersonic is between Mach 12 and Mach 15 ( approximately, between 16,000 and 20,000 km / h ). We understand that no defense is currently conceivable and therefore the impunity of ‘Kinzhal’ is total. The advantage of Domazet's statements is that he provides details on two of the three ( at least ) interventions of this missile in Ukraine

• On the first strike​

It had already been widely reported that a hypersonic missile ‘Kinzhal’ was used at the start of the war. It was truly an operational demonstration of the craft and the capabilities of the hypersonic, made almost a month to the day after the start of the Russian attack. The details given by the admiral are impressive and confirm the tremendous striking capabilities of the machine at full speed at the time of impact.

« Three times heavier and almost twelve times faster than the [ standard US cruise missile ] Tomahawk, the Kinzhal has more than 3 × 122 = 432 times the kinetic energy while cruising a Tomahawk missile ( ~ 17.3 gigajoules, the equivalent of 4,100 kg of explosive energy TNT ). »
The circumstances described by Admiral Domazet are significantly different from those described when the attack took place.

« The first strike of Kinzhal, carried out a month after the start of hostilities in Ukraine, was undoubtedly the most important : Russian forces have targeted a large arms depot in Ukraine, built to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters underground and protected by several layers of reinforced concrete.
» The Kinzhal flies at an altitude between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. Once above the target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, thus accumulating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive charge. This first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuclear-proof underground weapons depot. It was a message to the West. »

• Sink ALL US aircraft carriers​

Domazet recalls that ‘Kinzhal’ was developed in particular with the express aim of destroying the attack groups of aircraft carriers. Just as it is capable of destroying an underground armored storage warehouse designed to withstand a nuclear strike, it can pierce an aircraft carrier, according to the image of Domazet, « like a hot knife in butter ». The strike power can break an aircraft carrier 90,000 tonnes in half, between front and back, and therefore completely destroy it.

Domazet dwells much more on the third strike ( another previous strike concerned a single ‘Kinzhal’ ), which involved six ‘ shots two weeks agoKinzhal’ in a single 70-80 missile strike offensive.

« According to Admiral Domazet, neither the Western powers nor China are close to having such weapons. He explained that the critical problem with hypersonic weapons lies in the extreme temperatures reached on the surface of missiles during hypersonic flights, which can cause the missiles to rupture in mid-flight. Russia is the only nation to have developed special materials that allow missiles to withstand this stress, so that their flight can be controlled throughout their trajectory and delivered with great precision.
» Western intelligence services estimate that Russia had around 50 ‘ Kinzhal ’ at the start of the war in Ukraine and has used only nine so far. Last week, she fired six ‘ Kinzhal ’ in a single salvo. This was also a message. Here's how Domazet explains it: The United States has 11 aircraft carrier attack groups. Less than half of them are active at a given time ( while others are docked for maintenance or in preparation ). Shoot six ‘ Kinzhal ’ all at once, that is to say, in military language, that we have the capacity to sink ALL your aircraft carriers all at once.

• Dark future​

The final details given by Admiral Domazet relate to Russian capabilities and the future, with a completely distant “ West-Solidaire ” which seems incapable of responding seriously to the Russian advance. This can also be imagined and explained when you are busy enough to collapse. In all cases, the description that Domazet makes of it confirms that we have with the hypersonic a new step in climbing, no need to go immediately to nuclear power.

Russia has the capacity to build around 200 a year and now has the means to deliver them anywhere, from planes, ships and submarines. In addition to the destruction of aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATO ABM missile sites. In summary, Russia has - so far - won the arms race.
Western powers could take ten years or more to catch up with it and, by then, the only way to avoid losing the war is either to concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict until nuclear exchange


Well-known member
in addition, russian new tank production has radically slowed because of a lack of electronic components due to sanctions.

and they are dragging out 60 yr old t-62's and t-54's.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
ALL IN ONE YES! Since 3 weeks and the annihilation of the secret underground bunker of NATO the yankee babies need diapers three times a day. Russians don't bluff like small Yankee dicks, they haven't even released their entire arsenal yet that the NATO demons are already bathing in their shit!

Uh... you do understand that the US isn't at war with Russia right?

I've never seen someone so hard for Russian aggression... does it fulfill you somehow?


Well-known member

Ukronazis in Azovstal Plant Surrender!​

View attachment 18823304

In 2022 so now cleaned up ^^​

romsy baby, not another fake ass photo! are you a slow learner?

once again, all someone has to do is right click on search google images to get the legitimate original source of a photo.

this particular photo originates in some clowns twiiter account. no known photographer, journalist, or news agency is associated with it.

not even russian state media sources. nowhere, nothing except a twitter account.

how desperate you must be to put up unsubstantiated crap like this.

if you can't show the source of a photo it is bullshit.

how about some adult participation from you on this thread?


Well-known member
ALL IN ONE YES! Since 3 weeks and the annihilation of the secret underground bunker of NATO the yankee babies need diapers three times a day. Russians don't bluff like small Yankee dicks, they haven't even released their entire arsenal yet that the NATO demons are already bathing in their shit!


View attachment 18823568

Hypersonic mating​

Let's expect a text from Alex Crainer, from the site ‘TrendCompass’, this text taken up for the occasion by ‘ZeroHedge.com’. We do not particularly know Crainer, but he intervenes to tell us about a ( specialist little known to the Western media world, and this is a good sign ), retired Croatian admiral Davorin Domazet. Crainer tells us that he holds Domazet for one of the best specialists in technical matters of armaments and technologism, and he compares him to the Russian Andrei Martianov. Like him, said Crainer, he has a great knowledge of advanced mathematics and the science of probabilities.

Obviously, Crainer is impressed by the historical, symbolic or even esoteric context in which it is important, according to Domazet, to place the current conflict which we classify under the name of ’ ‘Ukrisis’. The details that Crainer gives, according to an interview with Domazet, are particularly, – both original, exotic and finally, in the extraordinary context in which we operate, much as credible as the sham that the System press watered us with.

Here are the details, which you have no chance of hearing cited in “ the LCI ” interviews or in “ the columns of the World”; you will have to recognize that they are exhilarating, – we mean exciting for the hypothetical imagination, – in relation to the intensity and the call to extrahuman subjectivity suggested by the current events :

But what interests us essentially is one of the military and technical subjects addressed by the admiral and taken up by Crainer. This is the area of hypersonic weapons, which Admiral Domazet believes to be a formidable strategic revolution and that Russia occupies an indisputable number one place there which gives it a strategic position as it is in the balance of power equation. ( Admiral Domazet's observations that Crainer reports come from a Serbo-Croatian interview on March 17 on the channel ‘Project Velebit’. )

Hypersonic power​

We have widely reported the events, – acts, facts & circumstances, – which accompanied Putin's revelation of Russia’s progress in this new area of armaments. This brings us back to March 2018, – five years already, during which the powers of ’ “ West-collective ” have not stoned too much on the subject, contenting themselves above all with dissecting the innumerable doubts which they raise around Russian declarations, even acts themselves.

We find on several texts of the period the first data of this event, for example the March 8, 2018, the March 11, 2018, the March 22, 2018, the May 7, 2018, the May 25, 2018, etc., – all these texts from the beginning of this case marked by these questions about the spirit of adaptability and innovations of the West Collectives, of which we obviously know, – today more than ever, – the answers :

• But how did they get left behind in this way ?

• But how did they see nothing coming ?

• But how do they intend to react apart from repeating “ This is another joke from ‘Russiagate’ ” ?

Domazet’s conception is that the tanks were the technology that decisively rocked the First World War, with the air force playing this role for the Second World War. In particular, attack aircraft carrier groups, carrying an air fleet of attacks on the seas, constituted an irresistible offensive system, which has reigned since... Today, he believes, great change: it is the hypersonic who tilts the equation of strategy and balance of forces, – which makes all these weapons outdated and useless, – and of course, and precisely, and how! – attack aircraft carriers...

Domazet’s current concept is that two main fronts are identified in the strategic face-to-face meeting between Russia and the United States. Domazet only takes on a defensive aspect because the problem it addresses is that of “ defense ” ( impossible against hypersonics ). It does not specify, for example, that NATO / USA ABM batteries on the Russian border have the capacity to also fire offensive land-land missiles, which is a source of extreme concern for the Russians and makes these batteries prime targets for Russian hypersonics.

In the meantime, here are the two defensive axes identified by Domazet. But these axes play no role in the “ defense ” against hypersonics due to disabilities ( especially on the US side, anti-hypersonic defense work already underway on the Russian side ),
1 ) to identify and target hypersonics who evolve in maximum avoidance mode ;
2 ) above all, to do anything in front of hypersonic speeds making interception impossible.

This classification of Domazet remains very summary, – but it does not matter for our remarks which concerns only hypersonic.

The ‘Kinzhal’ in Ukraine​

Domazet's details on the actual operational use of hypersonic are known by many other sources ( including official ), but not in detail. The ‘ missileKinzal’, generally taken from MiG-31, is the weapon used in Ukraine, at least three times. Its maximum flight speed capacity in hypersonic is between Mach 12 and Mach 15 ( approximately, between 16,000 and 20,000 km / h ). We understand that no defense is currently conceivable and therefore the impunity of ‘Kinzhal’ is total. The advantage of Domazet's statements is that he provides details on two of the three ( at least ) interventions of this missile in Ukraine

• On the first strike​

It had already been widely reported that a hypersonic missile ‘Kinzhal’ was used at the start of the war. It was truly an operational demonstration of the craft and the capabilities of the hypersonic, made almost a month to the day after the start of the Russian attack. The details given by the admiral are impressive and confirm the tremendous striking capabilities of the machine at full speed at the time of impact.

The circumstances described by Admiral Domazet are significantly different from those described when the attack took place.

• Sink ALL US aircraft carriers​

Domazet recalls that ‘Kinzhal’ was developed in particular with the express aim of destroying the attack groups of aircraft carriers. Just as it is capable of destroying an underground armored storage warehouse designed to withstand a nuclear strike, it can pierce an aircraft carrier, according to the image of Domazet, « like a hot knife in butter ». The strike power can break an aircraft carrier 90,000 tonnes in half, between front and back, and therefore completely destroy it.

Domazet dwells much more on the third strike ( another previous strike concerned a single ‘Kinzhal’ ), which involved six ‘ shots two weeks agoKinzhal’ in a single 70-80 missile strike offensive.

• Dark future​

The final details given by Admiral Domazet relate to Russian capabilities and the future, with a completely distant “ West-Solidaire ” which seems incapable of responding seriously to the Russian advance. This can also be imagined and explained when you are busy enough to collapse. In all cases, the description that Domazet makes of it confirms that we have with the hypersonic a new step in climbing, no need to go immediately to nuclear power.
you must have missed this the first time!



so everybody has hypersonics now. russia has been cancelled again.
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Well-known member

Shut up clowns and buy your VPN to inform yourself, brain zombie gang of Icmag lol may soon you'll learn to grow pure sat to exorcise yourself.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches. Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be wounded infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be dead infantry.


The fuck is wrong with their commanders?
Well, Putin is not a great military leader, he´s an ex-KGB guy. Spies don´t make for good generals.

And their field commanders, prolly too scared not to order human wave attacks because they´ll be next in line if they don´t follow orders. Something has to be done! Plus everyone is most likely telling their superiors what they think they want to hear, not what´s true or real. ´Cause that might upset people, and heads will roll. Also shit will roll, downhill, as it does. So everyone is scared of failing, or even reporting failures. But if you make-believe everything is good and going according to plan. Then hey! Maybe it is. It´s just other people dying and there´s no progress. But that´s no ones fault, because they are just following orders.

And it has always been the main Russian tactic, send more troops to be slaughtered because chances are the enemy will run outta bullets before they run outta men.
That´s the "advantage" of a nation of some 150 million people going to war against smaller, less populated countries. And at this point, what else can they do, really?
They went in cocky, in winter time, thinking they´ll just steam roll thru Ukraine with numbers and power advantage and not face too much resistance.


The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.

- Stalin
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

Shut up clowns and buy your VPN to inform yourself, brain zombie gang of Icmag lol may soon you'll learn to grow pure sat to exorcise yourself.


Pure sativas take too long and yield wispy buds and the high isn't enjoyable for me most of the time.

The only thing pure sativa exorcises is time that can be spent flowering yield that's easy to trim and not uncomfortable to smoke.

I recall asking you exactly what gets you so giddy about Russian aggression...

Did you want to weigh in on that, or maybe just tell me to shut up and grow strains that don't suit my taste??

St. Phatty

Active member
Uh... you do understand that the US isn't at war with Russia right?

I've never seen someone so hard for Russian aggression... does it fulfill you somehow?

If this is what NOT being at war looks like - what does being at war look like ?

* Blowing up Pipelines
* Seeding Senior Terrorists (CIA) - with satellite info - among proxy forces (Ukraine)
* Providing $10+ Billion worth of military arms to proxy forces.
* Providing Radiological weapons (Dirty Bombs) to proxy forces.

That's EXACTLY what being at war looks like.

Can the Russia-China-Iran alliance beat the US Terrorist Alliance ?

I suspect that the performance (or non-performance) of American airplanes - F22, JSF - will play a role.

How big a deal is it if Russia and China are able to disable the F22 & JSF/F35 ?


Well-known member
Pure sativas take too long and yield wispy buds and the high isn't enjoyable for me most of the time.

The only thing pure sativa exorcises is time that can be spent flowering yield that's easy to trim and not uncomfortable to smoke.

I recall asking you exactly what gets you so giddy about Russian aggression...

Did you want to weigh in on that, or maybe just tell me to shut up and grow strains that don't suit my taste??
Blasphemy mustard! The south american sativa varieties pump out a lot more weight and have a much more pleasant effect than african or thai. I get where youre going with flowering times though

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If this is what NOT being at war looks like - what does being at war look like ?

* Blowing up Pipelines
* Seeding Senior Terrorists (CIA) - with satellite info - among proxy forces (Ukraine)
* Providing $10+ Billion worth of military arms to proxy forces.
* Providing Radiological weapons (Dirty Bombs) to proxy forces.

That's EXACTLY what being at war looks like.

Can the Russia-China-Iran alliance beat the US Terrorist Alliance ?

I suspect that the performance (or non-performance) of American airplanes - F22, JSF - will play a role.

How big a deal is it if Russia and China are able to disable the F22 & JSF/F35 ?

Nice spin.

Proxy forces, huh?