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Well-known member
ISW is a propaganda arm of the Kagan-Nudelman clan of jewish-american war mongers and organizers. What you forget after consuming their propaganda is that Russia is fighting a war of attrition meaning this is how real progress is measured.

View attachment 18811570

looks like prigozhin wanted to show russians how much they're attritting
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ICMag Donor
So much for the sleepy Joe nonsense. 80 year old president Biden does an 8 hour flight and then an 8 hour train ride into a war zone and causing Putin to back down on a WW3 show of force. Arriving in Kiev he pulls up in a Toyota and delivers a historic speech and tours the city of Kiev assuring the country our full support. He then takes another 10 hour train ride to Warsaw, the outpost of democracy, and assures the country that they have the full support of NATO.

Contrast this to the Ex, obese golf cheater, painted orange, junk food stuffer, mooching money at any opportunity and beholden to Putin for a life support line of credit through DeutscheBank. The blob that never did anything but mouth off with an entourage of power seeking morons that convince their followers that Putin is a good guy and the fighting for democracy Ukrainians are nazis. Incredibly, the Chumpies never do see the forest through the trees.


A bas l`etat policier polygame!


Well-known member
looks like prigozhin wanted to show russians how much they're attritting
but just think of how high the employment rate will be after the war. probably be 5 jobs open per survivor at this rate. and saving money! they won't need guards for jails or anything like that. no housing shortages either. they will, of course, have to raise the retirement age up to about 85 though... :dunno: sounds like a proposal that our GOP would support...


ICMag Donor
That's whats going on in those meetings with President Xi Jinping and Putin. Putin doesn't want China selling them those small cheep vibrators. The women will get frustrated and overthrow the government, sending Putin off to Siberia.


Active member
Western minds that suffer from russophobia coupled with a grandiose mania will have to find a way to cope. As like in this thread where you delight in a husband shortage for russian women. Well the ukranians whom westeners of western minds supposedly side with die in higher numbers. Much higher in fact. And what this shows is a racist western mind set that value the death of russians more than it values the lives of ukranians.

Regardless if you acknowledge or deny the fact that the west have created an existential threat against Russia by arming the Nazis of Ukraine for a war by proxy, Russia will continue the process to demilitarize Ukraine and remove the threat.

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