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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Put it in a vial with some dry white rice. Make sure you don't put flowers in with the pollen.
Store it in the freezer. Let it get room temp before opening the vial or moisture could collect fast.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This weekend is feeding time for my plant that has started showing preflowers. I've been feeding veg nutes for the past few weeks. Should I switch to flowering nutes now or wait a little longer to give it some exta nitrogen? Thanks.

If it's still in veg (lights on for more then 12 hours) then keep feeding it veg ferts. If it's in flower (lights on a 12/12 schedule) then you should be feeding it flower ferts. Many people upon starting 12/12 will still feed their plants veg ferts for the first feeding or two and then switch over to flower ferts.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hempcat, The plant at this point is probably over watered, but when it first started showing symptoms it was in a small pot with loose soil and its roots were showing throught the holes. I transplanted before I took the picture, the new soil was moist. When it was a seedling this plant showed yellowing of the oldest (single finger) growth as well as a slight browning of the tips, which dried and crumble to the touch. Not having any idea, along with insane temps and yellowing cotyledons I fed the thing. First with a top dressing of Alaska all purpose (9-4-4), then with kelp meal. At this point, yes, I was in a hurry to see good things and rushed it.

I ended up transplanting it again into some diluted soil. I did some research on the possible strains it could turn out to be and many of them suggested light feeding. I know you are probably sitting there like dumb kid rushing things, and your probably right, but I think I just really missed the mark with this soil for this strain. I stand by my watering practices, but after that massive failure with temps and vetalation I'm not proud. Definitely stil a newbie.
Thanks man

Well first off I never once thought "dumb kid rushing things" although I did think "impatient stoner rushing things" :) Judging by the size of that plant none of the stuff you've done lately to it should have been needed. When I start new plants it's usually 3 to 4 weeks before they get their first feeding and 4 to 5 weeks before they need transplanting but I generally start out in a one gallon pot.

The yellowing cotyledons is normal, cotyledons provide almost all the food a young plant needs for the first week or two then they yellow and die off, unless of course there are other sources of food present because one was feeding already or the soil was rich, then the ctyledons might not be needed and end up staying green and healthy looking for several weeks longer then normal. The browning of the tips does sound like nute burn and would be an indication of the soil being too hot if it happened before you gave them anything other then water. Another possibility though is ph imbalance, this can cause dark greyish black patches on leaves that are dry and will crumble to the touch. Of course you also mention temps were high and ventilation was poor so this could also create a leaf hostile environment.

You're also evidently growing an unknown strain because you said "I did some research on the possible strains it could turn out to be" which means you don't know what to expect, what the plant's needs are or what to be careful about. All I can tell from looking at the picture is that it's either an indica or indica dominent strain which all that really tells you is that it's an 8 week flowering plant.

Soil growing is a slow process ideally a seedling should be vegged for 8 to 10 weeks and then flowered. When things happen in soil the problem may appear overnight but it likely took a few days to a week to develope and any fix is likely going to take as much time. In soil people shouldn't be looking for daily changes they should be looking for weekly changes. You say you think you missed the mark on the soil with this strain which may be true I'm not exactly sure what was in your soil. In general though, most seedlings regardless of strain, will do fine with just enriched potting soil and perlite for the first month or so. So in the future wait until you transplant around week 4 to 5 before you start using amended soil.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Aloha Hempkat, I'll get this.:tiphat:

Aloha, dondeago.

Give them 6" buffer and you will be fine.
If that is a decent LED unit they WILL start bleaching at 3 - 4".
Probably halt photosynthesis at around 5".

If the top leaf gets noticeably thicker than the middle leaf, raise the light a bit.

Happy growin'

Really? 6 inches? Those LED's have that much intensity? I'm impressed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
collecting and storing pollen need info fast cant read through all 100+ pages help today anybody!

Well first of all when engaging in breeding which would include harvesting pollen one should do the research ahead of time so they know what they're doing rather then waiting until the last minute when it's a crisis.

There's not much to tell, take the male pollen doner and hold him over a big piece of paper and tap the buds lightly to make the pollen drop. Little flowers will drop with it which you'll want to remove those flowers eventually.

Once you got all the pollen on the paper and the flowers removed, scrape the pollen into a pile and put that pile of pollen into a light proof, air tight container such as one of those plastic 35mm film canisters. If you plan on using it quickly you can store pollen unrefrigerated for about a week. If you plan on storing it long term you need to freeze it.

Pollen is pretty potent and as such some people like to water it down a bit by cutting it with flour although I don't know what ratio to use. Personally I've never used flour. It's also a good practice to store with a few grains of uncooked rice as suggested, this helps prevent moisture build up.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Yes sir

Yes sir

Really? 6 inches? Those LED's have that much intensity? I'm impressed.

They do now.

LEDs are taking off at last.:jump:

Just 2 years ago, all I could find was junk kine.

Well the junk kine is still around, but now there are quite a few excellent lamps on the market and the future looks very bright!:D (sorry, hadda)

Even a "good 90W. UFO" will bleach leaves from an inch or so.

But the ones with 3 - 5W. emitters need about 6" distance to be safe.

My homebrew uses 15W. emitters and I've learned 'bout bleaching the hard way.
light bleaching.jpg

I've learned so much from your thread that I almost feel obligated to lend a hand where I can.
Hope you no mind.

Aloha, and Mahalo


right ho .... had another look at the cab..... Looks like i've got to loose my mother / clone section in my cab. Dam!!! I can't belive i made this school boy error.... Ah well. I'm sure i'll be able to manage. Cheers for the info peeps....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
They do now.

LEDs are taking off at last.:jump:

Just 2 years ago, all I could find was junk kine.

Well the junk kine is still around, but now there are quite a few excellent lamps on the market and the future looks very bright!:D (sorry, hadda)

Even a "good 90W. UFO" will bleach leaves from an inch or so.

But the ones with 3 - 5W. emitters need about 6" distance to be safe.

My homebrew uses 15W. emitters and I've learned 'bout bleaching the hard way.
View attachment 72442

I've learned so much from your thread that I almost feel obligated to lend a hand where I can.
Hope you no mind.

Aloha, and Mahalo

No, I don't mind at all I appreciate the input and help from people like you and hossierdaddy. One of the main goals of this thread at least in my mind has been to provide multiple points of view to allow the user to pick the answer that fits thier needs best.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
right ho .... had another look at the cab..... Looks like i've got to loose my mother / clone section in my cab. Dam!!! I can't belive i made this school boy error.... Ah well. I'm sure i'll be able to manage. Cheers for the info peeps....

Setting up a clone/mother station is really simple. Give me two 4' shoplights and a 4' x 2' table and I can have a clone area set up anywhere near an outlet in about 10 minutes. Since it's clones and veg you don't have to worry about light leaks and odor shouldn't be much of an issue.

Fat J

Hey old farts, hows it been?

I asked a question a while back n HK had a very helpful answer so I was thinkin I should ask about my new connondrum(sp??)

So... I run a top feed recirc coco/hydro setup, made some changes to the wter system and they loved it n grew faster than I expected... not the worst problem I could have but still, heres the issue:

I wanted to keep them pruned and fimmed so as to minimize the number of nodes and maximize the bud size, due to space issues. I pruned them thoroughly as I usually do, 4 days before going to 12/12 had em cleaned up nice, but this time they bushed up SUPER fast, and now its a freakin jungle, now I have several shoots with no light penetration (super popcorn candidates) and poor airflow through the tray. I'm now 10 days in and starting to get some good hair pushage, but i really want to take off these wasted nodes. Would I be causing too much stress to prune a lil now, should I just et em be and get more fans (wouldnt help the no light penetration issue)? Also would like to pull the big leaves, but I dont wanna shoot myself in the foot.

Any help is much appreciated ^.^


Hey old farts, hows it been?

I asked a question a while back n HK had a very helpful answer so I was thinkin I should ask about my new connondrum(sp??)

So... I run a top feed recirc coco/hydro setup, made some changes to the wter system and they loved it n grew faster than I expected... not the worst problem I could have but still, heres the issue:

I wanted to keep them pruned and fimmed so as to minimize the number of nodes and maximize the bud size, due to space issues. I pruned them thoroughly as I usually do, 4 days before going to 12/12 had em cleaned up nice, but this time they bushed up SUPER fast, and now its a freakin jungle, now I have several shoots with no light penetration (super popcorn candidates) and poor airflow through the tray. I'm now 10 days in and starting to get some good hair pushage, but i really want to take off these wasted nodes. Would I be causing too much stress to prune a lil now, should I just et em be and get more fans (wouldnt help the no light penetration issue)? Also would like to pull the big leaves, but I dont wanna shoot myself in the foot.

Any help is much appreciated ^.^

Chlorophyll + Light = Photosynthesis
No leaves no photosynthesis
sounds like to me you waited to long to flower them for the space you have thats why i've never been a fan of a tent that and many other reasons :) or limited space
They do now.

LEDs are taking off at last.:jump:

Just 2 years ago, all I could find was junk kine.

Well the junk kine is still around, but now there are quite a few excellent lamps on the market and the future looks very bright!:D (sorry, hadda)

Even a "good 90W. UFO" will bleach leaves from an inch or so.

But the ones with 3 - 5W. emitters need about 6" distance to be safe.

My homebrew uses 15W. emitters and I've learned 'bout bleaching the hard way.
View attachment 72442

I've learned so much from your thread that I almost feel obligated to lend a hand where I can.
Hope you no mind.

Aloha, and Mahalo

well i've used these ufo lights on a veg area one side a shop light fluro the other with 2 ufos and thats all the ufo done is stunted there growth and bleached out there leaves total junk compared to the good ole trusty 10 dollar shop light so i think i'll stick to shop lights and co2 before i'll ever have LED anything hanging in any of my rooms ever again thats like running digital ballasts that are made to run a 120 Hz bulb but they only make 60 Hz bulbs just pointless and a waste of time both until they make bulbs that run at 120 Hz digital ballasts really are worthless no better than a magnetic but a magnetic was built to run at 60 Hz :) LED's will never imo if they're made like these ufo lights will never amount to anything but a novelty item


Well-known member
hi HempKat

what do you think will happen if I...

OK, I recently grew a sative, SSH and ended up with a 2.5 lb tree. the plant kept growing and growing and never stopped adding heigth, it was over 7 feet tall at the end. the very tip tops were not at all the best or fullest of the buds, and they extended beyond the useful heigth of my space, they grew around and past my air cooled hood.

Now one might suggest that I vegged too long, but the bottom and middle of the plant were great and full and less veg would be less there.

So, this time, and this time I am growing Neville's haze, a longer flowering strain than ssh, and I have a plan but dont really know what will happen. I plan to set a heigth that is the maximum that I will allow the tops to reach in flower, and no matter what, I plan to chop the tips when they get to that level. If this tree goes like my others, there will be 10 or so tops that will reach for the sky. I dont want to scrog the top or lst or any of those teks that I am familiar with, Im just gonna summarily bob the tops, and it will be in the 12/12 phase that they will end up reaching this level.

what will happen to the branches that have a bobbed top in flower?


hi HempKat

what do you think will happen if I...

OK, I recently grew a sative, SSH and ended up with a 2.5 lb tree. the plant kept growing and growing and never stopped adding heigth, it was over 7 feet tall at the end. the very tip tops were not at all the best or fullest of the buds, and they extended beyond the useful heigth of my space, they grew around and past my air cooled hood.

Now one might suggest that I vegged too long, but the bottom and middle of the plant were great and full and less veg would be less there.

So, this time, and this time I am growing Neville's haze, a longer flowering strain than ssh, and I have a plan but dont really know what will happen. I plan to set a heigth that is the maximum that I will allow the tops to reach in flower, and no matter what, I plan to chop the tips when they get to that level. If this tree goes like my others, there will be 10 or so tops that will reach for the sky. I dont want to scrog the top or lst or any of those teks that I am familiar with, Im just gonna summarily bob the tops, and it will be in the 12/12 phase that they will end up reaching this level.

what will happen to the branches that have a bobbed top in flower?

I prune the tops in veg, you can also use Plant height regulators like Dr. Nodes (paclobutrazol), there are others that are more expensive. I use this with great success. If you want to see a grow that uses plant height regulator with success look up the "pirates grow thread".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hey old farts, hows it been?

I asked a question a while back n HK had a very helpful answer so I was thinkin I should ask about my new connondrum(sp??)

So... I run a top feed recirc coco/hydro setup, made some changes to the wter system and they loved it n grew faster than I expected... not the worst problem I could have but still, heres the issue:

I wanted to keep them pruned and fimmed so as to minimize the number of nodes and maximize the bud size, due to space issues. I pruned them thoroughly as I usually do, 4 days before going to 12/12 had em cleaned up nice, but this time they bushed up SUPER fast, and now its a freakin jungle, now I have several shoots with no light penetration (super popcorn candidates) and poor airflow through the tray. I'm now 10 days in and starting to get some good hair pushage, but i really want to take off these wasted nodes. Would I be causing too much stress to prune a lil now, should I just et em be and get more fans (wouldnt help the no light penetration issue)? Also would like to pull the big leaves, but I dont wanna shoot myself in the foot.

Any help is much appreciated ^.^

Well it's best not to trim in flower if you can avoid it but sometimes not doing something can be as stressful as doing something. That is to say if it needs to be done then it needs to be done. I typically don't advocate the trimming of fan leaves unnecessarily, I'm more a believer in trying to either arrange the plants so the leaves aren't blocking bud sites or if that can't be done try to move the leaves aside a bit without trimming to get light to a budsite. If however that's not possible I will trim fan leaves when needed although I try to avoid doing that once in flower.

There's a thread here on this site called the Defoliation: High Yield Technique or something like that, there's much more detailed info there on doing the kind of trimming you're talking about. Here's the link below:



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hi HempKat

what do you think will happen if I...

OK, I recently grew a sative, SSH and ended up with a 2.5 lb tree. the plant kept growing and growing and never stopped adding heigth, it was over 7 feet tall at the end. the very tip tops were not at all the best or fullest of the buds, and they extended beyond the useful heigth of my space, they grew around and past my air cooled hood.

Now one might suggest that I vegged too long, but the bottom and middle of the plant were great and full and less veg would be less there.

So, this time, and this time I am growing Neville's haze, a longer flowering strain than ssh, and I have a plan but dont really know what will happen. I plan to set a heigth that is the maximum that I will allow the tops to reach in flower, and no matter what, I plan to chop the tips when they get to that level. If this tree goes like my others, there will be 10 or so tops that will reach for the sky. I dont want to scrog the top or lst or any of those teks that I am familiar with, Im just gonna summarily bob the tops, and it will be in the 12/12 phase that they will end up reaching this level.

what will happen to the branches that have a bobbed top in flower?

I'm not 100% sure, I've had to do similar things in similar situations but it was always close enough to harvest that I couldn't really see much results from doing it. I would think it would respond like any other topped grow tip though.

Also in my opinion, it's just really not satisfying to grow strains like that indoors. If I ever intentionally grow long flowering sativas again I'll only do them like I used to and grow them outdoors in a place where I can let them do whatever they want to do growth wise.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Facts and conclusions.

Facts and conclusions.

well i've used these ufo lights on a veg area one side a shop light fluro the other with 2 ufos and thats all the ufo done is stunted there growth and bleached out there leaves

Way too close to the light, my friend.
A common error.

total junk compared to the good ole trusty 10 dollar shop light so i think i'll stick to shop lights and co2 before i'll ever have LED anything hanging in any of my rooms ever again thats like running digital ballasts that are made to run a 120 Hz bulb but they only make 60 Hz bulbs just pointless and a waste of time both until they make bulbs that run at 120 Hz digital ballasts really are worthless no better than a magnetic but a magnetic was built to run at 60 Hz :) LED's will never imo if they're made like these ufo lights will never amount to anything but a novelty item

Aloha B.B.

Really sorry to hear that.

Maybe you're doing it wrong.:D

To be fair, this was not grown with a UFO.
Most of the UFO knockoffs truly suck.
And the good ones are just adequate.

I don't use UFOs myself, but I do have a friend that grows excellent meds with 2 of them.

Prolly 'cause he's a rank beginner and had less to "un-learn".

One can not treat leds like shop lights, or HPS!
They are very different animals.

They require a different style of growing from what most of us are used to.
Very easy to overwater, over fert and over light.

Hence the bleaching and stunting.

And that, was the original question that got my attention.

So, I answered it, and may have prevented the asker from overlighting, and thus "proving", that all leds are crap.

Not selling anything, jus' statin' facts.
If I had cheap electricity, I'd be using HIDs.

Thanks for your input, B. B.:thank you:
(I've read Burroughs).:)

In spite of my jape, I do take you seriously but I find your conclusion unacceptable.

Bottom line?
It's all information.

Warm aloha
Wee zard