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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't take this as expert advise, however, If it were mine I would dab it with some cloning gel and bury it to a little above the cut (un-bent paper clip for support if needed) keep spraying like a clone, and it just might make it. A dome of some sort might help also but be careful not to let it stay too wet, use the cut off bottom of a plastic bottle. Take it off and let it breath through out the day and spray it again and cover it up again.

This isn't bad advice either, I should have thought of the cloning gel. I did mention clones but the thought of using the gel never occured to me.

You sure you're not an expert Gold123? :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hello again, as you know this whole grow has been rather stressful (for me and the plants)... I have been thinking one thing or another has been wrong with the plants from the get go.... They have been treated for things they didn't need to be treated for overfed/underfed, heat stressed, wrong lights and so forth.... Actually it's amazing they are still alive!

Anyway, one is really looking bad. This is the one that has had such a rough life. I stopped the feeding about 2 weeks ago in anticipation of a harvest (and it was not looking good then). I don't think they are ready yet, but I'm afraid that at least one is dying.

HempKat, would you take a look at the pic's and give me an opinion as to weather to harvest plant #1? The other two I think will make it another week or so.

I see my labels for the pictures don't show. Anyway the first two pictures 1246 & 1247 are the plant that took most of the abuse and looks to me like it's dying fast. Plant #2 pic 1248 looks bad, but like it will survive a bit longer and Plant #3 1250 actually looks pretty good.

Thank you for holding my hand through this,


Well to me they all look harvestable. I'm not saying right now, today but soon, very soon. Some of what you got going on is the old damage from when you thought you had a pest problem. Some of it though is just normal aging. Also on plant one you said you've been giving her just water for two weeks. So that's two weeks of no food and the plant is cannabilizing it's leaves. That is normal. Those leaves have no real value after harvest so don't worry that they don't look well. As long as the buds are looking okay then you're good. Also, even if you didn't flush (give just water) some leaves would still be doing that because the plant has almost finished it's cycle and is starting to die.

Now I'm also seeing heat/moisture stress like it's too hot in the room, too dry or both. That's what is causing some of the leaves to fold and others to curl at the edges. What's the temp and humidity like in there during lights on? If it's more then 80F then try to find a way to cool things down to at least 80 preferably 75-78. If the humidity is below 40% with lights on try to raise it a bit if you can. It's tough at this stage though because alot of the humidity comes from the plants but the resin is probably doing it's job and helping to keep that moisture in the plants. If you can get it there I like to shoot for 50% RH during lights on. During lights out it's okay to be much lower.


bug friend or foe

bug friend or foe

Hi Your Gaseousness,

I appreciate your wisdom. It surpasses Oz.

What do you make of this little creature?

Many thanks!


Thank you HempKat, you are a gem!

Okay, two of the girls are now hanging to dry and #3 is still under the light (she is the one that has always looked good). Right now my temp and RH are good in the grow room: low to mid 70's temp and 45 RH (the weather and temp are favorable). I'll spray her with water to try to raise the RH tp 55%.

I'm trying to follow harvesting info that I have read. I'm posting a pic of the set-up if you see any problems, I would appreciate your input. You may notice that my leaf removal isn't consistent, I was a bit confused about that, but I think it's okay for now. I'll remove the rest of the leafs before curing. I put a humidifier in the room and I'm going to shoot for a RH of 55%. The book I have says to hang them until the stem snaps, about two to three weeks, then time for curing.

I saved some of the better looking leafs and have them laying on a flat surface to dry. The book I have says it should take about 2 weeks. I plan on making canabutter with those. I have also posted a pic of those leafs and was hoping that you would advise me if these are good for canabutter.

HempKat you are so knowledgeable and so easy to understand! Thank you so very much.

Peace, Gabs


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Thank you HempKat, you are a gem!

Okay, two of the girls are now hanging to dry and #3 is still under the light (she is the one that has always looked good). Right now my temp and RH are good in the grow room: low to mid 70's temp and 45 RH (the weather and temp are favorable). I'll spray her with water to try to raise the RH tp 55%.

I'm trying to follow harvesting info that I have read. I'm posting a pic of the set-up if you see any problems, I would appreciate your input. You may notice that my leaf removal isn't consistent, I was a bit confused about that, but I think it's okay for now. I'll remove the rest of the leafs before curing. I put a humidifier in the room and I'm going to shoot for a RH of 55%. The book I have says to hang them until the stem snaps, about two to three weeks, then time for curing.

I saved some of the better looking leafs and have them laying on a flat surface to dry. The book I have says it should take about 2 weeks. I plan on making canabutter with those. I have also posted a pic of those leafs and was hoping that you would advise me if these are good for canabutter.

HempKat you are so knowledgeable and so easy to understand! Thank you so very much.

Peace, Gabs

Get those scissors out and trim that stuff up, all the fan leaves, next the small leaves around the bud are what you want for cannabutter or bubble hash, etc. you don't want to wait until they are dry to do this. you need to keep the air moving in your drying room, and I wouldn't use any added humidity, 3 weeks may be on the long side to dry, but you will know when they are ready.
You can get some results from fan leaves and stems but it will be minimal, but why waste it if you want something to do.

BTW nice crop.


Okay, those leaves that I have spread out aren't fan leaves, are they? I thought they were secondary leafs. I'll take the humidifier out, should I put a little fan in there? Is it best to do this today? If I would have known that I needed to do it to day I wouldn't have cleaned house and groomed dogs after the harvest! I'm kind of pooped....but I really do want canabutter.....

BTW: Thanks, it turned out to be more than I expected! No complaints though....


Okay, those leaves that I have spread out aren't fan leaves, are they? I thought they were secondary leafs. I'll take the humidifier out, should I put a little fan in there? Is it best to do this today? If I would have known that I needed to do it to day I wouldn't have cleaned house and groomed dogs after the harvest! I'm kind of pooped....but I really do want canabutter.....

BTW: Thanks, it turned out to be more than I expected! No complaints though....

It helps to have a second pair of hands around, girl friend,wife, kids. Rubbing alcohol gets the sticky off your hands. Try not to touch the buds too much the resin will stick to you.
oscillating fan for the room, some people also exhaust the room too for a few days(fan blowing out the door is good) can be left on low.


I think I'll leave well enough alone and skip the canabutter for today. I'll wait for sister #3 and maybe take a bit of nice bud and through into the pot for a nice kick (that will work won't it?).

The smallish leaves on the stalk, it's my understanding that they are secondary leaves and have a decent THC level? Should I put those in the compost pile too or are they good to smoke? Actually, I think as I write this I'm answering my own question... I don't want to smoke leaves.....

It doesn't hurt anything to leave the trim leaves on at this point, right? I can trim them after they dry and before curing. At that point they make pretty good smoke, right?

Thanks a bunch!


I think I'll leave well enough alone and skip the canabutter for today. I'll wait for sister #3 and maybe take a bit of nice bud and through into the pot for a nice kick (that will work won't it?).

The smallish leaves on the stalk, it's my understanding that they are secondary leaves and have a decent THC level? Should I put those in the compost pile too or are they good to smoke? Actually, I think as I write this I'm answering my own question... I don't want to smoke leaves.....

It doesn't hurt anything to leave the trim leaves on at this point, right? I can trim them after they dry and before curing. At that point they make pretty good smoke, right?

Thanks a bunch!

As hard as it is to trim when it's dry its a real pain and you run the risk of knocking the resin off the bud, do it now. If your keeping it all for yourself you can leave them and just smoke it along with the bud. If some is going elsewhere you'll get complaints about the look.
Back in the day leaves were all that was smoked, the bud of today is a relatively new phenomenon. They will get you high you just need more, but what's wrong with a joint of leaves, nothing.
There are some dispensaries in LA that sell it as shake on the cheap.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hi Your Gaseousness,

I appreciate your wisdom. It surpasses Oz.

What do you make of this little creature?

Many thanks!

I can't really tell, it looks like some sort or larva to me but beyond that I'm not sure. I'm not terribly good at identifying pests though. Just the more obvious ones like spider mites and fungus gnats.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thank you HempKat, you are a gem!

Okay, two of the girls are now hanging to dry and #3 is still under the light (she is the one that has always looked good). Right now my temp and RH are good in the grow room: low to mid 70's temp and 45 RH (the weather and temp are favorable). I'll spray her with water to try to raise the RH tp 55%.

I'm trying to follow harvesting info that I have read. I'm posting a pic of the set-up if you see any problems, I would appreciate your input. You may notice that my leaf removal isn't consistent, I was a bit confused about that, but I think it's okay for now. I'll remove the rest of the leafs before curing. I put a humidifier in the room and I'm going to shoot for a RH of 55%. The book I have says to hang them until the stem snaps, about two to three weeks, then time for curing.

I saved some of the better looking leafs and have them laying on a flat surface to dry. The book I have says it should take about 2 weeks. I plan on making canabutter with those. I have also posted a pic of those leafs and was hoping that you would advise me if these are good for canabutter.

HempKat you are so knowledgeable and so easy to understand! Thank you so very much.

Peace, Gabs

If you do end up spraying the girl (I wouldn't) do it just before lights out so that it's not sitting there wet, under an intense light. Also be sure to have good air movement to help avoid mold that could lead to bud rot. That's why I wouldn't spray the plant, this far into flower the bud growth is so dense that air movement is greatly restricted and moisture can get trapped in little pockets and this creates the right conditions for mold to form. If you have good air movement the risk is reduced but it's still there, so in my opinion it's best not to risk it. If you want to raise humidity you can just spray a mist of water into the air now and then. Be careful not to spray towards the hot bulb of the HID though. To be honest I really wouldn't worry about it too much. 45 is not that low and late into flower when the buds are coated with resin, moisture can't escape the plant as easily and so humidity tends to drop a little. Besides she doesn't have much longer to go does she? Another week, maybe two right? She should be okay, some leaves might start looking ugly but they'll all look ugly anyway once they're dried and boiled for canna butter.

Since I mentioned canna butter those leaves seem fine but don't stop there. More important then the big leaves are the smaller leaves you'll trim off later, especially the ones with trices visible on them. Also if you have any small undeveloped buds that don't seem worth trimming throw those in there. Really you can put any part of the plant above ground in there as well as male plants. The thing is though, all the leaves without triches on them and the stems and stalks, the small undeveloped buds and the males, they really don't have much THC in them. So if you're canna butter is made from just that it'll get you off but it's not the greatest buzz. Not like it can be using a little bit better quallity material. Same for smoking that kind of stuff, you can, it'll taste nasty and it'll give off a strong odor, it'll be harsh and make you cough. it'll probably give you a headache eventually but you can get a slight high off of it.

On the trimming, there's a few different approaches neither of which is necessarily more better then the other but there are people who feel strongly that the way they use is the only way. So you get alot of debate that makes it all more confusing. I would say though that if you're going to follow one way then ignore any other way. I say that because you say the book says 2 to 3 weeks drying time. That's true but really only if you do it like you did and dry it with most of the leaves on. All those leaves provide enough extra moisture to allow it to take 2 to 3 weeks to dry. Now that's fine and that way is believed by many to be the best way for achieving the smoothest hitting best tasting bud. There are however many who trim all the leaves the day they hang the plant because in some ways it's easier to trim those leaves when they're still fresh. Plants that are heavily trimmed generally only need about 7-9 days before they're ready to be put in jars. I myself go that route because one, it's better for taking really mice macro shots (close ups) and it's easier to make sure you're getting as much leaf out of the bud as possible. I really don't like the flavor of leaves and I find it much harder to try to get as much leaf trimmed when it's dry. I don't lose anything either because I save all those trichome coated leaves and either sift the resin off and press it into hash or use it for canna butter. Mostly I do the hash though. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Okay, those leaves that I have spread out aren't fan leaves, are they? I thought they were secondary leafs. I'll take the humidifier out, should I put a little fan in there? Is it best to do this today? If I would have known that I needed to do it to day I wouldn't have cleaned house and groomed dogs after the harvest! I'm kind of pooped....but I really do want canabutter.....

BTW: Thanks, it turned out to be more than I expected! No complaints though....

I guess it's all how you define leaves. True fan leaves come off the main stalk, secondary leaves are really the same but they come from the side branches and tend to be a little smaller then true fan leaves. Some people though just consider all leaves not directly coming from the bud are fan leaves.

Both though have minimal THC in them which is why gold123 is saying what he's saying.

On the drying yeah you probably don't want a humidifier right in there with the buds but you don't want the air too dry either, I'd say no lower then 50% RH and probably better closer to 60%.

You also want it to be in a dark place and have a fan providing good air movement around the buds but without the fan blowing directly on the buds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think I'll leave well enough alone and skip the canabutter for today. I'll wait for sister #3 and maybe take a bit of nice bud and through into the pot for a nice kick (that will work won't it?).

The smallish leaves on the stalk, it's my understanding that they are secondary leaves and have a decent THC level? Should I put those in the compost pile too or are they good to smoke? Actually, I think as I write this I'm answering my own question... I don't want to smoke leaves.....

It doesn't hurt anything to leave the trim leaves on at this point, right? I can trim them after they dry and before curing. At that point they make pretty good smoke, right?

Thanks a bunch!

Well like you kind of said before, you really don't want to smoke leaves do you? Anything except for the roots can be used for canna butter. Most people leave out stalks and branches too. What you do use though you want to dry out first. So you shouldn't be making any canna butter for a few days anyway.


New member


im having a little bit of trouble with my first grow, im growing an afghan kush ryder and a cole train (both feminised), i soaked the seeds last friday and planted the into root riot cubes, ive kept them damp, warm and under light, i was wondering how long do you think it will be until i have germination. because im such a nooby grower im just worried about it. any help would be greatly appreciated.


You guys have been so very helpful... Yesterday was a bit stressful. I didn't realize how much work it is trimming bud. I got about 1/3 done. I'm going to trim for a bit after work today. I sure wish I would have only harvested one girl at a time...And, trimming for me isn't as fast as seen on youtube! I anxiously await my rewards.....

Thanks to you seasoned experts....Gabs


im having a little bit of trouble with my first grow, im growing an afghan kush ryder and a cole train (both feminised), i soaked the seeds last friday and planted the into root riot cubes, ive kept them damp, warm and under light, i was wondering how long do you think it will be until i have germination. because im such a nooby grower im just worried about it. any help would be greatly appreciated.

My limited experience, (3 recent grows, several WAY back in the day) is, ultimately its a weed. I see so much posted about all these mystical germination "tricks". Get some beer cups, or small pots with some mild soil or seedling starting soil. Wet it. Stick your beans in a hole about 1/2 inch or so deep. Cover. Keep moist, not drenched. If they're viable, they'll pop. Be patient and enjoy the experience and fun.
Remember, marijuana (used to) grow wild all over. When the female produced seed, it would just drop on the dirt and maybe get a little bit covered. Maybe not. Nature gives them all they need, you just give them a home (soil) and a bit of water.
BTW, my last seeds popped above soil in 3-4 days.
Good karma,
I have a little question: We just switched from legal hour to one hour ahead.. My timers of course remain with the old timing, but I would like to reset to the previous hour schedule but without harming light cycle etc etc..
Now I run 10:00 p.m.-10:00 a.m. lights on, and I would like to reset them at 09:00 p.m.-09 a.m.
I thought to visit this afternoon and set the switch on at 09:30 p.m. and the switch off at 09:30 a.m. .... after another 3-4 days make the same and set definetly at 09:00 p.m. 09:00 am.
Is it a correct method ?