Probably is.
OK, I have a real world questions about my babies. Some of the leafs are curling. I am thinking this is a PH issue. No nuts or anything. It seems I did not PH balance the jug of tap water. Or I am not sure.
When I've seen curl like that it's usually heat related like from the plant being too close to the light. Now it doesn't have to be a super hot light. Even a normal tube fluoro can burn a plant that's touching it for a long enough time. I've also seen that on plants that constantly have a strong breeze from a fan constantly blowing across the plant. To me it appears as if something is making the air around the plant very dry and the result is that moisture is being sucked out of the plant and the edges curl up as it dries. If this makes sense for your situation maybe try foliar feeding just water inbetween waterings. I think you mentioned before that you use a dehumidifier maybe set that to allow for a higher RH? I typically let mine get to 55-60% during lights on.