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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Active member
On your way to vote, pick up as many homeless people as you can find:) And don't forget to vote for deceased people:) Those ACORN people are experienced casting multiple votes for Obummer. Maybe they can help:) I'm joking because I'm a bit depressed about some of our own voting "No". Think of it this way:
Maybe we can keep some people out of jail. After all, the food sucks there, and we're paying to keep them locked up.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Looks like the major opposition at this point is in the Republican and over 65 (years of age) area.......

....those that were well into their mid-20's or older during the late 1960's mostly don't want Prop19 to pass it seems......and they do make up quite a large slice of the voting populace of California....looks like they still believe all the 'Reefer Madness' propaganda.....

Unfortunatly, they have passed their ideals onto their children and grandchildren, as when I went to hand out pro-19 fliers at our local tea party rally I met anti-mj folks from all ages.

I dont believe the polls though. I dont know a single person that has been polled and I talk with hundreds of people everyday who are in support of 19. Like I said, im not going to argue over poll results, we shall know the answer in 36 hours.

PS: Ive been giving out free grams for all voters who have brought me their ballots with a vote for 19. and damn have i handed out alot of grams!!!! im not sure if this is legal or not, but it sure has gotten alot of people voting for 19!!!
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Rubbing my glands together
PS: Ive been giving out free grams for all voters who have brought me their ballots with a vote for 19. and damn have i handed out alot of grams!!!! im not sure if this is legal or not, but it sure has gotten alot of people voting for 19!!!

It's called vote buying BHT. hehe And it is illegal but only if you promise them a free gram in return for their vote in favor of or against an item on the ballot. Let the wrong person get wind of this and they could cause you problems.

They were raising hell here because seiu workers were passing out Starbucks cards.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i doubt any of those people would have voted differently. it was more of voter appreciation than anything. do you know how many patients were in jubilee that they were getting a free gram of kush AND able to vote for marijuana legalization!? this is some of the most excitement ive seen surrounding voting.

2008 election was pretty exciting too with bringing the first black president to the white house (even though hes the whitest black guy i know....) but its still not the same as being able to goto the voting booth and seeing MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION on the ballot!!

i just wished the printing company could have finished my stickers in time as I wanted to make stickers that looked like the I VOTED sticker, but instead would say I VOTED FOR MJ and have a little MJ leaf on it... oh well.:dance013::dance013::dance013:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If democrats wanted to steal the election they would have come out in favor of prop 19. I highly doubt they will be getting any republican/teaparty votes anyways and the majority of democrats are in favor of legalization. I know ill be voting all democrat come tomorrow morning.

yes on jerry brown
yes on kamala harris
yes on prop 19


Game Bred
2008 election was pretty exciting too with bringing the first black president to the white house (even though hes the whitest black guy i know....) but its still not the same as being able to goto the voting booth and seeing MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION on the ballot!!
no comparison!!!!

this is an actual choice!

'08 was just choosing the color of the Goldman Sachs representative it their white house.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
there are plenty of libertarian leaning teapartiers BHT just as there are democrap prohibitionists..

for instance glen beck and sara "clownshoes" palin support legalization.

I think glenn beck got too much credit from the legalization crowd on that off hand comment he made. Because he didnt say MJ is safe and the biggest danger is the prohibiton of the substance. What he said was either all use should be legal or all use should be illegal. Thats it. He says we should enforce mj laws or get rid of them entirely. All the while they are showing clips from reefer madness... Then GB goes on to mock people who say "mj use is a victimless crime". So I would NOT count GB as a supporter of legalization, but rather a circus show ratings chaser like most 24 hour spin doctor news medias.

*Heres the clip of Glenn Beck's approachless rant on MJ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWkYHVxwukg

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, in an appearance on Fox Business Channel with former Presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), told audiences that she didn't support marijuana legalization because "that would just encourage our young people to think that it was OK to go ahead and use it." Apparently, Palin's parenting involves a lot of "do as I say, not as I do."

Sarah Palin is against legalization. She too has been heralded too highly by legalization supporters because of this quote she made while acting Governor of Alaska:

"If somebody's going to smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody any harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems we have in society." -Sarah Palin

...and while it does sound promising as she may be for legalization, she was simply pandering to the majority demographic (as most politicians do) as at that time it was reported that 68% of Alaskans were in favor of marijuana being a low-priority offense.

Now im not saying every republican/teaparty member is against legalization and im not saying that every democrat/libertarian supports legalization. But the MAJORITY in each party tends to vote in that favor.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
^He made a great point by showing that you can smoke weed and still be perfectly functional, and it does not make you nuts. then durring new rules he laughed way harder than everyone else.... and that was really funny!


Active member
Pot Prohibition Is Cornerstone of a Police State

By Harvey Wasserman

cannabis California -- The simple truth about America's marijuana prohibition: any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy. With 800,000 annual arrests over an herb used by tens of millions of Americans, it is the cornerstone of a police state.

The newly energized movement to end prohibition in California -- home to more than 10% of the nation -- is one of the few healthy developments in this otherwise horrific election.

To help pass Proposition 19, go here and sign up to make phone calls in these last crucial hours.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxr0Pu6SoNk

Part of the battle has already been won. By all accounts the California campaign has thrust the issue to a new level. The terms of repeal are not perfect. But the acceptance of marijuana use has taken a giant leap forward. When joints are openly lit and smoked on national television, it's clear that sooner rather than later, this travesty will fall.

The California campaign has drawn the sides clearly. Demanding continued prohibition first and foremost are the drug dealers who profit directly. As Dan Okrent has shown in LAST CALL: THE RISE & FALL OF PROHIBITION, organized crime booms around such bans.

With them are the prison builders and operators, plus the lawyers, judges, guards and street cops who make their livings off the human agony of this endless stream of meaningless arrests. To their credit, some of these -- especially cops who actually care about controlling actual crime -- have come out for legalization.

Then come the alcohol and tobacco pushers who don't want the competition from a recreational substance that -- like renewable energy -- can be raised and controlled locally. Ditto Big Pharma, which fears marijuana as a superior anti-depressant with healing capabilities far beyond a whole multi-billlion-dollar arsenal of prescription drugs with deadly side effects. They fear an herbal medicine whose warning labels will be limited to statements like: "Caution -- use of this healing herb may lead to excessive desire for chocolate cup cakes."

Ultimately it's the politicians who cling to a prohibition that enhances their power. One after the other they endorse more arrests and fiscal insanity.

Never mind that virtually every farmer in Revolutionary America -- including Washington, Jefferson and Madison -- raised marijuana's kissing cousin, hemp, and profited handsomely from it. Never mind that Ben Franklin made his best paper from hemp. Forget that the last three presidents of the United States and the current governor of California (among so many others) have smoked marijuana, and may still do so.

Never mind that hemp looms behind marijuana as a far greater cash crop, with huge profits to be made from ecologically superior paper, clothing, shoes, textiles, rope, sails, food, fuel and more. A core agricultural mainstay throughout human history, hemp requires no chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. A nitrogen-fixing weed, it replenishes the soil in which it grows. As the stock for cellulosic ethanol, fuel pellets and seed-based diesel oil, it is the key to a green revolution in sustainable bio-fuels. As such, hemp is legal in virtually every country on Earth except the United States.

Many believe the decentralizing economic power of hemp is the real reason its corporate industrial competitors want marijuana to stay illegal. The literature on both is deep and wide.

This ghastly 2010 mid-term election is like a horrendous death spasm for a dying empire. The cancerous flood of corporate money pouring through the process has taken the corruption of what's left of our democratic process to new post-imperial depths.

But nature always provides an healing herb that grows near a poisonous one. We work and hope for repeal in California. But we know the issue has already gone to a new level.

The accelerated corporate rape and pillage of what's left of our nation is all too evident. Sending this tool of official repression up in smoke will help mitigate the disaster.

Vote YES on California's Prop. 19, and make sure to call those you know who might.

Note: Any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy.

Source: AlterNet (US)
Author: Harvey Wasserman


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
prop 19 is down in every poll, big drop in the last week.....

looks like this year is not the year.......


Throbbing Member
prop 19 is up in every poll, big up in the last week.....

looks like this year is the year.......

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
prop 19 is down in every poll, big drop in the last week.....

looks like this year is not the year.......

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nobody knows what will happend until the results are in...they poll less than 1500 people at their choosing in a state of 34 million people. That not even a 1/8th of a percent of voters...


Active member
The proposed law states 25 square feet in a private residence. So a detached garage, shed or building is not part of a private residence.


it is per parcel. nothing about private residence, or being inside a private residence is stated, the wording clearly states 1 25 square foot grow per parcel.


Active member
prop 19 is down in every poll, big drop in the last week.....

looks like this year is not the year.......


prop 19 is up in every poll, big up in the last week.....

looks like this year is the year.......


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nobody knows what will happend until the results are in...they poll less than 1500 people at their choosing in a state of 34 million people. That not even a 1/8th of a percent of voters...

...pretty much.

let's wait and see =)

Guest 88950

its funny how you can find a poll on prop19 that supports whatever side your on.

i guess well see tomorrow. i just hope cali conducts voting better that we do in florida.

YES on 19
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