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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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A smart cash cropper will organize every house in his street and "rent" 25 sq ft in every back yard...with ten x 25 sq feet a cash cropper could make good money and be untouchable by the law.

anyway, the proposed law states you can grow in a 5ft x 5ft area...if that's floor space, not the plant's branches spread area, then you can factor extra yield as the canopy could be trained to easily spread out to twice that area.

instead of a 5 x 5 foot area, you could yield much more by growing on a 6 inch x 50 feet area along side a back yard fence facing south.

There will be a huge immediate market for "ready to grow" grow tents and cabinets that have a 25 sq ft area.

The proposed law states 25 square feet in a private residence. So a detached garage, shed or building is not part of a private residence.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Looks like the major opposition at this point is in the Republican and over 65 (years of age) area.......

....those that were well into their mid-20's or older during the late 1960's mostly don't want Prop19 to pass it seems......and they do make up quite a large slice of the voting populace of California....looks like they still believe all the 'Reefer Madness' propaganda.....

...anyway, still there is hope....and we shall see within the next 48 hours or less if Prop 19 passes or not....(or how close it gets to passing).....

....win or loose, at least Prop 19 will have helped to educate many people about the many good reasons why there should be an end to cannabis prohibition....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
absolutely my father is one of them he is 70 and he will never except cannabis an any form. I have tried to convert his thinking with facts but he thinks we somehow manipulated them. Your all just a bunch of dope fiends as he would say.


This has an effect on the rest of the World, In Sweden we see it on the news everyday now and not the old propaganda speech.
Keeping my fingers crossed


plea to the cali crowd

plea to the cali crowd

Hi, Voting day is near!
I just wanted to drop a line to all people in cali that has a shot at voting to legalize on Prop 19. Please go out and voice your opinion and vote yes. All of us in your sister states are relying on you to pave the way for the rest of us. Please help erase the stigma marijuana has carried and given many of us over the years. enough is enough. I hear about cali growers worried about prices falling. Lets not be greedy, (greed is why America is in the trouble we are in) there is plenty of money to go around to everyone who is willing to put in the work. Marlboro and the like is not going to put anyone out of business!

We are all counting on YOU. We need YOU! This is your chance , please dont miss your shot. Lead the way and the rest will follow.

Not sure what else to say other then i just wanted to write this to you and let you know that you are not just representing yourself during this most monumental occasion but also all of us fellow Americans who are tired of the status quo. Fight the fight and win one for all of us, PLEASE. thank you!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This IS the bigger issue and it isn't to be taken lightly no matter how you vote... heavy duty shit here and we are speaking for our nation. Some things are sacrificed but in the grand scheme of things this is what has to be considered.


Active member
I agree. It's great to have some good publicity for cannabis for once. It's all over the news here in New Zealand.

Good luck california.. I'd most likely vote yes on prop 19 if I was living in there. Even if I was involved in the existing canna industry and the bill would kill my business. I support the right for everyone to grow their own cannabis legally.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well depending on where you live in Cali ... some counties certainly have a war on growing.... this will help keep us all safe as everyone will be allowed a 5x5 so when they smell your bigger grow there should be no reason to enter. The whole world is watching ... I know some of us med folks feel differently ... but the whole world is watching and we need to vote yes and show them its OK.


The proposed law states 25 square feet in a private residence. So a detached garage, shed or building is not part of a private residence.

Isn't the back yard or a shed part of a private residence?

If not, then put a bed in the shed

and once 19 passes, do you really think the cops will give a damn anymore if it's 5'x5' or 6'x6'?


The proposed law states 25 square feet in a private residence. So a detached garage, shed or building is not part of a private residence.

So...are you really attempting to tell us you dont think we can use the shed in our yard to grow our 5 x 5 in? Dont you see when you attempt misinformation such as this, your credibility is shot?

Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel.

It says PER private residence not IN a private residence. Your attempt at changing the words of the prop in order to attempt to make your point is bullshit.


Listen Brothers and Sisters in Cali! Make as much noise as possible regardless on how it goes tomorrow, cause you are now in the media spotlight and the rest of the world benefits from this. More noise!!! Stop The lies about Marijuana


Active member
CA residents, have a nice dinner, get to bed early, and first thing tomorrow morning head for the polls and vote yes on 19.
If you can pick up a few ride less pro 19 people on your way to the polls, that would be even better.

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