Sam you are not taking into account some key facts that make smoking pleasurable.
1. The leaf adds something to the flavor and smoke that myself and many old school smokers love. The leaves have their own flavor to add. It just isn't the resin heads.
I first smoked Cannabis in 1965, I am old school.
As for the flavor in leaves, how many smokers do you know that prefer the taste of Cannabis leaves with no resin? Why not? The smells and taste come mainly from the terpenes, found in the resin.
2. Resin heads are not the only thing that get people high. Many buds that don't have that great of resin heads get you very stoned. 1975 Columbian Gold was not a bag appeal resin monster. The power was intrinsic. It was in the leaves and leaflet stems. Tender side shoots of vegging plants can get you nice and stoned. It has been written about and not just by me.
I don't know what to say, what is it in the leaves with no resin that gets you high? What compound exactly? You get high from the THC found in the resin with the terpenes.
3. Sometimes when people get tolerant of a particular strain they can get high again just by switching up the method by which they smoke it. If you were bonging all the time you can smoke a pipe or roll a joint and you will get high as you did before. Ways to smoke resin are limited.
4. You can't roll a resin joint. That fact alone limits the usefulness of resin to me.
Are you joking? Yes you can....
5. Just like in love making foreplay is a great enhancer. The foreplay with smoking weed is the looking at the buds, the breaking up of the buds, the filling of the bowl or the rolling of the joint. Dabbing just does not have the foreplay factor.
Try sifting some dry bud, to get the resin, as foreplay if you need it.
6. If I have a bud of Chem D and I break it up the smell is much more interesting than hash made of Chem D resin. It has a much more complex flavor profile than resin.
Dry sift or water hash? Dry sift is the same I have GC analysis of buds and resin made from the same buds, they are basically the same. Water hash or BHO will definitely cause smell changes with the loss of terpenes.
7. Different locations add to the experience. Buds travel well. You can roll a joint sitting next to a waterfall or have a joint already rolled for what ever location you are going to. Resin is a pain in the ass to travel with and share with people.
Wow, according to you. I managed to share by dry sift with thousands of people worldwide, easier to transport also.
8. Resin IMHO is more harsh on the lungs. I might not have a scientific reason but I know most of my friends complain all day the next day after smoking bubble hash, iso hash and butane oil. The next day after smoking many joints the night before you wake up and cough up a bunch of crap and then feel fine to start smoking later that day.
For 20 years I was a daily smoker of herb, every morning I would wake and spit up black phlem from all the herb I smoked. Then I moved to Amsterdam and started making my own dry sift all my lung problems were gone. I try and only smoke dry sift.
Why smoke all the rope?
I hate it when my buds run out and I have to rely on bubble hash. The stone does not get as good, it doesn't last as long and I ruin my lungs trying to get as high as I want.
Once at a festival I was the old dude hanging out with the young stoners and they marveled at how many dabs I could smoke. I wasn't that high. When they all quit I went and rolled a big fat joint and got where I wanted to be.
Maybe you need to stick to herb to smoke, as you seem to have your mind made up anyway. Me, I can't stand smoking herbal Cannabis, 20% what I want, and 80% rope, plant fibers.
But I do not like BHO or even most water hash.
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