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Vintage Colombian


ICMag Donor
Love ❤️ Your thread :) is this all weed or is this something else?

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Accidental upload there. But once these kind of negative waves pass the experience is grand. I was by myself and around 7 PM the negativity passed away and euphoria came to town. It's like really good old school Mexican weed, things are funny and colors intensify and sounds morph. I went outside (it gets dark here around six ) the air felt sweet and sticky with the humidity. Very beautiful experience as I walked around the house. I went back in smoked a little Muisca that elevated the effect and great closed eyed visuals. Around ten I got the munchies chowed down still tripping hard. By midnight I was able to sleep till eight am and feeling great. So yeah good stuff.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
When you see the pictures of the greenhouse full of plants.

These are my genetics grown with a license at zipacon (2021). Actually those plants were grown only for an agricultural evaluation and would end up being destroyed. One of the reasons I want nothing to do with big commodity cannabis.

In Colombia it is and has been for decades legal for an individual to grow up to 20 plants. So me being a law abiding gringo I never have more than 19 plants at any one time. It's also illegal to sell so 19 plants is more than enough for me. Another reason I'm making more hash because it stores longer than flower.

This is Diego a licensed agrónomo that registered the genetics. He's working deep in the headwaters of the Amazon with the WWF. He wasn't a cannabis consumer but I gave him some really good THC tincture for his elderly dog. The dog eventually died but he said the tincture stopped the dogs suffering and allowed him to pass peacefully. But Diego was a very interesting character indeed.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor

Here's the cheapest weed around, pennies on the gram. It's not from imported genetics,at least not good ones. I've smoked worse but this is to be avoided despite the incredible price. It's like they just mashed up the entire plant but most of it is fully seeded flower. The smell and taste are terrible dirt flavor but the hit isn't that bad. It's stronger than it looks and the effect is uplifting. Looking at it from a Colombian perspective,it is a good deal since the hit is there. Still if buying I would spend a little more than five dollars for bud.

red rider


ICMag Donor
View attachment 19021175
Here's the cheapest weed around, pennies on the gram. It's not from imported genetics,at least not good ones. I've smoked worse but this is to be avoided despite the incredible price. It's like they just mashed up the entire plant but most of it is fully seeded flower. The smell and taste are terrible dirt flavor but the hit isn't that bad. It's stronger than it looks and the effect is uplifting. Looking at it from a Colombian perspective,it is a good deal since the hit is there. Still if buying I would spend a little more than five dollars for bud.

red rider
that kind of reminds me of the Mexican we were getting in my youth at $20 an ounce. It’s all we knew.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh yeah I bought and smoked quite a bit of the 70s bricked Mexican. Most of it was terrible but like you said we didn't know any different until Colombian took over.

Knowing both this would be better than the normal $10 a lid Mexican just because of the hit. I can remember buying a $10 lid and smoking it in one sitting (with two other people). We only got a kind of headache buzz. Now some was better but none I had equal the hit of this.

However this is almost exactly like the brick in that it a compressed chunk of field weed. The hit is powerful but smoke enough of it and it just makes me tired and sleepy. Still dirt weed by any standard.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor

Yes these are all strawberrys, they've had two harvest since planting about a year ago.

I won't touch them cause they use all kinds of chemicals. It's really disappointing to see the farmers using all this poison especially on their own land. Despite my bitching to the finca owner the farmers continue to spray. No strawberrys please.
The shape in the coffee is Colombia.

The RS is getting a little purple tinge with the cool nights. Like I said I've grown the Red Snake and the Punto Rojo as well as the Oaxacan but I've never grown this BX.

Looks familiar but much better tricomb development. Still got a ways to go but I'm happy with our current progress.

Red Snake

red rider


Well-known member
Having access to locally grown coffee must be so cool, I love coffee, black, no sugar just the natural taste of the roasted beans.
What made the difference in potency between the old mexican and colombian weed? The genetics of the plants or the grow conditions?
I've grown some seeds a family member brought back from a trip to Mexico, the seeds were from buds he scored around Oaxaca but no way to know what they really were. They were grown outdoor in south of France next to some Super Skunk and other Dutch hybrids, they had a similar bushy structure and were harvested at the same time so I think they were at best hybrids of local mexican weed and modern Dutch hybrids. The difference was in the smell/taste and high, the mexicans had a forest ground type of smell with a hypnotic high. I should have made some seeds with them but did not think about preserving them at this time(around 2004/5)
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Interesting story, I grow and smoke Oaxacan outcrosses even now. But no idea what they were growing there in 04 (20 years). We care here on icmag very much about authentic purity but reality is not like that. Most normal growers and even more so commercial growers want quick flowering potent flower. And everyone is making seeds,myself included. That being said most of my work and genetics are only important to me.

Early this morning I revisited the now cured Djamba. It's been weeks or even a month since my last taste of this rare weed. Still potent as ever but now more "trippy" with a kind of heaviness like the shroom. The Djamba isn't like the Hawaiian or Red Death that have that powerful "get her done" effect. It's trippy and spacy in a weird way that's very different than any of my other varieties.

This is the Red Snake bx which I will refer to as "Red Boa" from here out. The seeds are mature but the plants still putting out fresh pistols so I'm letting her go. Parts of the plant are more mature and I tested one. The hit is stronger than I remember the RS to have been but very much like the PR. Really similar to the Djamba that I smoked earlier. However the Red Boa has much more euphoria and overall happier. The PR from CBG as I said before is a good one that represents the best of the old school. I can feel the Oaxacan too with it's bubbling uplifting brightness. It's heavy and makes the eyes heavy and blood red, not motivational. We'll see how it is finished and dried but I'm happy at this point.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Not to reopen the "outdoor VS indoor" debate because it's futile. I believe we here can all agree that cannabis grown under the Colombian sun directly in the ground is going to be special. The equatorial sun intensified by high altitude with rich volcanic soil produce cannabis (and coffee) of the highest caliber. Plants like growing here and I've been growing outdoors here since 2004 non stop. I've grown so many varieties, from imported everything to native Colombian strains from all over the country.
With all this experience I can say most cannabis varieties thrive in my high altitude environment but the tropical plants excel. This of course is obvious since they are tropical plants. I could go on and on about the Colombian climate I'm fortunate to grow in but the plants and greenhouses I write about are what I like and I want. No way am I implying that what I do is the best or in anyway better than anyone else. The truth is as we know obvious to those who know.

First grow in Colombia (Bogotá) 2004
The seeds came from a pound of "red" from Tolima. It was at this point (I knew the type of weed I wanted for the rest of my life).


PEA 2021

After decades of growing different varieties in different environments I was able to really narrow in on what wanted from the plant.

I studied with great passion and enthusiasm as I improved tactic with efficiency through out the process.

I worked in different climates trying to find the sweet spot I was looking for. It wasn't easy and still isn't, the only value being my own.

There's no finish line no ultimate goal to achieve, it's in the journey.

Red Boa 2024

red rider


Active member
View attachment 19021175
Here's the cheapest weed around, pennies on the gram. It's not from imported genetics,at least not good ones. I've smoked worse but this is to be avoided despite the incredible price. It's like they just mashed up the entire plant but most of it is fully seeded flower. The smell and taste are terrible dirt flavor but the hit isn't that bad. It's stronger than it looks and the effect is uplifting. Looking at it from a Colombian perspective,it is a good deal since the hit is there. Still if buying I would spend a little more than five dollars for bud.

red rider
That looks like some of the stuff that used to come up to Canada in the 70"s LOL

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