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US Supreme Court Fucks the Constitution (again . . .)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
How noisy is some guy trying to hide his little weed stash really and do these cops have some type of supersonic hearing to be able to discern noises from behind a closed door? How absolutely ridiculous is this whole thing, wtf am I the only person scratching my head here about this noise part of it all?

If you have no tresspass signs posted on your property, and they have no probable cause to be there in the first place at your residence (like a domestic disturbance ect) then to claim they heard something inside and then proceeded to kick down your door would ultimately be fruitless because there are still all the events leading up to that point and they do have accountability for every action they take or you can bet your ass any good lawyer can get it thrown out in court. Also, why are we guilty until proven innocent as far as trying to "destroy evidence" how could they know about that evidence prior to discovering it and why is it automatically assumed any noise is you doing that?

So, make sure if you are gonna smoke don't do it by your front door and for those growing without odor control go buy a damn fan & filter please. Soundproofing insulation also to be put on the front door "just for kicks" :bigeye: and ultimately to guard against nosy search non-warrants yeah baby it's the next big thing! :canabis:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
:) What do you mean "is becoming" kimosabe?

cuz it's probably gonna get worse in my opinion. we're not yet the full blown Police State I expect.

just look what has happened to our rights in the last decade. And look at the role the Supreme Court played. the government continues to take more and more power from the people.

i've been around long enough to see America slide from greatness to a country falling quickly due to the corruption and greed of human beings. Greed and money drives most of this shit...

We already incarcerate more people than the rest of the world combined, I guess the Supreme Court thinks we need more. :crazy:

What really BLOWS my mind is the 8-1 vote... Has almost every single person in government, now lost their mind? The Supreme Court is the our last hope in regards to our rights granted in the Bill of Rights.

So in summary, when our last hope has only 1 dissenter on a decision like this I am very worried where our country is headed. :cry:


Active member
All true and very important. The best part is our founders left us a legal way to take our country back. Please see teamlaw.or for further details.
Its going to take a full fledged revolution sooner or later.

Im prepared for civil war and I will teach my children the vision our fathers had for this land and they will be prepared for war also.

When the giant awakes its going to be ugly, We are a war nation. This country was built over many wars and many dead. For all you that think its far fetched that we will declare war against our own nation, Just look deep into the history of this nation, It tells of whats to come again, The country was purposefully set up for the people to take it back at any time they see fit.

It's only a matter of time gentlemen, We all come from a great decent of men and women who were willing to die for REAL freedom. I believe that willingness is still in all of us and when we are backed to far into a corner, The giant will awake and even our own military will have to step aside. We have not united in a long time, True unity is when we ALL war together for the same cause.

Grass Lands

Its going to take a full fledged revolution sooner or later.

Im prepared for civil war and I will teach my children the vision our fathers had for this land and they will be prepared for war also.

When the giant awakes its going to be ugly, We are a war nation. This country was built over many wars and many dead. For all you that think its far fetched that we will declare war against our own nation, Just look deep into the history of this nation, It tells of whats to come again, The country was purposefully set up for the people to take it back at any time they see fit.

It's only a matter of time gentlemen, We all come from a great decent of men and women who were willing to die for REAL freedom. I believe that willingness is still in all of us and when we are backed to far into a corner, The giant will awake and even our own military will have to step aside. We have not united in a long time, True unity is when we ALL war together for the same cause.

True words man...its going to need to happen sooner or later, it will be difficult to revolt as a large group due the suppression they will impose upon us...we will need smaller groups to come together as a large group at the right time for the full on revolution.


Well-known member
To cover the noise that they THINK they hear. Take one of those motion lights and hook it up to a noise generator or a recording of pigs eating corn.
When any one comes to the door,they get a light in the face and some oinking for the ears.
I would use Black sabbiths' war pigs....
Here is the way I see it. There is no stopping the machine so I applaud every decision that gets us closer to a revolution. I thought it was coming when the bail outs happened. I know it will be ugly but it is needed. Everyone should look into setting up self sustainable systems on your property.


Now you cant even take a dump without being paranoid to flush the toilet. The administration could end this madness by cutting off the bribes. Oh I meant the federal funding for states and communities disregarding the rights and needs of their people in exchange for helping the government look tough on drugs. Federal grants for law enforcement are decided by how many citizens you lock up, how much drugs you confiscate and how much personal property they steal. Oops my bad "seize". Plain and simple if they are not against the war on drugs don't vote for them or just say no at election time. Forget about the Democrat Republican hyperbole. I don't advertise for anyone but their are two candidates running for president that will end this madness.
Hate to admit it, but I wish it too...

Hate to admit it, but I wish it too...

Here is the way I see it. There is no stopping the machine so I applaud every decision that gets us closer to a revolution. I thought it was coming when the bail outs happened. I know it will be ugly but it is needed. Everyone should look into setting up self sustainable systems on your property.

The quicker the douche bags at the Fed complete the evisceration of our currency and hasten unfettered inflation, the sooner the ostrich-like cows will get their heads out of their sphincters and revolt. The only "Hope" I have is that we can put all of the unemployed carpenters to work buildin' Guillotines to chop these fuckers' head off with. Maybe after they see a few of their fellow "Honorables' " heads bouncin' down the stairs they'll get smart and vamoose? Time to get Medieval on their asses.

All is not lost with regard to the Supreme's however. Eventually they get burnt out from years of prescription drug abuse and die or retire (Nixon's boy, Renquist was addicted to pain meds for a bad back...the whole time he was ruling to keep America safe from the scourge of MJ, he was whacked on opiates - is that irony or just straight fucked up?).

Here's a link to some insights on the ruling from the folks over at Flex Your Rights. If ya haven't seen or bought their videos you're nuts. Simple but effective. Get a hold of one and share that bitch.
I donate copies to local college activity groups and Scout Troops for mass showings. Why Scout Troops you ask? Well what could be more fuckin' American? They still say the pledge, and swear to be honest and forthright...hell I wish we had a couple in Congress for a change. Besides, scouts is where I was first exposed to the joys of grass and the wonderment of alcohol. I can't imagine a more fucked up scene than a Cub Scout gettin' cuffed over a bag a weed. Besides...idn't their motto "Be Prepared"? Why shouldn't that include being prepared to beat a bad weed bust? :)


I think I originally found them on NORML's site, and the videos are basically an audio/visual reinforcement of exactly how to do what the NORML Freedom Card tells ya. Everybody should have that shit memorized or tattooed on their ass (or maybe better someplace easier to read). ;)


Active member
all I know is im not going to have to be the one going to hell for being so ruthless towards others...(by the way that comment was strictly MJ plant related....Now drugs on the other hand I dont condone.)


Somebody earlier was talking about the dangers this raises of cop impersinators banging on doors, that’s a good point.

That bit about that justice Renquist being addicted to prescription opiates while ruling against the "scourge" of marijuana is certainly fucked up and ironic if true, and yet, somehow strangely firmiliar.

Lets talk about Americas war on freedom! I refuse to believe this is what people are fighting and dying for, supreme court decisions that give cops Judge Dredd power on your pets, and practically everything but the right to just shoot you.


The cop can fabricate a generic "heard this, smelled that" story on the spot

had to double post, it wasn't letting me edit


It's reached a point now where Big Authority is pushing us to see how completely they can control us. Most Americans cave to it, buying into the sickeningly fascitious melding of perceived godly morality, patriotism, Law Enforcement, and Military. They're "looking out for us", as Bill O'Reilly says (without even bothering to hide a condescending smirk), touting our 'best interests and safety' while aquiring more and more power over us drooling, entertainment-sotted underlings.

235 years ago Americans had the cojones to stop it. Now, it's gotten too big and powerful. They've lulled most of us into a complicit sleep-state, and their fat, heavy thumbs are going to press down all the harder as they see their power increasing. We're too fat and lazy.
I think Alexander Hamilton said it best...."The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."

Forced entry by armed persons, w/out a warrant = a threat to every American's basic rights and freedoms. Such invasion should only be met with defensive firearm blasts. In Michigan, an officer of the law is only protected from a 2nd amendment compliant citizen shooting them unless they have a warrant, or were invited in. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that a man's safest shelter from public harm is within the walls of his "Castle." If an attacker pursues, or enters one's home with intent to do harm, as determined by the homeowner, the owner shall not be prosecuted if they take the life of such an intruder as an act of self-defense. By Michigan law, LEO is only exempted from such if they are intruding your home with a legal search warrant. Of course, they're not intruders if one invites them in.

Of course, illegal drugs and guns don't mix.....beware the "commission of a felony in possession of a firearm!
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of press." -Thomas Jefferson


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
We could all revolt and just start planting patches in our front yards, tens of thousands of people nationwide. Would they lock up say 20,000 Americans at the same time for say 5 Cannabis plants in their tomato gardens? I would love to see that on CNN! :bigeye:

It will likely take something of that magnitude before any real change comes for non-med states. The problem here is if you plant out front the rippers driving around looking for plants get you before LEO checks your papers, and that needs to stop because they have turned us against one another with the black market they created. People need to start banding together and be more unified because we won't win this war on our own. :canabis:


Maybe if everyone grew their own the cops would have no motivation to bust people for weed because the black market died, they don't have to protect anyone's profits by eliminating competition and putting the fear of johnny law into people to pay top dollar.

Call me cynical, but one time I heard about a governer of some state, I can't remember where, had some big anti drug campaign and got busted for being involved in some big drug operation.

Using public office to further your own illegal agendas, nice. It's worse than contracts being funnelled to Haliburton, when high ranking gov't officials owned Haliburton, it's worse because they aren't just taking peoples livelyhood away, they're taking people away in handcuffs.
this is getting out of hand the fed gov, has far excedded its authority of protecting the borders and now has way to much to say about everything, and the will and rights of americas people is being traded for illusions of granger. pretty soon we will be aressted for our thoughts/


Most of us were asleep politically during the Bush years and the others were in a deep coma too busy filling their brains with other useless info such as sport stats, Hollywood movie stars, American Idle or keeping up on the facts of MTV's "the real world" & other reality T.V. shows.

Basically most people know more about worthless crap than about the people who run their lives and now they got their panties all in a bunch.

You voted for hope and change and now your hoping your door doesn't get kicked by mistake when your doing your spring cleaning.

Now you see why Obama was able to become president. Your minds were ripe for the picking.

Who are you going to bitch to when Barry sells this country out to the U.N. and George Soros's idea of an Open Society with no borders and One World Governance?

I hope you like the change.

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