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US Supreme Court Fucks the Constitution (again . . .)


Active member
Most of us were asleep politically during the Bush years and the others were in a deep coma too busy filling their brains with other useless info such as sport stats, Hollywood movie stars, American Idle or keeping up on the facts of MTV's "the real world" & other reality T.V. shows.

Basically most people know more about worthless crap than about the people who run their lives and now they got their panties all in a bunch.

You voted for hope and change and now your hoping your door doesn't get kicked by mistake when your doing your spring cleaning.

Now you see why Obama was able to become president. Your minds were ripe for the picking.

Who are you going to bitch to when Barry sells this country out to the U.N. and George Soros's idea of an Open Society with no borders and One World Governance?

I hope you like the change.

Very good post.

I would like to throw out a theory. The problem isn't the Gov't, because it is now a reflection of the people.
Everybody is in everybody else's goddamn business. Your neighbors are worried about what color YOUR house is, YOUR lawn, Your fence, Your "property". If someone doesn't like something, they elect people who will enforce local "code". Somehow a person can buy "private propery", yet are subject to an unending amount of code enforcements which can lead to fines and probably jail time.

People have an insatiable need to know what everyone else is doing, and if they don't like it, they will use whatever force they think is necessary to make you change your ways.

It also comes down to respect. Respect has gone completely out the window. From asshole drivers with cell phones, to neighbors with dogs that bark 24/7.

What freedom loving American would ever live in an HOA? Yet they are all over the place.

The more I think about it, the problem is the human species itself.


How can you be so myopic to believe this is somehow Obama's fault, nobody likes the 2 party system, what the fuck do you think McCain Palin were going to do, legalize it?

Incase you didn't realize, there are many injustices and problems in America that have got to be prioritized over weed, it would be pointless to try, becease if Obama tried to legalize pot than he would not be able to keep popular support, many Americans are afraid of weed, and many more are afraid of black people, don't like it, it's just how it is.

Who was the last white president who had to prove his citinzenship multiple times after being innaugurated?


To bad we are the US. There is nobody that can come in and save us from a despotic government that treats all of its citizens as suspects, considers the Constitution out dated and only considers its citizens as a burden that is necessary to raise revenue all in the name of "The war on drugs". We have to do it ourselves. The only way to cure this madness is to get rid of the good ole boys in both houses with term limits. And at election time those that support the war on drugs. "Just Say No" to them.
There are some pretty good post here,but there is also a lot of ignorance as well.I happen to get the opportunity to travel all over the country.The 60s generation is now the old generation and they all smoke pot,pretty much everyone from the 70s until now smoke.The problem isn't with people being afraid .the problem is that the feds control the show.The American government is on a total control power rampage,the fed really needs to be disbanded,but they have so much power that only military action would accomplish the deed.That would not only require the American people but also the American military.Our government will not give up the power it now has with out a fight and many deaths.they are all in the game.Obama,Ron Paul,Palin.democrats,republicans as well as independent.No one gets elected with out the feds authorization.Do you really think Obama got 80 percent of this countries vote?The fed has kept the American people passified through a diabolical psychology that has blinded them to its corruption and allowed them to seize total control.The only answer is revolution and even if that would succeed the new power would just corrupt its self and repeat the same process.True revolution must start with the emancipation of our minds from the blindness of Babylonian domination.It must come about with true feelings of love and unity and the implementation of brotherhood


Yup, let's take a shortcut: violence. Good luck with that. We are the most violent society on Earth already. Not many of us are willing to die for pot. But fighting for freedom is a whole different story.

As our govts. keep filling up their jails with pot smokers, sooner or later something has to give. Criminalizing a large portion of our population is folly. Destroying families in the thousands is folly. Destroying the future of our young is folly. Giving much (or any) of our taxes to lawyers is folly. Burying our heads in the sand with regards to cannabis medicinal effects is folly. Destroying America's historical path to increasing freedoms will have unseen consequences everyone will abhor. Sooner rather than later something has to give!

We have to to emasculate the DEA and challenge the criminalization of cannabis in the courts continuously.
We ought to take Gypsy's suggestions more seriously: Overgrow the planet. If you don't give your freebies away, throw some of 'em in the ground somewhere. For eg., near a police station is better than the park. We all have to be a Johnny Appleseed.
No argument from all those lawyers on the Supreme Court and in the Congress can hold a candle to the rage that stems from the violation of my natural freedoms. I think they (the govt) are somewhat mad. God help us all.


...True revolution must start with the emancipation of our minds from the blindness of Babylonian domination.It must come about with true feelings of love and unity and the implementation of brotherhood

to me, emancipation of our minds = acceptance of weed

after all, how can a mind grasp the truth and simultaneously fear weed use/users and accept alcohol use as OK?

In my life, I was an unhappy, blind, idiot before I discovered weed.

I think doing something as nonsensical as making this beautiful plant illegal is connected to all this "Babylonian Domination", it causes confusion from every angle. The weed user feels alienated by his peers and government and has a very blurred view of the laws he/she is supposed to live by.

The people who fear weed see the laws by which they are supposed to live their lives as fair, so much so that they believe they are doing their neighbor a favor by calling the police on their grow op.

this clusterfuck has to be by design. Who really benefits from any of this?

A bunch of unhappy rich people making the rest of us miserable, way to go.

Maybe revolution doesn't have to be violent this time, maybe we can overcome with nuggets and truth!

BAck to the topic:

I guess Obama's supreme court appointment Sonia Sotomayor voted for this travesty of justice, what a shame, I was hoping for more out of her after all the GW appointments, this blows.


Very good post.

I would like to throw out a theory. The problem isn't the Gov't, because it is now a reflection of the people.
Everybody is in everybody else's goddamn business. Your neighbors are worried about what color YOUR house is, YOUR lawn, Your fence, Your "property". If someone doesn't like something, they elect people who will enforce local "code". Somehow a person can buy "private property", yet are subject to an unending amount of code enforcements which can lead to fines and probably jail time.

People have an insatiable need to know what everyone else is doing, and if they don't like it, they will use whatever force they think is necessary to make you change your ways.

It also comes down to respect. Respect has gone completely out the window. From asshole drivers with cell phones, to neighbors with dogs that bark 24/7.

What freedom loving American would ever live in an HOA? Yet they are all over the place.

The more I think about it, the problem is the human species itself.

I agree and I'll add this

The freedom we have in the U.S.A. is not being use responsibly. I see people using their freedom to screw people over, whether it is as simple as a person playing loud music all day long disturbing his neighbors or driving like it's a race with a million dollar prize on their way to work. Then we have people who use that same freedom irresponsibly in the business world private & corporate it doesn't seem to matter nowadays. When somebody is doing wrong or illegal most people now ask how they can get a piece of that "illegal pie". People have no honor, morals, or ethics anymore. People are afraid to call out the bad people in fear of being called a racist or some other crap.

People I ask you this: What makes you do the "RIGHT THING"?
When nobody is watching you and you know nobody will catch you and never no one will know you even did "it". Do you ever ask yourself why you are about to do something that is wrong morally & ethically wrong no matter how little or minor of an offense? In a decision like that people first have to believe and know what they are about to do is wrong in the first place no matter how insufficient it may be.

I think that's where we have gone wrong with our freedom. Some people feel freedom means it's a total free-for-all to do whatever they want. As I have gotten older I've learned a new meaning of being conservative for myself. What I mean is this, it's bad enough that we have people who already treat everything as a free-for-all. So if everybody was behave like that how much worse would this country be? People need to stop with the excuse of "well I did it because he did it first". Yes it's sucks to see somebody cut corners and benefit from it while you are busting your ass just to get by.

People say politicians are thieves and that is why they steal or cut corners themselves. The truth is this we elect these people in to public office & power. They are just like us. I think of it this way, we have to maintain our health, finances, housing, and education. Most of us really do a really poor job at it because we want to first have"FUN" instead of doing what is right and responsible because that is our freedom. So we elect people in to public office to do what? Manage healthcare, make tax laws(finances), affordable housing, and handle the education system. We are just electing our own misbehaving peers to public office. Then these people we elect to office pander to their own groups whether its certain social groups or corporations. It doesn't matter if they are the democrats who like to give pensions that can't be funded to union, social services to people who are irresponsible U.S. citizens who have too many babies or illegal aliens or republicans who give tax breaks to the rich or corporations. We do the same thing in our own circle of friends. We reward friends who bring something to the table and we shun the ones who freeload. In the case of politicians it is votes, our vote that we bring to the table that keeps these politicians in office and then we want our reward in the form of social services or tax breaks.

These current group of politicians on both sides at the state and federal level are just setting themselves up for the last 20-30 years of their lives before the collapse of the U.S. dollar which is going to happen. Once that happens the American Dream will be gone forever. I for sure as hell can't say when but it will happen if as citizens of the United State of America don't restore our honor, morals, ethic and most of all personal responsibility soon. We can stop it and turn this ship around but it will take very hard work to do it. People need to stop being a drain on the system and start putting into the system across the board on both side democrat and republican. We need to get rid of these other groups that want to rip this country apart. People don't understand that Communism and Marxists are real and so is La Raza with their take the southwest U.S. back campaign through their control of the education system of our kids and colleges. People don't know the history of these types of groups and these older community organizers are just manipulating the youth to get what these want and that is control of your lives.
hell that all I got for now , so take it how ever you want or not.
I guess one also needs a doberman, rot, or pitbull running freely in the house while gone. Sneak and peak and lose a limb!

Yup, a small pack of pit bulls tends to ward off any sneak'n'peak black ops. And another bonus, they'll make a hell of a racket when someone knocks at the door; if dogs barking souonds like destruction of evidence.....?


i cant post in these type of threads...

Im here for the post count

and to say this crap wont change until people stand as one.


people can not stand as one with the rest of us when their heads are full of harmful, unsustainable, "I got mine" attitude having garbage. A government needs to work for all, not just some, I think the right to smoke weed freely, like tobacco, is perfectly legitimate.

I'm not willing to settle for medicinal marijuana, I lived in Oakland for 2 years, I preferred the black market shit over the legally sanctioned black market shit anyway, dude would come to my apartment and everything.

Medicinal marijuana laws were a necessary step, not an end, some people are getting a little to comfortable maybe that they forget that, or simply don't care


Active member
More and more people around where I live are putting up fences and gates across there driveway with no trespassing signs. You can't hear or smell as much from the end of a driveway , compared to a front door. A grow conviction around here just got thrown out because police ignored the sign and locked gate. He did not have a med card. [domestic disturbance was the call]
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