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Ulkokasvatus 2021


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hyvät on kelit ollu😎


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Well-known member
How's the smells on them Gumzgi?

Those are the Up'zz I suppose?

yes they are uppz i have alot to harvest of this kinds.... some of them started to mold :D
smells are nice some smell like candy some with thaat diesel fuel kinda and some with gum
Hyvännäköstä pötkylää tulee kun kelit ollu kohillaan! Vettä on varmaa saanu kantaa selkä väärällään, mut parempi niin päin kuin katella haaleita kasveja mitkä vielä homehtuu lopuks. Mahtava kesä kyllä! Toivottavasti jaksaa paistaa, että saatte pitää mahdollisimman pitkään turpoomassa.
Mitä muuten veikkaatte, lukeeko polliisi tätä sivustoa...?
mä veikkaan, että polliisinaiset ihailee teidän pamppuja pimpsat kosteina ja heiluttavat tukkaa minkä kerkiävät. Ja tietenkin hierovat toisiaan samalla=)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea, and I told you in a PM that if you're south, then grow southern strains. Not the north stuff.
I would grow southern strains if I could, but too north for that. That's why I grow what I can, not what I want.

It's really simple.

If you want weather proof strains, then try the Canadian stuff. Sure it's north too, but this is the north on the dark side of the planet. The day/night cycle is very different from the rest of "north" on the planet.

And I also said in every thread I talked about autos that I would not grow autos if I didn't have to. Because they just aren't that good to me. Even for the tolerance you grow a tolerance for pretty fast, and then they get boring. Some guys dedicate their indoors for autos only and I'm like dude.. The fuck?
Maybe for a 1st grow or if you're still learning, then yea I'll look the other way if you want to grow autos indoors. But if you grow autos indoor and nothing else, never ever nothing else. Because reasons.

Then you're insane. Because autos are kinda crap. Or maybe you never had better stuff and anything will be good. Like anyone who likes the band KISS, they suck. But you know, you have nostalgia or whatever for that shit, the go ahead and listen to it. I don't care.

But I'm not gonna go to KISS forums and tell em that they suck. Because I'm not a dickhead. Well, not that much of a dickhead.

And I've tried the imported outdoor weed they sell in the capital area, that stuff.. I don't know where it's grown. I'm thinking Spain or Northern Africa, Southern-east Europe.. That stuff is crap too. And from a much warmer region. They just do it for money and we have to grow what we can and it kinda sucks. But we put love and effort into our stuff that sucks. So don't come tell our stuff sucks, just because it sucks. It's like saying your country has a better football team than ours. That goes without saying.

But I could beat your whole country in a game of hockey.

There's a difference.

Anyways, feeding CBD to animals is not a bad idea, the seeds from said plants are good too. Have a turkey farmer friend in Austria that swear by hemp seeds, says it does wonders for not only the birds, but for the eggs and hatchings too. I dono about that mang, I'm not a huge fan of turkey. Chicken is better.

Especially KFC.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Mitä muuten veikkaatte, lukeeko polliisi tätä sivustoa...?
mä veikkaan, että polliisinaiset ihailee teidän pamppuja pimpsat kosteina ja heiluttavat tukkaa minkä kerkiävät. Ja tietenkin hierovat toisiaan samalla=)

Hmm, jätkä on kattonu liikaa pornoa, tai sit liian vähän.
Meinaan jos pornomaailma ois totta, niin tuo varmaan tapahtuisi.
Ja aamulla kun lähdet duuniin, niin uima-altaan putsaaja panee sun vaimoa heti kun oven saat kiinni, sitten tytärtä, sitten vasta putsaa altaan. Sen jälkeen sama homma naapurin MILFfin kanssa. Mut ei se mitään, sä voit töihin päästyäs pitää orgiat sun sihteerien kanssa. Ja iltasella sniikata vaimolta moroomaan sitä naapurin MILFfiä kanssa. Eli kaikilla ois kliffaa.

Mutta kun ikävä kyllä ei eletä pornomaailmassa, niin jos poliisi lukee tätä foorumia, se on varmaan se sama kyttä joka valvoo jotain IRC-galleriaa ja Instagrammia. Ei taida aika riittää kaikkeen.
Eikä meikä sille jäbälle heruttais, mikä Fobba olikaan. Ja käsittääkseni se on Virtuaalinen lähipoliisiryhmä, viralliselta nimeltään, joka tätä foorumia lukis. Ja muistaakseni heidän päätoimenkuva oli ennaltaehkäisevä toiminta. Tässä vaiheessa googlasin aiheen, ja ryhmässä on tätänykyä 3 kyttää. Sitten on joku spessukyttätiimi erikseen, johon on palkattu vuonna 2017 25 pollaria lisää, 10 heistä keskittyy vihapuherikoksiin. Eli varmaan lukee hommafoorumia (tjsp) ja Halla-Ahon blogia, ja saa siitä liksaa.

HUPOa, eli ystäviämme huumepoliisissa tää foorumi ei varmaan hirveästi kiinnosta. Saisivat pari pahan hajuista hippiä kiinni, ja pari puol valmista puskaa per vuosi. Niillä on toivon mukaan tähtäin vähän korkeammalla, eli maahantuonnissa ja kovissa huumeissa. Varma en ole, mutta toivoisin näin.

Toki jos joku tekee rikosilmoituksen tästä foorumista, että kattokaa nyt kun siellä lesoilevat humehilla, niin poliisilla on periaatteessa velvollisuus tutkia asiaa. Mutta toivottavasti kukaan ei järkyty sisällöstä niin paljoa, että jaksais alkaa rustaamaan semmosia ilmotuksia.

Vähän niin kun Fight Clubi, eka sääntö on ettei puhuta Fight Clubista.
Ja toka.
Kolmatta en tiiä, koska siitäkään ei puhuta.

Tällein se menee.


Well-known member
Thing here up North is not just the wicked light cycle, but also the cold and humid conditions under which our plants need finishing up.

A strain like Royal Dane that will still work in Southern Finland and in Denmark will completely mold up here in North before the seeds would ever get the chance to ripen up.

As one can guess: It becomes pretty hard to breed with no seeds.

I used RD pollen once to get some seeds into the already acclimated Dieselryders, but then cancelled the project because the offspring was still way too prone to mold to have fun in breeding more of it.

Now on the bright side: The cold does actually help with keeping mold away. > But ONLY in genetics that have first been acclimated to cold.

Now if these genetics are being grown in South where it is way more warm than here right before harvest, then some would surely get some mold on them yes, so then they would first need being acclimated against mold for said Southern 'more warm' harvesting time environment.


I have to say, about Up'zz not finnished yeat, so can't say anything about smoke effects, but The growth has been absolutely insane... My seed spot was found by some one who rip them up and stomp them in to the ground :puppydoge
But my big sensi spot... Like HOLY SHIT!! Thats huge my record summer comming if no one find it... I counted last time plants don't tell exact number but a lot and it is giving a lot.
So keep up good work ODH!


Well-known member
Good to hear about the good news Leilaz. :)

Thanks for support, and no worries about the lost seed spot. There's still more from where that came from ;)

Must either be a good spot, or you must have done a lot of work, or both?


It is good spot and lot of work. Only one hole but it is big over 650litre. Was tough place to dig, lots of stones all sizes. But it was worth it :biggrin:


I try to upload pictures when all are ready, I don't trust My tech skills, that i can get all exif data off from fotos. Don't wan't some asshole find them because I uploaded a photo.


Well-known member
kuvia mieluummin kun lötinää plz

noin puolen heikkiä kuivana northern sun af jätin vielä pystyyn kun homeita ei näköjään tänä kesänä tule


Yea, and I told you in a PM that if you're south, then grow southern strains. Not the north stuff.

Anyways, feeding CBD to animals is not a bad idea, the seeds from said plants are good too. Have a turkey farmer friend in Austria that swear by hemp seeds, says it does wonders for not only the birds, but for the eggs and hatchings too. I dono about that mang, I'm not a huge fan of turkey. Chicken is better.

Especially KFC.

The hemp seeds is very valuable especially for the egg, calcium and phosphorus - plus it's nice to think they're maybe in the same cloudy as me
Anyone have any good seed cannabis for our latitudes to try with ?

All the best from Estonia guys !

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