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Ulkokasvatus 2021


Well-known member
BT: harmi, ois mielenkiintosta nähdä miten pt kasvaa noin etelässä. tänä vuonna vaan tuo siemenspotti näitä tulossa jäpällä varmaan perus earlypenkit taas tulilla. :)

on kuivaa. montakohan +28C kastelureissua tullut tehtyä ja montako vielä edessä? kovin on paikallisia nuo sateet päivät menee sadetutkaa seuraten että osuisiko ne ja eihän ne osu! 1b alueen spotit saaneet täydellisesti sadetta pisin kesää ja ekat norsut onkin jo kuivumassa->vapossa->aivoissa. kannattaa kaikkien hommaa tota northern sun kantaa: 75% naaraita, nopeita, varmoja ja hyvät tuoksut ja hartsit.

tässä kuitenkin muutamat candy shop af jotka tulee alas parin vk päästä.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
SP: Jep, noooh. Ehkä ens vuonna. Meikällä on pari kolme PT:tä.
Yks hyvänmoinen :D

Huomenna joutaa vettä ja gwaanoota alkaa roudaa. Saakelin kuuma.

Duke Nukem Forever pelattu läpi. Peli jota työstettiin 14 vuotta ja meikällä meni 10 vuotta että sai pelattua. Voiko tota nyt suositella?
No ei, mut ei se niin paska ollu kun kaikki sanoo.



Active member
Hei Finland

Greetings from Norway.

I have stalked your Ulkokasvatus threads for many years. You guys really know how to produce medicine here in the nordic climate.

Let me present a resent picture from my medicine garden in the Norwegian forest:


I took your advice BadTicket and expanded with more plants this year. :)


Active member
Kyllä on kuivaa. Risut menneet aika haalean vihreiksi osa ainakin. Lantsuja pitäs olla tarpeeksi mutta eihän ne niitä saa kuivasta maasta käytettyä. Toivoisin reilumpaa vesisadetta nyt välittömästi. Näillä keleillä veden roudaaminen aikas lämmintä hommaa.


Well-known member
nice bench tricko! what strains are in there? big bad tee promoting illegal activities across the northern hemisphere lol! :biggrin:

jeps huvittavaa kun vieressä pihlajat tiputtaneet lehtensä ja käyvät ensi kesää odottelemaan mut niiden juuressa oma STA siemenspotti näyttää tältä ja ainoastaan siksi että ovat viimeisen kuukaden saaneet kerran viikossa 5 litraa vettä.



Itse kärrännyt Up'zz penkkiin ensiapuna kerran viikossa 20-25l vettä siinä toivossa että se uppoaa sen verran syvälle ettei kuivu ihan heti ja juuret ylettää pohjaan asti... Tosiaan yli 600l penkki että ei pitäisi mennä yli kasteluksi...


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Your mission, Tricko, should you choose to accept it, is to grow more weed.
As always, if you or any of your IM force is caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
This disc will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck.

1st time in like 3 weeks. Nature gonna luv this. Just went from dry heat to moist heat now, this means that underwear consumption goes up from 2 to 3 a day. What a bummer!
Unless you're Björn Borg, that dude has a lot of underwear!!

Meanwhile I read that something like 40+ ppl have died in massive floods over in Germany.
That's some bad ass floods :/


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Itse kärrännyt Up'zz penkkiin ensiapuna kerran viikossa 20-25l vettä siinä toivossa että se uppoaa sen verran syvälle ettei kuivu ihan heti ja juuret ylettää pohjaan asti... Tosiaan yli 600l penkki että ei pitäisi mennä yli kasteluksi...

Kannattaa sitä pulloniksiä käyttää, jos on oikein kuiva spotti. Eli puolentoista litran pullo, tai isompi. Pohja irti ja kaivaa sen sinne spottin multiin hyvissä ajoin. Muutama per spotti, oman maun mukaan.

Kaatelee sitten niihin sitä vettä, eikä siihen kuivalle pinnalle. Tuppaa valumaan hukkaan kun kuiva multa/hiekka ei helpolla imase vettä. Menee 40 vuotta kun odottelee että pinta kastuu, mut jos on pullot syvällä, niin menee suoraan sinne juuristoon.

Jaa niin, jos tuota pullokikkaa meinaa käyttää, niin laittakaa keppi tai jotain tommosta niihin pulloihin. Hiiret/päästäiset/muut pikkumömmöt saattaa tipahtaa tai mennä sinne pulloon, eikä sitten pääse kiipeemään pois. Jäävät kitumaan ja kuolevat. Ei semmonen sovi, vaikka en hiiristä kovin paljoa lämpeekkään.



Well-known member
Sounds like a good trick to me Bad.

Though on my spots I like to have it look like there's nothing out of place, so I solve the ' too -dry-surface-for-water-to-penetrate-problem' a bit differently.

First I make some shallow ditches in-between the plants for the water to stay there, and to not have it run off to the edges of the plot.

Then I use a light squeeze of some aloevera based dishing soap and mix it in the water-canister before hiking it to the plot.

The aloevera based dishing soap destroys the surface tension of the water for some time, so then it goes down the soil a hell of a lot faster.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Hmm, yep. I try not to disturb the soil unless I have to, there's roots and thing on the surface and down below. Big ones and micro ones, don't wanna break em. But you put them bottles there before planting the spot and the roots can grow around it. And they'll know it's a feeding spot where the bottle meets the soil, prolly grow a bunch of roots there. Because plants are smart like that. Did a test for me gardening school with salad like that. In see thru plastic with plain peat, which has very little nutrients. Put a golf ball sized amount of chicken shit to one corner, nothing to the other side. Other side had em big roots that suck up water, but the chicken shit side had all kindsa roots going on. Obviously you're gonna want strong roots all over the place, but to prove a point.

And yea that surface tension breaking thing. We had a bottle of some stuff that was designed to do just that years ago, back when SP was working at a grow shop and they got em shits as testers. Can't remember if it was any good or not. But you can live without it. And that crap was like 100% chemical if I remember correctly, I try not to put chems and thing in the soil and plants, if I can avoid it.
This aloe vera based soap of yours, might be super organic, all natural, hand made vegan soap from the Himalayas. But prolly not, because dishing soap? You mean dish washing soap or what?
Read the label on shit like Ajax or whatever, them shits always say "Hazardous for this and that", "might irritate skin", "don't put this shit in your eyes, because you might go blind. If you get this crap in your eyes, wash that stuff off and go see the doctor if it doesn't help" and to show him the bottle, so he'll know not to buy the same stuff.

Worst thing with soap tho, is if you drop it and Nukkumatti is there.. God have mercy on your ass, because he won't!
Don't ask me how I know..



Hyvä toi pullo vinkki menee ens kesänä testiin ehdottomasti. Nyt on myöhäistä kaivella niin mennään tällä mitä on.


Active member
Thank you suomi-prkl. :)
I must say your plants look nice and healthy too.
My plants is from a homemade autoflower mix with a lot of diferent strains crossed. Original plant was a lowryder F1 from joint doctor 12 years ago. I know there is some auto northern lights from sensiseeds and some unknown auto ak47 in there too. There is also two unknown autoflowers from sweeden crossed in there. I enjoy making my own seeds.

I accept the mission! hehe more is always better.

Nice to hear you got some better weather, it have been very dry all over Scandinavia. I never thought I would carry big backpacks with water far into the forest, but hey here we are! Its free exercise and it gets me out in the woods. I often see animals and enjoy the hike. I just hope the heavy rain waits until I chop.


Well-known member
Every year it goes a little better Gumzgi. Slow progress at our latitude, and only with help from others. > BT was the one to help us out this time, along the original breeder from Wild Super: Esbe.

I know that you'r not liking the Ultra Earlies that much for their effect, but so far, plants that can grow big in outdoors, and also give good high did not yet happen to exist this far up North.

We have to make them ourselves.

Bit by bit, and with help from others that have already acclimated their own gear to their own latitude. > Esbe made the WS to work in Denmark, then BT made WS to work in Southern Finland, and now I made them to work in Northern Finland with help from Semilantacasa from Northern Finland, who pooled in the Cold Farmers Nepal. > A joint venture from him, and a guy in Middle Eastern Finland.

We never got anything on a golden plate with a silver spoon here. > Someone needed to first put in the work, in order to get at least something.
We could not easily go to some Canadian Seed bank, and order seeds from there that would also work up here, because we are at the same latitude as Alaska. So Earlies that work well in Canada do not work up here. Like at all. Here we need Ultra Earlies for a good crop in outdoors, and no one in Alaska had been putting-in the work to create functional Ultra Earlies there either. It's all Auto's-only up there. Like Mathanuska Thunderfuck.

Next move would be to cross the WS/CFN/FD to Cindy99 x (89'Skunk x Califorinian Orange) Ultra Early Version. Which I got from someone in UK who had a good luck situation with a Californian Orange male that happened to spontaniously Auto flower on him, even though no Auto flowers had been involved he said. So he then worked that CO mutant into an Ultra Early flowering strain of his own and sent them to me.

This UK strain does have a more appealing smell, and has a similar good high as the WS, so I can steer it away a bit from the cat piss smell that the WS now still is having.

Of course, the WS/CFN/FD do have the way more better cold resistant/vigorous genes in compare to the UK stuff. So an out-cross to indigenous gear that already has been acclimated would be preferred over trying to acclimate the C99/Sk/CO on it's own from scratch. > With the kinds of springs we are having here, chances are I would lose them all to late spring frost, and acclimating UK gear from scratch, and without some input from our own 'Native' gear to stand the Nordic weather, will no doubt take forever...
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Well-known member
ppk x sta f1

sain nämä vaihtarina pyytämällä kun kävi ilmi että eräs henkilö oli tehnyt mun siiduista tämän vahinkoristeytyksenä viime kesänä. itsellä ollut tarkoituksena tehdä juurikin tämä ko risteytys mut jääny vielä toteuttamatta. tosi mielenkiintoisia näistä tuli, koko jäi pieneksi johtuen esikasvatuksesta pienissä astioissa mutta halusinkin saada nämä kukkimaan nopeasti. tuoksut vielä kehittyy mutta nopeimmassa oli havaittavissa jopa banaania joka on ainakin itselle aika harvinainen.
Hyvää settiä porukalla :wave: Intouduin kanssa käymään ja tän yhden naaraan kasvua on ollut mielenkiintoista seurata. Yks ehkä siisteimmistä fiiliksistä mitä tiiän on hiukan pidemmän tauon jälkeen muutama sata metriä ennen spotteja ja jännittää miten on edennyt. Kutkuttaako muillakin?


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