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Ulkokasvatus 2021


Well-known member
I'm sorry i didn't express myself properly ... in 'UPPz, everything has a good aroma/flavor digerable smoke and smells very strong, others with a slightly more pronounced smell, I saw yesterday that the less fragrant ones with the slightly subtile smell that are not loud in smell i mean, actually its pretty good smoke.. pleasantly and have a digerabile aroma, you don't smoke in vain.. if you know what i mean'. at the earlyz the thing is different but there is room for everyone to try, if you polinate the earlies with a strong quality male maybe you will get something nice out of it .. it was not for any purpose or intention previous post.
Badticket: kiitti kun palautit maan pinnalle. Olihan mulla aivan liian ruusuiset visiot. Varmaan liikaa myös pornoa. Jatkakaa te kuvien kera, mä jatkan mun pornolaiffia. Adios!:wave:


Well-known member
Did you manage to get something from the Black Berry Gum seeds you ordered online Gumzgi? Really curious about that, because to me they were real good.

The Gelato you have there... My son brought me a sample from that of which I just been finishing the last bit. > No more Gelato for this man though...

We been cracking jokes about it, because what happens is that we lost all interest in sex with our spouses right after a few tokes, and son said he had difficulties to 'arrive' with his GF

The girls on the other hand, they both liked it a lot: Wife was happy as fuck for a change that I had temporary lost my interest in sex: Said I should smoke all the time only this Gelato anymore.

And sons GF could only lay there doing nothing but scream Gelato! Gelato! Knowing that son would have difficulties to arrive and could last forever. :D


Well-known member
Did you manage to get something from the Black Berry Gum seeds you ordered online Gumzgi? Really curious about that, because to me they were real good.

The Gelato you have there... My son brought me a sample from that of which I just been finishing the last bit. > No more Gelato for this man though...

We been cracking jokes about it, because what happens is that we lost all interest in sex with our spouses right after a few tokes, and son said he had difficulties to 'arrive' with his GF

The girls on the other hand, they both liked it a lot: Wife was happy as fuck for a change that I had temporary lost my interest in sex: Said I should smoke all the time only this Gelato anymore.

And sons GF could only lay there doing nothing but scream Gelato! Gelato! Knowing that son would have difficulties to arrive and could last forever. :D

ill show you in some days how bbg and some other auto kinds looks ,i havent smoke yet, last time iv seen them they were premature didnt fully enterd in flower..

this is premature gelato


Well-known member
Spoiler alert ! :)

The effects from Gelato reminded me a lot of the Double Fun we had back then, but Gelato has the way better taste and smell. Candy/fruity smells on them, but there's something pleasant in the taste as well that's hard to describe, but it surely made me wanna puff some more.

It has a lot of body stone to it, while shooting the high on 'active inside the head' mode.

Looking out for the pics from your other Auto's later on Gumzgi ... Curious to see how they are cooking down there.

Your vegging Gelato is looking real promising already...


Well-known member
The one good part of the Earlies is that they are very mold resistant up here.

Had a few bummer feno's in them that I ripped out already, but will continue to go on with only the few best female ones that are left.

The CFN/FD males I been removing already right after they showed gender.

Got some potent and good looking WS & C99 males nearby on the left and right of them...

Hope you'll find some potent male yourself as well Gumzgi.

The thing out in the bush is: If it turns moldy, then one ends up with nothing. No matter how potent the plants would have been to begin with.

These are for sure not going to mold up for me, so now things can only get better with them from here on.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Your son had trouble to "arrive"?

You seriously?

One guy watches too much porn and ODH doesn't watch enough. Or with subtitles or whatever.

Shoulda sent those Thai-viagras to your son.


Well-known member

jaahas etelän spoteilla ollut kaikkien aikojen shieldbug invaasiot. mulla repussa tollanen minigrip missä on tällä hetkellä semmoset 100 kpl noita paskoja ja aion rakentaa heille keskitysleirin jossa polttouuni kunhan metsäpalovaroituksista päästään. muutenkin mm vihannespunkkien määrä kasveissa on ennätyksellinen. niinpä ennustelen tässä että etelässä kasvukausi tulee päätökseen parin viikon sisään. onneksi melkein kaikki alkaa olla valmista ja kypsää. idässä ei ole ollut niin paljon hyönteistuhoja mutta ennätysvuosi jänistuhoissa kylläkin :)

alkukaudesta suunnittelin pääseväni vähällä tämä vuonna mutta olen tehnyt enemmän hommia kuin koskaan aiemmin hahaa. yksikään spotti kolmella kasvualueella ei olisi onnistunut tänä kesänä ilman kastelua.

kyllähän sieltä jotain on tulossa eritysesti siementä uusia af lajikkeita ja ulkona tuotettuja femuja myöskin.

ppk x wild super survivor joka saa tod näk girl scout cookies af femuista tulleesta UROKSESTA pölyt.
Aika paska tuuri, että koko kesän paahtanu ja nyt ku pitäs olla viel hetken ni tuli kesän kosteimmat kelit.. olis nyt pitäny kuivana viikon-pari.. vai mitä:dance013:


Juu nyt kun pitäis olla kuivaa niin tottakai sataa... Vaikka on se hyvä puoli että ei tarvi enää tänä kesänä vettä kantaa... No tänä vuonna kaato menee kalenterin sanelemana ei vaihtoehtoja sille, kyllä siihen mennessä suurin osa on valmista, ja kaikki raa'aksi jääneet menee rasvaan... Nyt testataan Lapin kesän ja Up'zzin homeen kesto kykyä


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
On ollu kohtikseen shield bugia meikän mestoilla kanssa, ja punkit on tykänneet kuivasta/lämposestä, mutta onneksi suurin osa on jättänyt budit rauhaan ja keskittyneet muihin kasveihin.
Pihalla alkaa pensaat jo näyttämään syksysiltä ja metässä koivut alkaa kellertää kun niin on kuivaa olluna :( Shieldbugia jostain syystä en oo aikuisena nähny hirveesti, näyttävät nuorisolta mitä oon nähny. Noin niin kun 85%. Mut ihan sama, 0-toleranssilla mennään. Täysikäsiä tai ei, kaikki kuolee.

Pudit selvinny jotenkuten kun on vettä roudaillu. Toisaalta eioo hirveesti kasvamassa nyt hatsia, niin aika vähällä kantamisella selvinny. Ja mettäpurossa jostain syystä aina riittää vesi, vaikka on tänä vuonna selkeästi tummempaa kuin männävuosina. En jois sitä matskua, ellei ihan pakko ois.

Horsma on perkeleen kova kasvi selviimään muuten, ihan sama sataako koko kesän, vai sataako koko kesänä ollenkaan. Ne perkeleet kukkii ja levii ja valtaa alaa. Ja sotkee hötöllä pudit.
En tiedä pitäskö ihailla vai vihata sen kasvin selviytymiskykyä. Vissiin vähän semmonen 50/60. Oli miten oli, sitkeitä ovat, perkeleet!

MMmmm, 480p


Well-known member
I think it is possible to see from the leaves and grow pattern that these have been pollinated by the Wild Super, Gumzgi. If they also have the cat piss smell, then that is sure.
There is no low-thc-hemp in that cross btw.

It's BT's Early gear times my Auto gear.


Well-known member
those ws crosses look pretty good. what auto are they mixed with?

i planted 20 sum uppz here in may with chickenfences but as some creature really wanted like 16 of them (went thru fences) and did the selection for me here is what was left as i visited these last week. 3 females and 1 male pretty good haha

actually this is the only spot i didnt water at all cuz i was bummed about the losses and only decided to visit these once more to see if anything was left. i mean the biggest one seems pretty nice for surviving animals, insects and extreme drought. hopefully im harvestin them seeds in couple of weeks!

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210728_122646.jpg Views:	0 Size:	184.7 KB ID:	17908233


Well-known member
" Those ws crosses look pretty good. what auto are they mixed with? " Up'zz

Bounced back pretty well for ya indeed Suom-Prkl :)

On thát plot that I had going last year with them, it could go both ways: There where the female Up'zz, this one big WS male, and a few smaller CFN/FD males. So Gumzgi has got a mix of seeds of which there could come out two possibilities. Either Up'zz x pure Wild Super, or Up'zz x CFN/FD

WS is branching out wide from under, with long branches, and makes these typical thin and long finger leaves.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
That spot looks wet as shit there SP, got some rain over here now but it still seems dry as shit.

WS not everyone's cup of tea either, it's not the best smelling stuff in the world. Gets better with a nice cure, but if you're used to the candy smelling/tasting stuff.. This is pretty far from it :D

And again with WS, I wouldn't say there is much of a high, more like stoney/98% body feel to it. Which also ain't for everyone.
I just smoked some last year WS and I was supposed to go the post to pick stuff up, but now I don't feel like moving for the rest of the day.. Oh well :)

I got 3 WS x Danish Gold coming up, they are late because it's been too dry and it's not as fast as regular WS. Still have some BDD males, if any of the WS/DG ladies look like they will make it. Might dust em bitches with BDDs. Give em time to at least make a couple of seeds if not 100% ready by the end of the summer.

Also some mystery early that got accidentally dusted with some AF, it's looking to flower pretty nicely. If it's not a mould prone plant, then might test the seeds out next year. If she smokes well.
It's from seeds that I got years ago and planted some to see if they are still viable, then lost a bunch to dryness and planted more. Then lost count on what is what.

So I'ma call it "Missterioso" which means mysterious in Spanish and Italian. Then put an extra S there make it female, which works in English, but in Spanish it would be Misteriosa?
And this is why everyone should speak Finnish, and we wouldn't have these stupid gender things in words. Just have one word for a motherfucker, not O and A in the end to differentiate from male and female. You stupid Euro-bastards. Learn some more languages so I don't have overthink this crap, I'm already insane enough without getting stuck on this damn stuff.

Which I do this to myself, so I'll go now..

See ya later, hombres!


Active member
Wow that was a heavy loss too the elements Suomi-prkl.. But the last standing fighters look good, i hope they stand strong the rest of the summer.. My biggest project too this day was all washed away with a big flood some years ago. It was sad going around with water to my knees seeing small underwater weedplants. They all died.

BadTicket: Haha Istn Finish like the only language in the world that does not look like any other language in any way at all? 😂 Mitä Vittua!

How are you guys dealing with the rainy weather in Finland?

Here in Norway it have rained for a week now and im getting nervous for mold. The plants is in their last phase and I feel the risk of not chopping every day. Today is the last day with rain. I checked on them yesterday and removed all the yellow and dead leaves, luckily I didnt find any mold.


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