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Ulkokasvatus 2021


Well-known member
gumzgi. Looking good man! Looks like the rains are working in your favor there man. Here we could use some more of that > It's been rather dry for the time of year, but weather forecast keeps promising heaps of it, but then we only get a few drops again.

BadTicket. I hear ya man. Here they did some huge metsä raivaus everywhere in early spring already. Now it's jumping hurdles and hoops again for me to get over all those bloody little shit trees laying around everywhere. They think I'm still only 18 or WHAT !?! Ah wel, gotto always look on the bright side rite, so they saved me some work doing it with the pokkasaha myself.

henki. I love to see how that works at your place. What strain was that btw that managed to survive like that ? I got two plots myself that I let go to shit last year to see if that would work at our place as well, but I haven't visited those plots yet. Too busy elsewhere atm, and I'm not sweating the small stuff too easily usually. > Either it worked, or it did not. We'll see when time is ready.
I did find a small sprout yesterday from an other plot that I had harvested in fall though, but that's pretty normal. These are especially precious to me, so I dug it up, and replanted it after plowing.
How did that happen to you btw. Did you do it on purpose, or had just some seeds dropped off by accident during harvest?


Active member
on luultavasti jonkinlainen sekoitus kaikkea. heitimme useista pölyttyneistä homehtuneita kukan osia lannoitteeksi tälle vuodelle sekä osa on vain tipahtaneita siemeniä. eli tavallaan kyse on vahingosta koska en olettanut että sieltä juuri mitään nousisi. syksyllä näkyi moni jo itäneen. alueelle oli vietynä "ana", ppk, ppc, df sekä sinulta tulleita geenejä on vaan todella vaikea tietää mikä on sitten mistäkin. ei sillä väliä ole kaikki on hyviä. pölytimme alueella myös blue dream fem pölyllä parhaita naisia. No kyllä näistä siemenet tehdään ensivuodelle ja lisätään uusiakin geenejä pooliin joten kyllä siitä hyvä mix tulee kun vähän valitsee parhaan näköisiä yksilöitä.
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Njees, eli näkyy tuo vanha lanka alkaen postista nro 2, mut jostain syystä vastaukset eivät oo vastauksia, vaan kommentteja tuohon ODH:n aloittamaan lankaan. Ja meikä tyri kun yhdistin vanhan langan uuteen, vaikka uus ois pitäny yhdistää vanhaan. Mut kaksi identtistä otsikkoa, eikä mitään hajua kumpi on kumpi, niin vähän kun kolikkoa ois heittäny. Ja puihin meni.
Luulin että defaulttina menis vanhat postit uusien edelle, koska se olisi aika loogista, mut väärässä olin.

Oli miten oli, siinä on semmonen pienen pieni namiska, jossa lukee "Comments", siitä kun klikkaa pari kertaa, niin saapi 20kpl kommentteja näkymään, jotka siis olivat alunperin vastauksia tuohon vanhaan lankaan. Tajusin virheeni, mutta tämän softan on joku koodinörtti suunnitellut, eikä UI/UX designeri, koska ihan paska, epälooginen ja ei kovin käyttäjäystävällinen tämä sydeemi on.

Pahoittelut meikän puolesta, mutta mä en oo tätä suunnitellut. Vähän niin kun joku Ikean sohvan kokoaminen ekaa kertaa, saattaa tulla sohva, tai sitten parvisänky. Riippuu tsägästä ja käyttäjästä. Oisin lukenu ohjeet, jos semmosia jossain olis ollut. No en ehkä ois, kun ajattelin että joku on vähän järkeä käyttänyt tän suunnittelussa. Mutta se ois vaatinut suunnittelua ennen toteutusta.

Otan korkeintaan 25% tästä tyrästä niskoilleni, 25% menee Manticorelle, kun ei jaksanut scrollata alas ja kattoa että onko tämmöstä lankaa jo olemassa.
50% sille spedelle, joka tän softan duunas, koska koodata osaa, mut logiikka ei pelaa. Perkele.



Active member
noo ei siit kannata ressata. en itsekkään pidä nykyisestä layoutista. osaatko tahmata tän ketjun kuten ennen vanhaan? :D


New member
World and internet changes, I don't.

Namesday of "Kukka" went first Masterlows out. There was some stinging nettle already growing, so shouldn't be too hot.

Grow weed in own shit, round 1 :D


Dr. Narrowleaf
Täälläkin laitetetaan Autokush x Masterlowta. Nää on ainakin homemagneetteja joten ei auta ku toivoa rutikuivaa elokuuta. Sain itämään muutaman ikivanhan Royal Nepalinki. Taitaa vaan jäädä esikasvatuksen pituus kauas optimaalisesta. :tongue: Vaan näillä mennään. Sitte tietenki jotain riisikeppejäkin.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
No ny sais kelejä tulla takas. Vettä on tullu viime päivät aika rutosti ja vilposta olluna. Hitosti slugia ja etanaa liikenteessä. Ei hyvä :(


Well-known member
Direct sown during freezing temps on May 9th.

243 seeds altogether on the 15 sq mtr plot.

At my place (4 different spots > 1 plot = 15 square meter + 3 plots = 1 sq mtr each.) I will remove all the males from the FD/CFN's, and have them FD/CFN females pollinate with other gear were is no Finola bred in in the part that has no FD/CFN.

Males nearby the FD/CFN females on the 15 square meter plot are:

Wild Super x FD/CFN > (Wild Super by BadTicket = > Excellent stuff)

(Cinderella 99 x G haze) x (89'Skunk x Californian Orange Fast Version) x FD/CFN (Excellent stuff cos the C99 is dominant)
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Direct sown on May 12, 13, 14.
Several hundreds of seeds per plot.

Males nearby the FD/CFN females on the three 1 square meter plots are:

(Polar Haze) x (89'Skunk x Californian Orange Fast Version) x FD/CFN (Strong, but also a bit boring stuff cos the 89'Skunk x Californian Orange is dominant)

(Mighty Wonder Fuck) x (89'Skunk x Californian Orange Fast Version) x FD/CFN ( Donno what the 'Wonder Fuck is all about, maybe Williams Wonder x Matanushka Thunder Fuck? I donno. But the 'Mighty' I know where it stands for cos it's the Mighty Mite cos the breeder told me that. Any hoos > Strong but also super boring shit again, cos the (89'Skunk x Californian Orange) is dominant in there as well, and that boring Mighty Mite did not help either, lol)

(Guerilla Exodus) x (89'Skunk x Californian Orange Fast Version) x FD/CFN Super strong, and super boring shit, cos Guerilla Exodus has UK Cheese in it, so there is now twice Skunk in that strain basically, and fuck do I hate that bloody Skunk honest. But it's good to do, cos 89'Skunk has zero CBD in it, which was in my honest opinion a big failure from Sam the Skunkman back then, so with them in it, it will raise up the THC in the FD/CFN, but it will also get some good deal of CBD back into it again. Keeping fingers crossed there...

(Auto Haze "La Bueno Hierba" x UK Cheese) x Up'zz (Smoked the same as Guerilla Exodus, so pretty strong but super boring shit, Now Crossed with Up'zz so should be better by now.)

(Wild Super Male) x (Up'zz x FD/CFN Females) Should be okay stuff, but I have not sampled them as a strain. Only sampled the individual strains mixed up like kief.

Early versions of Up'zz. Token from 4 plants that did not wanna go auto from 4 different plots full with Autos. So Early Up'zz x Auto Up'zz


Well-known member
"Ulkokasvatus 2021"

"This is a sticky topic."

FLMAO ^ You guys can't even get the Finnish language right your self ... :D

Should there not read something like: Tama on semosta UHU liimapuiko lankaa ? :D

This is what the translator said it should read: Tämä on tahmea aihe.

Ah well... :)

You can hand me that coat of yours Bad...


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
w0t you want, non sticky buds and threads?

Learn the language mang. You're the last one on the forum that doesn't speak Finnish.



Well-known member


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Well-known member
offthehook i think its becouse of the stress and the day less light or maybe a different pheno,but these plants were kinda stressed for sure, couse of the cold nights , from like two weeks ago you can plant here whatever you want , even the farmers planted their corn and its already up , this year was different , from the past 6 years , the spring has late somehow but now everything its good.
i have to check some more plants ima gona show you the difference .
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
^^ was trying to edit your post there ODH, to make the picture show. But the URL was so long that it froze up my entire computer. And I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.
This software is a nightmare and I'm just gonna give up on it. That's right, I refuse to learn even the simplest of things, because even the simple things are like sending a guy to Mars or something. This is the worst forum software I've ever seen, and I was a mod on IMDB back when they still had forums and weren't owned by Amazon.

Fuck Amazon, too. And that bald fuck running the show.. OH well. Maybe the next update will fix stuff, until then.. Fuck it all.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Hmm, actually might just be my comp acting up. Froze a couple o times yesterday after that one, too. Not even a year old HP laptop, not expecting this thing to last forever, but at least two years. You know, after the warranty runs out.

Anyways, had some slug damage on a UPzz spot, gonna have to re-sow the damn thing. Not that bad, still good time. And not a lot of growth on the ones that made it, been too cold and rainy.
One positive: Don't have to carry water to spots, 'cause they all dripping wet anyways.

And damn you foreigners, learn to speak Finnish already! ;) Especially ODH!

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