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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


A couple pics of my latest green fingered friends, i probably give these plants more love than i do people lol... close up of an akxww clone only, biggest clone and the first to show roots. Next shot is a groupie of 5 biddy sis/leb x cheese and 5 akxww...

thanks again ;)


got them on 20/4 at the mo, will drop it slowly to 16/8 by mid may... want to see all pistils and suggestive female bits gone by then.


BGB- Ive thought many times about going in a full moon as like you say theres adequate light and its easy to see if cars/people are coming by the torch lights, only thing is bright nights never seem to coincide with the nights I have free

Easy way out of that if you have a few quid , invest in a Night Vision scope or monocular . Maplins have a few but there are plenty out there if you do a web search for optical accesories night vision . You can find them cheaper , i got mine off E Bay , a top of the range Bushell that was an ex demo model from a hunters store in Canada .
Beauty is with them the darker it is you can still see everything but avoid using it when there are bright lights about ie; street lamps or car headlights as these type of lights can damage the tube .
I use mine for a bit of rabbit hunting but have taken it out to my plots & clearly seen every single one of my plants close & you can even see stuff like budrot . If you fancy a bit of sheep shagging around the welsh hills you`ll be able to see their eyes glow before the arse does , as long as you don`t mind seeing everything in a shade of green !

Stay safe all . BGB.


Greetz everyone, would you believe it wilkos did not have any totes left with lids. How unlikely is that. Great cloning technique though, cheers ES!
Good to see you back ZED, i had forgotten all about the ak47 x dieselryder until i read your post. Check your mail btw. Back to the volcano. :)

Douglas Quail

New member
Anyone thinking about planting out yet? I've got security issues and I really don't want to wait until the start of may. I got rumbled last october and I'll feel a whole lot better when i've got my 13 seedlings out of my house.
Am I daft to be thinking of getting them out in a week or so, i'm at 52 lat.


make a ghetto greenhouse, theres still frost around and we had hail stones down hampshire way that would have destroyed young exposed seedlings.

Douglas Quail

New member
make a ghetto greenhouse, theres still frost around and we had hail stones down hampshire way that would have destroyed young exposed seedlings.

thanks harold.
That's got me thinking about plastic 2l coke bottles with the bottoms cut off, placed over the plant?
It would protect from hail and heavy rain, but I guess not against frost?


i found a big reel of bubble wrap that had been dumped, that would make excellent insulation, maybe some nice bits of straight hazel as the frame....

with the bottles maybe a smaller bottle with a big bottle over top and the plant is covered by the smaller bottle... air has excellent insulation properties, the air gap between the bottles might give that extra protection?


  • petbottles.jpg
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wonderful idea that gh!

best wishes for everybodys spring and growplans!


odds & sods

odds & sods

Anyone thinking about planting out yet? I've got security issues and I really don't want to wait until the start of may. I got rumbled last october and I'll feel a whole lot better when i've got my 13 seedlings out of my house.
Am I daft to be thinking of getting them out in a week or so, i'm at 52 lat.

Douglas , you`re not far above me & i would not even attempt it until early May . The only way any young MJ would survive outdoor is with some protection & you would seriously have to think about security coz whatever you use may be seen where as plants are often overlooked as 1 green plant is just a green plant .
We still have a danger of frost & that will shag any tender perrenial at a young age despite the fact that some MJ will survive as a grown plant . I keep thinking of using Fleece dyed green with a pale green Dylon cold water dye , only difficulty there may be the amount of sunlight the plants will recieve under it .
Good point about a small polytunnel as the ends could be opened daytime to get a breeze drifting through .
All this depends on wether you are guerilla or garden .

with the bottles maybe a smaller bottle with a big bottle over top and the plant is covered by the smaller bottle... air has excellent insulation properties, the air gap between the bottles might give that extra protection?

Harold , i can see your idea but you would have no air circulation . You could take the tops off the bottles & even drill some holes in the sides but i can`t see it doing the job . You can see by the pic how much condensation any bottle will collect . And plants will rot in this enviroment . I cut the bottoms off a doz of these big water bottles with an angle grinder then were taking them off the plants daily & laying them on their sides to dry them off by air/wind then replacing them at night but this is only practical if you have a home plot garden to grow in . By the time the plants were too big for the bottles the danger of frosts had passed . A successful experiment all the same .

Stay safe all . BGB


a friend bought a propergater from homebase---about £20 ---the larger size---he allso cant grow in 3rd floor flat---he germs them indoors in paper towels puts them in pots---10 he does---he takes them to the railway embacment and leaves them there--he does feminized seeds only because of time----he waters them every 3 days or so----as they get bigger he takes them out of the propergater and grows them on raised platform with copper wire around the bottem stops slugs---he pulls off a grow that way---but he does not start untill late april---stay safe all---thanks again esben


Just looking round the garden today it made me think about my plant feed preps , those that know me from OG/PG may remember my free totally organic veg feed . Stinging nettle tea ! it`s full of N & has a bucket load of minerals & trace elements . Used by gardeners for 150+yrs coz powder feed was`nt available in the 1800`s .
N content around 15% , Vit A,C,D,K, Calcium ,Pottassium ,Phosphorus , Iron , Sulphur ,Zinc , Magnesium , Silica , & a whole bucket more . The N is not the highest found but in conjunction with all the trace minerals makes one of the most balanced plant foods going .
Easy to make to , wear some good gardening gloves , just grab a stalk & strip off the leaves , try to avoid too much stalk coz it causes probs with watering can blockage . Place the leaves in a plastic dustbin or something similar , i use 2 plastic bins & this supplies me with enough for my entire garden all summer including beans courgettes mj etc .
Place the leaves in bin & press down until bin is nearly full & just cover with water & place on lid . After a few days it will all gas up , use a garden fork daily to twist/stir/press down . After a few more days it will settle & begin to break down , after around 3 wks it`s usually ready , thick pea green & stinking to high heaven (smells like dog stuff on the shoe hence the lid) use an old measureing jug & mix in water at 10/1 ratio , ie; 1lt to 2gallon water can . Avoid getting any on leaves as it can burn & water with it as you`d water any plant , usually once poss twice a week , see how the plants take it .
All my plants i have grown are vegged with this & i only go on to a good organic tomato feed once flowering starts .
If you decide to try this nows a good time as the nettles are 6ins or so & the entire plant can be used (exept roots) its only when the nettles get bigger that the problem of stalks arise .
I sometimes make Bonemeal tea as well , just dump 3-4ins of bonemeal powder in a 4pt poly bottle , fill with water put on lid & shake daily for 3wk or so , the bone meal will start to break up & you get an off white liquid sludge , just use a good glug of this in water can of water .

Stay safe all . BGB


i always wondered why peeps never used the roots? i thought they might give a phosphorus boast?

According to everything i`ve ever read there has been no mention of phos in the roots . The nettle & hence nettle tea is very high in Chlorophyll to , therefore if you can feed a plant chlorophyll your feeding it with the stuff all green plants are actually made of .

Stay safe . BGB


on Gardeners Question Time (GQT), today on R4, they were going on about the first half of April being known traditionally among gardeners as the Little Winter or the Second Winter and councelling people to be carefull and harden plants off slowly. You have got to remember that everything is late this year as well. My friend has just returned from Wales with pictures of snow covered hills that are usually clear by this time of year.

good recipies BGB



Hey Ramp.. How's it going bro.? Got a volcano. Nice..
I bought the Vapir One (Digital Air) few mths ago. No where near the build quality of the volcano but still miles better than standard soldering iron types. Has digi display and temp control, 3 speed air flow, inflatbale bags. Works wonders with the nasty 'hard ash' bud I been buying latey! ('hard ash' bud has been coated with some horrible chems to make it weigh more. Not too nice in a joint. Emergency purchase while waiting on the high grade. Might try butane extraction with some)
I'll go check my email in a bit :) Logged in a diff email on chat at the moment.

DouglasQ... I have put seedlings out early before and find they tend to stretch way too much from low light levels. Wouldn't be a problem if the weather is nice and sunny for a few weeks.. With the insulated propagator info from the other guys taken into acount. Could suppliment with fluos on cloudy days if you keep them in pots until the season is properly underway.

Hey Esbe'... Good to see you old friend :) Now that's how I'd love to grow and breed weed.. Massive poly-tunnels. :D

Minime... Ah, no worries. Cheers man. Good going on those FON seeds.. You use auto parents or regular for the beans.? Be cool to see what phenos pop up regardless. :D

BGB... Your nettle nutes tech, cool :) I've never tried it before but wouldnt mind giving it a go this year. I know your garden always does superbly from it. Hoping to get a car in time for the summer, be good to pay you a visit mate, has been a few years. That was when we drove upto Doc's in Norfolk. Good memories of that day... :)

Harold.. I've read bits here and there about tree growing but never given it much serious thought.. But looking at the pic the guy on that thread (you linked) posted, it looks quite feasable.. Providing you can climb safely. I might consider it though could be very awkward to get the soil etc up there safely.

EddieS.. Does seem like a mini 2nd winter when we get it again this time of year.. Good advice there. I lost a few basil seedlings and a tatty old basil plant one night last week. Seedlings were in the mini GH so some survives. the older basil plant had always been indoors, had only been outside 2 days before that frost, lol.

I need to start some more beans soon... The Ind/Mlow f2s and the TopHaze/PurplePeace seedlings that sprouted are all looking mutant. Scabby looking leaves and a few with no grow-tip emerging, so I'm binning them. Shame as ElMalo's (BlueHemp seeds) TopHaze is an awesome Haze strain that's ripe before October in UK.
I've a load of PurplePeace (bred on from GA's legendary strain) sent by SF1 if I remember rightly. Be good to get a few of those going. Could be the idea strain to cross with a Haze type, as PP has quite an racy, alert high and harvests early, typical sat dom phenos. Might try it with my Neville'sHaze, though being from fem'd seed it could have some unexpecxted results.. Wonder how seeds from fem'd plants do on the m;f ratios..? (using regular male pollen on fem'd female)

I should think about going to bed really...

Peace :ying:


i was told by somebody whos an excellent grower, to add a teaspoon of quick lime to the fermenting nettle stew, this helps retain some nutrients that tend to get lost in the fermenting process... chamomile, is supposed to make a excellent veg fert tea, but harder to find than nettles........

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