jm is here to entertain himself.
he has no dog in this fight.
his exercise in futility circles round different buzz words. sustainable,gmo,health..
You forgot: derailment Dag...wrenches in the procession's machine. All these fine people standing up against their governments does nothing to stop the process. They are still roped...doped..and dependent.
If I could see them...I could tell you what their diet consists of...a picture is worth a 1000 words. I'd wager all of them...are uploading the process....but in the mean time...they'll worry about everything else. All this worry...all this conspiracy just a symptom of having bypassed the basics. They are addicted to the system...therefore...lacking credibility as change makers
When dooms day doesn't happen...when the years continue to go by...the diseases, dependency, and ill health will be there to befriend them. The system they thought they were standing up to...will take them the rest of the way. And that's the circle completed.
Fear on