Got windows, birdmans and the suicide cheese cut in for a side by side run, along with a blue cheese cut. Need to get them potted up and topped very soon.
Unfortunately i wasnt able to take cuts from my cut to get them all in side by side, so will just have to be theese 3 and the blue cheese cut.
Im really interested in Windows Cut atm, the structure on her is different from the others and looks identictal to that pic english rick posted up years ago of the brightside cut, i will post them side by side so you guys can see.
Both the suicide cut, birdmans cut and my cut all have the same kind of structure in veg, they bush out but grow upwards, where as the branching on windows just wants to go sideways, seems less bushy than the other cuts. The psycho and livers also have the same bushy structure that the other cheese cuts have, where as windows doesnt have that upwards bushy structure to her if that makes sense?
Windows Cheese Cut
Windows Cheese Cut
Birdmans Cheese Cut
Suicide Cheese Cut
Side By Side, Blue Cheese At The Very End
Unfortunately i wasnt able to take cuts from my cut to get them all in side by side, so will just have to be theese 3 and the blue cheese cut.
Im really interested in Windows Cut atm, the structure on her is different from the others and looks identictal to that pic english rick posted up years ago of the brightside cut, i will post them side by side so you guys can see.
Both the suicide cut, birdmans cut and my cut all have the same kind of structure in veg, they bush out but grow upwards, where as the branching on windows just wants to go sideways, seems less bushy than the other cuts. The psycho and livers also have the same bushy structure that the other cheese cuts have, where as windows doesnt have that upwards bushy structure to her if that makes sense?
Windows Cheese Cut
Windows Cheese Cut
Birdmans Cheese Cut
Suicide Cheese Cut
Side By Side, Blue Cheese At The Very End