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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Active member
The right wing cannot move from the simple to the complex, from the shallow to the profound... For them, everything boils down to idealism, common sense and catchphrases. It is a waste of time to try to make them understand anything, they are conditioned to deny reality in favor of their imperialist/colonialist ideology. It's shameful.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
rriiiight, the nazis were bad BECAUSE they were a state lol ok

That's correct once anyone gets control of a state they're bad. All states have in common a claim that they, not you, will determine how you will live, this is done with or without your consent and even if you are otherwise disinterested and peaceful.

That's what makes them a state. (body of government), your individual wishes don't matter.

They all share the same operational means and some are just worse than others, but none care if you consent to them or not. Tough shit is what every one of them say.

You can't refute any of that and think by picking the turd you consider most edible you won't get shit breath.

You voted and put the quarter in the gumball machine and whine when you got a plastic ring and not the furry toy you wanted.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
The right wing cannot move from the simple to the complex, from the shallow to the profound... For them, everything boils down to idealism, common sense and catchphrases. It is a waste of time to try to make them understand anything, they are conditioned to deny reality in favor of their imperialist/colonialist ideology. It's shameful.

There's more though.
The so-called left wing uses the same operational means as the so-called right wing.

Left and right don't fight over the idea that it's okay to force their preferences on disinterested people.

They just fight over how to spend the loot and which ways to control others lives. Speaking of shameful.
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Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
nobody wants this, and to reiterate, pro life policy kills moms and babies

Then why do some women that have abortions have a higher rate of suicide than those that haven't?
Is that just a coincidence?

Also, by definition "pro life and abortion" are two different concepts.
One means to protect life, while the other means to end life.

Is a fetus alive or is a beating heart and the ability to feel pain something that defines a rock or a piece of plastic? If a fetus is not alive, what makes a thing alive?


Well-known member
Presumably the nazi regime was bad because they forced their ideas on other people.

Isn't that what makes a "state" a state? Claiming the power to force people to accept and pay for their ideas?

It's not a difference in kind, it's a difference in degree.

Once a state can claim you as their subject without your consent, what power do you really have to prevent them from doing anything to you?
It’s real easy. One person should only have the power of one person and speak for themselves. Anything else is concentration of power and is bad.

Anyone claiming to speak for me is lying.


Well-known member
Keep thinking people will vote for that trash, and keep losing.

Maybe you don’t have kids. But for most people that do a guy in the bathroom with their little girl is a nightmare scenario, and anyone saying it’s ok is a creep.
"if anyone doesnt side with me in my bigoted fantasy straw man where i paint all trans people as sexual abusers, rapists, and 'nightmare scenarios' you're a creep!"

1.3% of the US population broke your brain. i have no doubt people like you were around at the dawn of gay rights saying the same retarded shit.