MY skills? I failed building Lincoln Logs.
I have put the "problem" to the Enkingneer's Test:
The $500 number is a tad low for an in-hand new Volcano, but even with just that number, it is way too big to take on any possible gain-difference between my Final System*** and this new add-on gadget.
*** Solo II set at max 220C with exhales into Volcano bag. <-- My best system to date, where no visible smoke is ever lost, with the temperature at the highest workable level.
Now all I need is some weed.
Shitdamnhell. Just got back from a Drs. visit. My garage door opener took it's final dump. <-- I know the coils in the little bitty motor have finally burned out after almost 30 years. Witchie-Poo called a garage door motor fixit guy... he'll be here Sunday.

Volcano Classic Vaporizer - Buy at $339
The Volcano Classic Vaporizer features superb build quality, exceptional vapor production, and easy-to-use forced air operation. Try it out today!