When we see politicians labeling judges as renegade and passing legislation that would enable them to eject judges then the basis of the constitution having three separate branches of government is broken. The judicial system proved this concept worked as Chump attempted to corrupt our election system and courts one after another, shot him down. States banning abortion and threatening their citizens as well as neighboring states for cooperating is one more front where the constitution is threatened.
It seems just a matter of time before the republican party shreds the constitution creating the split that becomes civil war. It may not be violent, but it is well under way.
politicians Appoint Federal & Supreme Court Justices and when a person is given a life-time appointment by a political party and that person is not experienced enough or qualified to be in that position then IMO they are beholden to that Party.
Judicial Appointees should be appointed by a vote and those entitled to vote to fill a vacancy would be current and former Judges. These are the only qualified people to make the decision on who should fill a vacancy because they know whats needed.
this change is only a pipe dream b/c politicians dont like giving up power but it would be nice to halt All Judicial Appointments and implement a system to allow Judges to vote to fill vacancies. Once all current vacancies were filled then term out those Judges who were appointed by politicians and let the new system fill those vacancies.