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trick for controlling hormones on unstable strains

The alternative system description is Autosomally-Modified true Dioecy, wherein individuals generally express as exclusively either pistillate or staminate, but this is modified by autosomal gene expression leading to potential hermaphroditism in either sex-type.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Bear in mind that I'm not declaring this to be the WayThingsAre(tm). I just threw that monkey wrench in the mix to stir up a little gray-area thinking.

Often I find that none of the single-word reproductive system descriptors fit perfectly in the real world.

If a population (because let's face it, there's a difference in trying to describe an entire species vs a population) displays separate male individuals and hermaphrodite individuals, the term for that system is androdioecy.
If we assume that male individuals do not produce pistillate flowers, then they can be considered male only. Yes, I know this is not necessarily true, there are some reports of success generating pistillate flowers on individuals which appear male, and in most cases the males are not kept around very long to provide relevant anecdotes.
If we consider all pistillate individuals (in the population) as actually being controlled by sex chromosomes with modification by gene(s) on autosomes possibly causing them to express as hermaphroditic, then it could be stated that all pistillate individuals are hermaphrodites, with varying levels of expression of staminate flowers (0% to 100%) when exposed to differences in environment. This population would then accurately be described as androdioecious. If some populations in the species display this system, you could extend the term to apply to the species in general.

The idea that all females are actually hermaphrodites seems to be a frightening one to many people, but it could be considered as valid given the seemingly widespread fears and reports of unintended staminate flowers, and the common practice of activating those autosomal sex-regulating genes by hormone manipulation to produce feminised seeds. If you look at the system this way, the breeding goal shifts from "eliminate all hermaphroditic tendencies" to a strategy of reducing by selection the chance that your population will produce staminate flowers on pistillate individuals to a level acceptable to your customers (the growers) under their range of reasonable environments.

G`day IG

How does thiis address the OPs question ?

Or the notion that females can sense males ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .
G`day IG

How does thiis address the OPs question ?

Or the notion that females can sense males ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Good point, I found myself drawn into an off-topic discussion.

On topic: I feel that it is unlikely that hermaphroditism in Cannabis can be suppressed by the presence of "male pheromones." (Or more accurately, that a lack of "male pheromones" could initiate a sex response of staminate flower initiation)

The urge to anthropomorphise is hard to fight, since as humans we value empathy highly. However, assigning motives to a set of observations of plants would be misplaced. All life (and viruses) seeks to survive and reproduce, but evolution is not consciousness, it does not function that way. The chances of developing by random mutation a pathway to bind a target molecule to a receptor protein and initiate a cascading reaction triggering a completely novel organ generation process, as well as the corresponding set of genes in another individual encoding for enzymes which produce the actual pheromone being sensed are of course small. Genes which have a cost but which do not have a large enough benefit are selected against naturally. Now add the additional complication of how to trigger a reaction based on the absence of the sensed molecule.

Not impossible, but quite improbable.


In search of Genetics
So, If i take a picture of a Hermied female being cut down with a pair of scissors then place the photo and the scissors in the same room with the females, will it act as a security system ?



The Tri Guy
Let's for one moment ignore religious doctrines. Let's ignore conscious will whether you feel people animals or plants possess it. Let's concentrate on controlling unstable genes. You can't! You have to swap them out for more favourable ones. Classical breeding methods can do this. Voodoo can't.

On a personal note, its threads like this that makes me less inclined to visit this site these days.


Active member
that's because you don't like people who don't stick to the stipulations you put forth which is of course all on you laddie.

guess why people express different ideas, it's because their experiences are different. well either that or people just lie.

personally, i really wonder how the hell people like you even exist. my life has been in the heart of academia and landed society and if you want to tell me there's no spirituality, and the mavens of various scientific disciplines aren't magicians, that werner von braun was misrepresented, then i seriously wonder which planet you are on and what you are paying attention to because it's surely not this world.

people think it's like some funky mistake when phil spector or someone is pegged for satanism. online, all the rich ass masons deny, deny, deny. but people are real and live in the real universe and observe spirit all the time. our own family. no one's going to listen if you say their lives aren't real. it's only a super mental retarded form of fascism that insists on a strictly material analysis, and you need to stop trying for that.

no one's got time for that. grow up and get with the shit that is more than just the shit. if you can't, don't whine about it clockmeister.

all the old masons are like woo woo alice in wonderland woo woo the wizard of oz like as if "secrets" only come out of stupid old shit written by white guys and not the entire universe so they can control it. christ doesn't anyone get sick of it. fucking society with bullshit is no kind of eschatological hypothesis sir.


I bond with my garden kinda like with my pets, they can't feel emotion too right? I walk in the garden and sense immediately if they're happy, hungry, young, old, stressed, if you own pets you know exactly this feeling. Not that I don't believe and follow science and agricultural principles, I'm just saying. But maybe I've eaten too much fungus in the garden also


The Tri Guy
Wavemisguided, why the attempt at insults, do you really believe that speaking to people like that makes THEM look bad? Speak with content not empty emotions. Emotions serve no purpose when trying to uncover understanding. Masons, satanism, and comparing the genius of Alice in wonderland with shitty musicals? Other than throwing insults and saying any opinion is equal, what did you contribute there?
And if you feel opinions are equal, why isn't mine? Logic and science clearly arent your strong points.
But I'm done, I'll leave americans to talk about spirituality and how to communicate with plants and animals. Have fun in your world, I won't bring reason logic or science into it again.

Pono, what the hell are you on about? Seriously, no wonder the old guard have abandoned this place


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
my number one trick for controlling unstable strains...



Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Wavemisguided, why the attempt at insults, do you really believe that speaking to people like that makes THEM look bad? Speak with content not empty emotions. Emotions serve no purpose when trying to uncover understanding. Masons, satanism, and comparing the genius of Alice in wonderland with shitty musicals? Other than throwing insults and saying any opinion is equal, what did you contribute there?
And if you feel opinions are equal, why isn't mine? Logic and science clearly arent your strong points.
But I'm done, I'll leave americans to talk about spirituality and how to communicate with plants and animals. Have fun in your world, I won't bring reason logic or science into it again.

Pono, what the hell are you on about? Seriously, no wonder the old guard have abandoned this place

G`day GMT

No need to single out a nationality .
There are informed and ignorant people on every continent .

Nothing is permanent . To pine for the old days is just going to make you unhappy . Be in the moment .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Professional A$$hole
This is cracking me up. I started this thread as a discussion point, not a stance on my belief as to the consciousness or awareness of plants. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out and smoke a joint. I dont give a rats ass about whether or not plants can sense eachother, but it's hilarious at how much drama ensues when people have differing opinions. I'm still not plagued by unstable genetics, nor was i ever. Finding three seeds in 4 lbs is hardly a problem. Can a mod please close this shit?


if it smells like fish
get a pet and feed it...just an occasional seed now and then ..hell save em as backups...yeehaw...plants communication with each other is now only being understood...theres a show on it ...


Professional A$$hole
Yeah I remember reading something about trees in the forest communicating through networks of fungi between their rhizospheres. A pheromonal trigger could be sent and received without a brain, the thought that conscious awareness is necessary for this process is absurd. But either way, I'm not struggling with hermies, nor did I suggest this idea as scientific fact. Just an interesting tidbit from an older farmer to start some discussion. To claim to know everything about ANYTHING, is in fact, the truest form of ignorance.


New member
unstable genetics aand Pavlov's dogs

unstable genetics aand Pavlov's dogs

...Let's ignore conscious will whether you feel people animals or plants possess it. Let's concentrate on controlling unstable genes. You can't! You have to swap them out for more favourable ones. Classical breeding methods can do this....

Hey up GMT... would it surprise you to learn that I refused to replicate my genes because having conscious will I didn't want my (very) unstable genes to become a part of the universal human gene pool?

And the fact that I salivate to the point where a few drops of salty saliva dribble off my now sixty year old lower lip whenever I hear the snapping of a ring pull tab on a tin of tuna prove the power of classical conditioning or classical breeding given that I seem to be geneticall predisposed to love the smell and taste of tuna?

Your pal



New member
Hey up GMT... would it surprise you to learn that I refused to replicate my genes because having conscious will I didn't want my (very) unstable genes to become a part of the universal human gene pool?

And the fact that I salivate to the point where a few drops of salty saliva dribble off my now sixty year old lower lip whenever I hear the snapping of a ring pull tab on a tin of tuna prove the power of classical conditioning or classical breeding given that I seem to be geneticall predisposed to love the smell and taste of tuna?

Your pal


And does the fact that I salivate to the point where...

And where the f... is the edit post button or do I have to proof read my dribble before I post it because I'm an IC newb or because IC expects us to know how to 'think because we are' stoners!?

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