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trick for controlling hormones on unstable strains


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
thats why my buddy wont bend any branches to train the fuckn net.... he don't wanna "hurt" the girls....
Amanda, great post but be carefull of statements like "to communicate with". Plants aren't communicating, this or that may or may not exist, may or may not attract or repel, but theres no communication, only reactions.

science has long since proven plants communicate with each other through pheromones. why every keep saying its not true?


Professional A$$hole
I was just starting a discussion about something that I heard that sounded interesting. I dont have the plant count to be constantly rotating male clones but it would be cool to see if it has an effect, I always find a seed or two in all my headband genetics, all the crosses with underdawg og in them end up with a seed or two a plant on 4-5oz plants. It doesn't bother me, but the dispensary complains, even with 20%+ test results


The Tri Guy
Why when I take half an hour to type up a comprehensive reply, do I always lose connection when I hit reply?


The Tri Guy
science has long since proven plants communicate with each other through pheromones. why every keep saying its not true?

Science has not proven any such thing.
Science has never suggested such a thing, laypeople trying to understand science often misquote science either deliberately or through ignorance.
I suspect that the problem here is the same as the problem with evolution. People just don't understand the science.
If a chemical reaction occurs, and this generates a chemical product, and another organism reacts to that product, where is the communication? Stimuli response, is different from communications. Communication requires a combination of intent and knowledge, a plant has neither.
i may be a "lay people" but i understand science just fine. just because they aren't communicating in the same way we communicate doesn't mean they don't communicate. there's been more than 1 paper i've read that shows plants release pheromones when being attacked that cause other plants in the vicinity to release enzymes that deter whatever is attacking them be it animals or insects. if i leave a message for someone in the future to read...is that not a communique? or does it only count when there are phones and internet involved?
Plants too emit chemical signals in response to attack by insect herbivores that recruit the herbivores' natural enemies and can induce preparations for defense in neighboring plants (or other parts of the same plant). In this chapter, we discuss our current understanding of chemical alarm signaling in a variety of animal groups (including social and presocial insects, marine invertebrates, fish, and mammals) and in plants.
you used to be cool man...what happened?


The Tri Guy
I wasn't calling you laypeople, I was saying what happens when we read something written about something some scientist discovered. Reporters put their own interpretations on things. And to communicate their must be awareness and intent, not just reactions to stimuli. If I throw a pebble into a pond, are the ripples telling the air about what just happened? If a dragon fly leaves the surface because he doesn't like the ripples, was there communication between the water and the insect?
what you're saying, pond ripples, is a cause effect same as truck hitting wall at 90mph = smashed truck. did the wall communicate to the truck telling it to crumple? of course not. but plants releasing pheromones in response to attack and other plants in the area preparing a defense is hardly the same thing as ripples in a pond or a truck hitting a wall is it?

anyway man i get it, you don't think plants communicate, i think they do. no need to continue.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I thought this was a discussion???

I also think plants communicate. Maybe you folks better spend some more time with plants, not just cannabis.

I don't recall anyone stating this as fact, just opinions, and a discussion. These things are how new things are understood. Discussions. Not coming in here and saying, nope doesn't happen you layperson. That actually made me laugh, that fall from your high horse is going to hurt.

Does science get disproven, yep sure does. How does that happen? It happens because people test and experiment and follow their ideas, not just dismiss something as silly because their egos think they know it all and once is proven that's it end of story. Well that's a bummer your minds are that closed and I'm sad for you. Science evolves man, continually.

I think this is an interesting discussion, and look forward to people's thoughts and theories. Not dumb ass name calling and childish bullshit.


Kiss My Ring
this wheel keeps turning.

initially i denied plants communicate, as in sentient. but communication by plants is at a more basic level...like when your body tells you it's hungry or saliva sends a message to your gall bladder to release bile into the gastric system...it may or may not be a two way communication, but it's communication none the less.

they don't actually chat over a phatty...




In addition to the bouquet of compounds that render leaves attractive or disagreeable to herbivores, volatile terpenoids and other compounds emitted from leaves in response to insect damage allow insect parasitoids (such as parasitic wasps) and predators to distinguish between infested and noninfested plants, and thus aid in locating hosts or prey (Fig. 1). These phytodistress signals, which result in an active interaction between herbivore-damaged plants and a third trophic level, have been described for several agro-ecosystems. Examples include lima bean and apple plants, which produce volatiles that attract predatory mites when damaged by spider mites (Takabayashi and Dicke, 1996), and corn and cotton plants, which release volatiles that attract hymenopterous parasitoids that attack larvae of several Lepidoptera species (Tumlinson et al., 1993). In the latter case, a parasitoid female injects her eggs when she stings, and the eggs hatch into wasp larvae inside the caterpillar. Once the caterpillar has been stung, its reproductive cycle is terminated and a new generation of wasps is produced.


anecdotally, my friend claimed his plants smelled more when a male was present.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i guess tellin the guy to grow stable genetics if it bothers him too much was not considered positive?

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Yes of course it was. I was just concerned dismissing the topic is a sure fire way to make sure we learn nothing new.


Well-known member
This thread reminds me of a Christen 'bible-basher' who once preached me

'Animals have no souls'

I was a kid then and checked it out ...yeah its official ..theres no room in heaven for animals or plants as these are of god creatures were denied a soul on creation.

Total Bullsh!t to that, I say, ..Christianity needs a workover, as I'm sure if you have ever kept a pet, you just know your pet has a soul(personality) and does 'communicate' with others of its breed and with you, naturally .

I am aware of a human trait, where 'we' humans can input our emotions into 'things' even creatures, defined as anthropomorphism, or Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anthropomorphism) ...I'm guilty of that

The deal here, is I treat my plants with kindness and respect, that would be typical if they were a pet dog, cat or gold fish, they all are alive, all communicate, and do stuff that all living creatures do.

Its been my observation, that the good growers have had a pet in their life at an early age, that has perhaps given the discipline and patience, to care and tend other pets later in life

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Amanda

Lets get back to the OPs question .
Can female plants sense the presence of male plants ?

Not can they sense each other they are under attack .

Sensimilla is a relatively new phenomenon . Female plants standing alone during flower is a tech since the late 70s .
Pre . all herb was seeded . By males or herms .

Pre 1970s all plants were pollinated to some degree .
So there were no need for plants to sense the sex of the others in proximity . To use its PLANT BRAIN to sense no males available for impregnation . Sniff sniff ? No males . better turn on the ball maker . .better turn herm . ... .
What a crock .

Are you guys telling me cannabis suddenly adapted in 40 years to sense whether there is a male present .

I find males and herms at the same time in presexing ? Why if you believe that BS theory are the females herming ,if there are males alongside them ? I don`t think they had a blocked nose and couldn`t sense the males that week .

Does that change your perspective ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Now add a scientific quote using the word communicate

"Understanding the use of signs in communication processes requires
a differentiated perspective. Chemical molecules are used as signs.
They function as signals, messenger substances, information carriers
and memory medium in either solid, liquid or gaseous form."

Emphasis added by me.

From this:


We all know in living soil that the micro herd and the plant root system
communicate, what's to say the female plant has no response to a male
plant in proximity?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This thread reminds me of a Christen 'bible-basher' who once preached me

'Animals have no souls'

I was a kid then and checked it out ...yeah its official ..theres no room in heaven for animals or plants as these are of god creatures were denied a soul on creation.

Total Bullsh!t to that, I say, ..Christianity needs a workover, as I'm sure if you have ever kept a pet, you just know your pet has a soul(personality) and does 'communicate' with others of its breed and with you, naturally .

I am aware of a human trait, where 'we' humans can input our emotions into 'things' even creatures, defined as anthropomorphism, or Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anthropomorphism) ...I'm guilty of that

The deal here, is I treat my plants with kindness and respect, that would be typical if they were a pet dog, cat or gold fish, they all are alive, all communicate, and do stuff that all living creatures do.

Its been my observation, that the good growers have had a pet in their life at an early age, that has perhaps given the discipline and patience, to care and tend other pets later in life

So if we dont project human emotion onto our plants we are not treating them with respect?

If he throws away his cuts that intersex is he disrespecting the plant?

Do my tomato plants go to heaven when they die at the end of the season?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The guy wanted to know if he can control his plants that show intersex despite what he assures us is a stress free environment. Instead of giving the guy solid advice not to grow intersex prone plants lets just send him on a wild goose chase to waste the poor bastards time,,,


Professional A$$hole
I'm not on any wild goose chase, I honestly don't care that some of my stuff with chem genetics put off a seed or two per crop. They don't pollinate anything else in the room and the seeds that come out of the buds usually are interesting to grow out. This was just an interesting suggestion I received and wanted to start a dialogue