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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
I I find Ben a pleasant young man, and imagine he may have spent time with the likes of Bellingcat
or one of the internet freedom groups.
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moose eater

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fools are easily entertained. :smoke:
Confirmation bias requires little actual research or thinking. That's been a problem here and elswhere for a long time.

I'm sure the REAL facts are merely being hidden by the DEEP STATE!!!!!!!!!

In fact, I am fairly certain that the reason Santa comes into the house to deliver presents (in the middle of the night, no less!!), has -nothing- to do with presents whatsoever. He wants to look in our socks and undies drawers to see what we've been hiding. ()Psst!! That's where I keep my better drugs and good flashlight).

Gives new meaning to "You better what out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm telling you why (AND YOU'D DAMNED WELL BETTER LISTEN!!!!).. or maybe YOU'RE part of the DEEP STATE(!!!!!) too!!

Hard to trust anything any more.

I'm going out to snowblow the drive, then hiding under the covers, or bitching about stolen elections and such.. until I pass out from.. who knows what. Likely drugged to sleep by THE DEEP STATE!!!!!

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Well-known member
to see what we've what we've been hiding.
bastard probably has cameras disguised as tree ornaments & just digitally downloads them while there. i know, it sounds like an ignorant conspiracy theory. but no worse than a lot of others i've heard in the past few years...
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moose eater

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The conflcit involving Alito and Thomas goes way back to before Hobby Lobby if my reading was true..

During the Citizens United case, it was reported that Alito and Thomas had both (I recall at different times) spent time at the Koch's private country club home, while the CU case was on the docket.

At this time I can find nothing on the internet anymore re. that instance, however.
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