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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
The Jews Doubled Down on their Psychopathy on 9-11.

Hope will not help you.

Neither will Allah or "God".

don't you get tired of blaming "the jews" for everything that makes you miserable? it's not a good look, but as long as you have a scapegoat, i guess you're happy...🙄


Well-known member
He is an evil man and responsible for the miserly of millions. Globalist and war monger. And did so well as Carter's security advisor.

For you to hold him in high regard says a lot too.

And you referencing my ego, I give a shit, that's Alinsky tactics; again telling.
I cite NSC members, while you speak of Alinsky, it is somewhat telling now isn't it.
If you found him evil, you might want to bail here, he was amongst most tame of those whom I
did rub shoulders with on a daily basis.

Three Berries

Active member
I cite NSC members, while you speak of Alinsky, it is somewhat telling now isn't it.
If you found him evil, you might want to bail here, he was amongst most tame of those whom I
did rub shoulders with on a daily basis.

Nice name dropping. He is one of those who is responsible for the US Mideast policy, I put him right up there with GWH Bush and Cheney.. Most evil people are really nice in person.


Well-known member
And they're Too Stupid to ask "who benefits" when Nuclear tech is Deliberately Sabotaged.

Nuclear tech can NEVER be safe when you have Terrorists like the US & Israel running around.

Though - when well managed - Nuclear tech is very safe. Where safe means you allocate hundreds of acres to store the by-products that need to just sit there, basically, forever.

Of course, no energy tech is safe when you have Terror States running around blowing shit up.

Good for Russia !

They have a lot of energy resource type energy and have survived their Soviet experience.

Plus their figure skaters are mucho de talented.

Interesting to see what we have here. Incessant snivelling about the Jews, while speaking well of Russia and referring to
to the US as a Terrorist as you embrace Three Berries who speaks of Alinsky.
If this is a charter meeting of the anti America club please take it elsewhere.

Am sadly reminded that the Aircraft industry was used as a safe house for many right wing types over the years.
Just as sadly recall that our government has never found a way to be straight with us as to exactly how high the resulting levels of pollution have been
as a result of the WWII production of nukes.


Well-known member
Nice name dropping. He is one of those who is responsible for the US Mideast policy, I put him right up there with GWH Bush and Cheney.. Most evil people are really nice in person.

You did a nice job of inserting Alinsky into the conversation.
The cake taker was your comparison of Brzezinski with Bush Sr and Cheney.


Well-known member
You make your own reality, if the MSM forms yours then good luck in the future.

Bullshit, and you are a water boy for those who have designs on this country.
You have made it plain that you have never understood nor cared for it.
Those you traffic for are ashamed and afraid of our history, and wish not to
hear it spoken by their less racist grandchildren... The contempt you exude
for this country, is it's own reward.
Each and everyone who did sign up for WWII, did sign up to fight the forces you support.
Little did they know as they did so, where the home of fascism was.
They did not know the less spoken of history of their own country.
The fascist within this country knew damned good and well they needed to
keep their heads down. Their mission did continue unabated and now has
bubbled up again. Make no mistake this effort is being financed by exactly the
same families who did finance our country's previous attempt at fascism.

Three Berries

Active member
Bullshit, and you are a water boy for those who have never cared for the country.

Never is a long time. I've been here on the planet a long time. All you got is Hate for Trump. And when all you got is hate it will destroy from within.

Trump will be 82 in 2024 I think. How much longer you got? Who will you hate then?


Well-known member
We do not need less history being taught, we need more of it
being taught to our people.

Fascism comes from right here at home.
Which is something we need to teach in our schools, so that when the well heeled in our society make their attempts to take over,
as they are now , that our population will recognize and understand the old signs of fascism as they rise up again.
The forces of fascism are as American as apple pie, and have always been hidden here within and among our own best and brightest.


Well-known member
Never is a long time. I've been here on the planet a long time. All you got is Hate for Trump. And when all you got is hate it will destroy from within.

Trump will be 82 in 2024 I think. How much longer you got? Who will you hate then?
You are one confused man, Donald Trump is the source of hate, and is responsible for more loss of life than any president.
My heart is filled with love and affection for those who have served the country well and do have it's best interests in their hearts.

You on the other hand have such contempt for the country, that you would further inflict upon it the one man who has cost more lives than any president ever.

Three Berries

Active member
You are one confused man, Donald Trump is the source of hate, and is responsible for more loss of life than any president.
My heart is filled with love and affection for those who have served the country well and do have it's best interests in their hearts.

You on the other hand have such contempt for the country, that you would further inflict upon it the one man who has cost more lives than any president ever.

No Donald Trump is the source of freedom. The Media makes the hate. You just push it out further.


Well-known member
Donald is the hate and you are one gullible and ill educated water boy.
Your contempt for the country has been evident in your every post.


Well-known member
Donald exudes contempt for this country.
His subservient body language in the presence of Vladimir Putin was as stunning as it was informative.
You are a toad for a man who would sell his grandmothers ass.

Three Berries

Active member
Donald exudes contempt for this country.
His subservient body language in the presence of Vladimir Putin was as stunning as it was informative.
You are a toad for a man who would sell his grandmothers ass.

Well you are down to insults. His mean tweets hurt?

Three Berries

Active member
Donald is the hate and you are one gullible and ill educated water boy.
Your contempt for the country has been evident in your every post.

I'm not the one who is stands behind the tyrannical methods of the current state of affairs. The government forcing people to do things breeds contempt. The Dems will find that out real hard in the midterms.

Three Berries

Active member
Not good.



