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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


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Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda, Part ONE of TWO


Archive: This is TUC Radio’s all time most popular program Alex Carey wrote that the people of the US have been subjected to an unparalleled, expensive, 3/4 century long propaganda effort designed to expand corporate rights by undermining democracy and destroying the unions. The 20th century, he wrote, is marked by three historic developments: the growth of democracy via the expansion of the franchise, the growth of corporations, and the growth of propaganda to protect corporations from democracy. Carey’s unique view of US history goes back to World War I and ends with the Reagan era.

Noam Chomsky dedicated his book “Manufacturing Consent” to the memory of Alex Carey. Chomsky says that the Australian sociologist would have written the definitive history of propaganda in the US, had he lived to complete his work.

This is a fairly complex production with many voices, historic sound clips, and source material. The program has been used by writers and students of history and propaganda. Alex Carey: Taking the Risk out of Democracy, Corporate Propaganda VS Freedom and Liberty with a foreword by Noam Chomsky was published by the University of Illinois Press in 1995.

Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda, Part TWO of TWO


Archive: Journalist John Pilger has called Alex Carey “a second Orwell in his prophesies” This segment covers the little known role of the US Chamber of Commerce in the McCarthy witch hunts of post WWII. Carey also shows how the continued campaign against “Big Government” plays an important role in bringing Reagan to power. Also mentioned the famous secret memo by Lewis Powell, later Supreme Court Justice, that set in motion what Bill Moyers today calls “the revolt of the rich.”
Alex Carey said that the people of the US have been subjected to an unparalleled, expensive, 3/4 century long propaganda effort designed to expand corporate rights by undermining democracy and destroying the unions. Carey’s unique view of US history goes back to World War I and ends with the Reagan era.
Alex Carey: Taking the Risk out of Democracy, Corporate Propaganda VS Freedom and Liberty, with a foreword by Noam Chomsky, was published by the University of Illinois Press in 1995.

Taking the Risk Out of Democracy

Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty



Active member
Did she impersonate a tantrumming toddler, screaming and hollering to all to hear, about her rights being violated (even though they weren't)? (Rhetorical and pointed question.. :) )

We have many rights that we compromise in able to have a functioning society. The further you remove yourself from society, the more rights you retain. Our social structure depends on cooperation. Many want the advantages without the responsibilities, yet they feel society should bend over to kiss their asses. Reasons that you live in Alaska and why I live in the country. I rarely wear a mask, because I rarely go to town.. I’m behind on my booster. I have to go into town to get it, but if I stay out of town, I don’t need it.


Active member
when you give money to the rich, they invest it & it "trickles down" supposedly. if you give it straight to the poor, they just waste it on food, rent, clothes for their kids, and crack/smack...

Money trickles down before flooding on its way back up. Poor people don’t hoard money. They can’t.


Active member
Money trickles down before flooding on its way back up. Poor people don’t hoard money. They can’t.

Trickle up works much, much better than trickle down, as it goes where it needs to go.
Small businesses benefit more as well.


Well-known member
Kahiki pants are Hawaiian.


Well-known member
Did she impersonate a tantrumming toddler, screaming and hollering to all to hear, about her rights being violated (even though they weren't)? (Rhetorical and pointed question.. :) )

probably not. "human rights" in Hong Kong is a thing of the past. they have the same "rights" as mainland Chinese now...none. well, they have the right to a trial with a pre-determined guilty plea, and a 9 mm to the back of the neck.