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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


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Well-known member
Researchers found the mammoth walked a distance equal to nearly twice the circumference of Earth using isotopes of strontium and oxygen.

That sentence makes me wonder if the mammoths would have walked further without using isotopes of strontium and oxygen.

We visited The Mammoth Site in Hot Springs, SD a few years ago. Very interesting spot.


Active member
George Washington mandated Revolutionary War troops be inoculated against smallpox

A viral image claims Washington made the vaccine mandatory. It's mostly true. In 1777, he issued an order to have all troops inoculated.


...yeah, considering that the first vaccine wasn't invented until 1796 I'd have to call bullshit on this, lol.


...just because someone writes it that doesn't make it so.


Well-known member
...yeah, considering that the first vaccine wasn't invented until 1796 I'd have to call bullshit on this, lol.


...just because someone writes it that doesn't make it so.

Frankly I would call that a case of misapplied trust on your part.
Wikipeda is not an outfit I would feel at all comfortable citing as a sole source
if I were attempting to take a position such as you have, I would have looked into
the subject a good deal more before I would be willing to make any such claim.

The organisation behind wikipedia is more than interesting, and has been
hauled into court more than once over making claims that are less than true.
I would invite you to look more deeply into the background and history of that
organisation. I am aware of more than one case in which they have been nailed
in a court of law for lying though their corporate teeth.
Our history is the neatest thing that we have, and do believe it does deserve to
be treated with reverence and respect.
I thank you for the contribution, and appreciate your input and invite more of it.


Well-known member
...yeah, considering that the first vaccine wasn't invented until 1796 I'd have to call bullshit on this, lol.


...just because someone writes it that doesn't make it so.

From the Library of Congress

George Washington and the First Mass Military Inoculation

On the 6th of January 1777, George Washington wrote to Dr. William Shippen Jr., ordering him to inoculate all of the forces that came through Philadelphia. He explained that: "Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy." The urgency was real. Troops were scarce and encampments had turned into nomadic hospitals of festering disease, deterring further recruitment. Both Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Franklin, after surveying the havoc wreaked by Variola in the Canadian campaign, expressed fears that the virus would be the army's ultimate downfall. (Fenn 2001, 69)

At the time, the practice of infecting the individual with a less-deadly form of the disease was widespread throughout Europe. Most British troops were immune to Variola, giving them an enormous advantage against the vulnerable colonists. (Fenn 2001, 131) Conversely, the history of inoculation in America (beginning with the efforts of the Reverend Cotton Mather in 1720) was pocked by the fear of the contamination potential of the process. Such fears led the Continental Congress to issue a proclamation in 1776 prohibiting Surgeons of the Army to inoculate.

Weighing the risks, on February 5th of 1777, Washington finally committed to the unpopular policy of mass inoculation by writing to inform Congress of his plan. Throughout February, Washington, with no precedent for the operation he was about to undertake, covertly communicated to his commanding officers orders to oversee mass inoculations of their troops in the model of Morristown and Philadelphia (Dr. Shippen's Hospital). At least eleven hospitals had been constructed by the year's end.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
...yeah, considering that the first vaccine wasn't invented until 1796 I'd have to call bullshit on this, lol.


...just because someone writes it that doesn't make it so.

Interesting conflicting facts on the surface - in the headlines but it appears one needs to read the full article to learn that the form of inoculation incorporated by Washington was a rudimentary one, variolation. There were various means utilized to administer this, from scratching smallpox puss into the skin to snorting dried powdered puss to using puss from cows or milkmaids infected with cowpox. Some of these inoculations originated in China centuries prior to Edward Jenner's development of a more refined vaccine.

Definitely some interesting reading;



Well-known member
Thought it was a fine idea when the gift shop at Mt Vernon started selling tavern pipes.


Well-known member

When one considers how many times this has taken place post WWII,
it becomes obvious that the very nature of our country has changed immensely.
There was a coup that did take place in our country just prior to WWII.
We absorbed and become that which we once viewed with disdain
and contempt.
Our most successful and our best rejected the concept of democracy and
embraced the concepts of fascism prior to the second world war ever taking place.
The amount of shear treason that took place in the closing days of that war were disgusting.
They were also never addressed. There were to have been trials
that were instead swept under the rug so to speak- thus allowing the very
men who perpetrated the coup to get away with what they did.

The result being that a country which once professed to believe in democracy
has destroyed more of it than any country on earth.
I have genuine affection and respect for all who have served well.
I am ashamed that I was so fucking slow to realise what took place.

We live in a country that was stolen before anyone of us was born...
The longer that we wait, to take it back,
the worse we shall be cursed by our descendants.
Should we fail to do the right thing, this world is right on the verge
of a global fascism that the deckstacking bastards have been planning
for several generations.
I suspect the space force is their last phase, once that
has been installed, they have, game set and match.


Active member
If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out, dried powdered puss
If you want to get down, get down on the ground, dried powdered puss
She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie,
dried powdered puss.


Well-known member
Never trust the gov EVER!!!!.

A fine ronnie quote, but then I never was a fan of his and never bought in to that myth.
My SS checks cash just fine, and I would imagine yours will also, though I know a fortune
gets spent every day to convince us otherwise.
I do understand the nature of the comment, but saint ronnie has always
rubbed me raw, please forgive my response to a post made in good humor.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
A fine ronnie quote, but then I never was a fan of his and never bought in to that myth.
My SS checks cash just fine, and I would imagine yours will also, though I know a fortune
gets spent every day to convince us otherwise.
I do understand the nature of the comment, but saint ronnie has always
rubbed me raw, please forgive my response to a post made in good humor.

LOL, I don't have a clue who Ronnie is..


Active member
A fine ronnie quote, but then I never was a fan of his and never bought in to that myth.
My SS checks cash just fine, and I would imagine yours will also, though I know a fortune
gets spent every day to convince us otherwise.
I do understand the nature of the comment, but saint ronnie has always
rubbed me raw, please forgive my response to a post made in good humor.

Reagan was so full of crap.