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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

St. Phatty

Active member
Every now and again, you do knock the ball out of the park and the over the wall.

So you like it when I suggest a possible way to reduce US gov revenues,
but you don't like it when I criticize that gov. ?

I was talking via Facebook with a friend in Pakistan.

He mentioned the Raymond Allen Davis incident.

In looking it up, I found the Mir Aimal Kansi incident.

Had heard about both of them, and now I have the names straight.

I like Mr. Kansi. Too bad he's gone.




Well-known member
So you like it when I suggest a possible way to reduce US gov revenues,
but you don't like it when I criticize that gov. ?

I was talking via Facebook with a friend in Pakistan.

He mentioned the Raymond Allen Davis incident.

In looking it up, I found the Mir Aimal Kansi incident.

Had heard about both of them, and now I have the names straight.

I like Mr. Kansi. Too bad he's gone.



Has to be of the more self flattering things I have ever seen you post, Phatty.
Congratulations sir, I have to say that you have indeed outdone yourself.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
AZ is finding a bunch of "mail in" ballots that were never folded up and put in the mail. Most of those bogus ballots voted for the commies.

You folks ready for the shitshow and violence when this fraud is busted wide open?

Why do liberals not want free and fair elections? That is the hardest part of all this for me to get my mind around. Throw away the republic because an orange guy was in the WH and was gonna win another term.


Well-known member
AZ is finding a bunch of "mail in" ballots that were never folded up and put in the mail. Most of those bogus ballots voted for the commies.

You folks ready for the shitshow and violence when this fraud is busted wide open?

Why do liberals not want free and fair elections? That is the hardest part of all this for me to get my mind around. Throw away the republic because an orange guy was in the WH and was gonna win another term.

What you do to the English language, and your fellow Americans is reprehensible.
I am inclined to think that you were led astray by others and have never quite managed to find your way back.
I hope at some point that can change for you.


Well-known member
AZ is finding a bunch of "mail in" ballots that were never folded up and put in the mail. Most of those bogus ballots voted for the commies.

You folks ready for the shitshow and violence when this fraud is busted wide open?

Why do liberals not want free and fair elections? That is the hardest part of all this for me to get my mind around. Throw away the republic because an orange guy was in the WH and was gonna win another term.

It's not the state of AZ though. It's a privately funded initiative with absolutely no oversight or transparency. Nobody knows who financing this to take place, and the company doing the audit, Cyber Ninjas, is being run by a pro Trump guy who already thinks the election was stolen from Trump lol. They could be making it up or tampering with the ballots themselves for all you or I know.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Yeah, just a fraudit set in place by the state Senate. Other states may do this too.. My point is, and I don't give a rats ass what gry thinks of how I say it, they postponed the fireworks with the rushed certifications. The evidence is still there and now being looked at.

So what happens when all the fraud is revealed? Summer of discontent? Maybe that is their plan, so they can call out martial law.

But they fired the cops, and the miltary mostly hates them. Is that where BLM and antifa come in?

Be healthy, be liquid and mobile, be armed.


Well-known member
Yeah, just a fraudit set in place by the state Senate. Other states may do this too.. My point is, and I don't give a rats ass what gry thinks of how I say it, they postponed the fireworks with the rushed certifications. The evidence is still there and now being looked at.

So what happens when all the fraud is revealed? Summer of discontent? Maybe that is their plan, so they can call out martial law.

But they fired the cops, and the miltary mostly hates them. Is that where BLM and antifa come in?

Be healthy, be liquid and mobile, be armed.

Of course you care not what I think, which was why you made the such a statement here and referenced me by name.
My response would be that you seem to be a decent man in your personal dealings. Yet even good people can be led astray especially if they should fall in with the wrong group of people. Which can surely be easy enough to do at times in life.
Can recall you mentioning your time in service, and I can only say that based of your descriptions, I was left convinced
that you fell in with a group that had no one's best interest at heart. Am sorry that has turned out to have lasting implications for you.
I am none the less glad that things have not turned out as badly for you as they might have, and that you have been able to turn things around somewhat. You like myself, were blessed by the efforts of our parents.
While I would have no reason to question your judgement on the quality of cannabis, I would not want to turn to you
for advice over crucial issues in life. Please notice I make no claim of quality judgement on my own. I was perhaps
more fortunate in those I was surrounded by. I hope your upcoming surgery goes well for you.
Hate to hear you carry so much water, can you set up a hose, or use a trash can on wheels to get by with for a while ?


Well-known member
The Crystal Hunters of Chamonix

Climate change is melting the glaciers and permafrost of the Mont Blanc massif, revealing crystals hidden in pockets once covered in snow. Simon Akam tagged along on an expedition with one of the area’s most legendary hunters, a daring French alpinist who completes dangerous climbs to discover specimens worth tens of thousands of dollars.



Well-known member
An interesting article about the parallels between the Soviet collapse and the American collapse. Snowden may have been the smart one.


Remember kids always use "Signal". ( Stay far away from the encryption software he was pitching)

I believe that what we have with Snowden is an ongoing "operation".
For an example of how our society treats heroic disclosure,
we have no shortage of examples from Gary Webb, to Julian Assange.

Mr Snowden is treated treated very differently by the media than whistle blowers.


Well-known member
Who Is Reality Winner?

The 25-year-old Air Force Veteran has been charged with mailing classified material to a news outlet.


Concerns were raised that The Intercept's handling of the material exposed her as the source and contributed to her arrest.[SUP][9][/SUP] Twice denied bail, Winner was held at the Lincoln County Jail in Lincolnton, Georgia.[SUP][10][/SUP] On August 23, 2018, Winner was sentenced to five years and three months in prison as part of a plea deal.[SUP][11][/SUP] She was incarcerated at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas and released to a transitional facility on June 14, 2021.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP]

Ten Years After (Alvin Lee) - Going Home


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember kids always use "Signal". ( Stay far away from the encryption software he was pitching)

I believe that what we have with Snowden is an ongoing "operation".
For an example of how our society treats heroic disclosure,
we have no shortage of examples from Gary Webb, to Julian Assange.

Mr Snowden is treated treated very differently by the media than whistle blowers.

You sound like a Q follower! Q has hinted that Snowden is actually a Deep State CIA asset. From what I've gathered, The NSA was eavesdropping on the CIA and other Neo-Nazi globalists and Snowden exposed it and the narrative was crafted that he did it for egalitarian reasons. It would be real interesting, if the "warrantless wiretaps" actually had warrants, but that fact could not be exposed without jeopardizing the entire takedown of the Deep State (that was set to take place upon the 45th presidency).

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