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Tom Hill Haze


Well-known member
not sure id want to smoke any reversed bud but to give an overall impression of resin quality or specific terpenes it could well help.
I wouldn't either. It gives as close of an indication as any female plant. The range of genetic diversity of any pollination covers the field of potential from there.

Many times the stem rub and tall narrow plant I thought would be the stud is the dud and something less assuming has the profile and trichome development I had associated.

Just short of the smoke test. It also is good for identifying the male in contrast to the selected females to learn more about how the interrelationships perform in reality. In particular the outliers of either parent that may then be useful in further invigorating the line.

It adds another layer to the experience to pass the time at the very least


Well-known member
Wasn't tom saying in a podcast he collects more late male pollen vs early male pollen to ensure a more even open pollination.

something like that... :love:

I did what i thought was a carefull pollination and then made the mistake of linking up the male area as intake air for the female area.

I hope i actually get something to smoke. It looks all seed
You make a good point and one I'll have to take into account, thanks (y)
Yeah I remember him saying something like that. What I'll have to do is give the males the good area near the final extractor and keep the females in the tents upstream (my grow room is like a hallway) until after pollen collection and dispersal


Well-known member
You'd get some flack, but there is likely enough of a window to reverse a branch of a favorite female.

If you start hitting the same branch of your favorite males with florel now you will have a female branch exhibiting profile, and trichome development by the time pollen starts dropping.

It sounds like more work, but when you consider how much time it saves in which males you chose to hunt in the future it potentially saves far more effort in the long run.✌️
You'll have to teach me the correct process for using the Florel. I purchased some a few months back after reading one of your posts :)
I want to keep this run pure with zero risk of contamination or problems then I will have to jump straight back onto growing some family favorites again to keep them happy THEN I will be able to do my own thing again
I'm sure there will be some stem rubbing and sniffing going down in the near future and a few clones taken perhaps to reverse for male selection, maybe I'll keep clones of a large male population...
Thanks for the input Stoney (y) well worth considering :)


Well-known member
You'll have to teach me the correct process for using the Florel. I purchased some a few months back after reading one of your posts :)
I want to keep this run pure with zero risk of contamination or problems then I will have to jump straight back onto growing some family favorites again to keep them happy THEN I will be able to do my own thing again
I'm sure there will be some stem rubbing and sniffing going down in the near future and a few clones taken perhaps to reverse for male selection, maybe I'll keep clones of a large male population...
Thanks for the input Stoney (y) well worth considering :)
I was thinking about limits of space and efficiency on a hunt like this too. I usually don't catch the backup cuts till the last part of stretch or a month in. Mostly to avoid transplanting again before finishing long flower plants.

I have also taken cuts and forgotten them in the flower room and they seemed to continue their flowering timing despite losing 7-10 days to rooting.

If the goal is only to identify quality of the end product and around 100 seed you could potentially accomplish both from this point in 1/4 the end space without losing more than a week. This could probably be done around the solstice when you begin sexing.

It's quite an undertaking. You put a lot of good energy out there so you'll likely beat Toms 5%. There is a 20% chance you'll be over 20% 😜


Chasing the Present
You'll have to teach me the correct process for using the Florel. I purchased some a few months back after reading one of your posts :)
I want to keep this run pure with zero risk of contamination or problems then I will have to jump straight back onto growing some family favorites again to keep them happy THEN I will be able to do my own thing again
I'm sure there will be some stem rubbing and sniffing going down in the near future and a few clones taken perhaps to reverse for male selection, maybe I'll keep clones of a large male population...
Thanks for the input Stoney (y) well worth considering :)
Florel = ethephon, ethylene precursor - actually Florel is a very expensive way to buy ethephon but it’s premixed / diluted so easy to use out the bottle.

You wont contaminate anything (widely used to thin fruit) it’ll just flip the branch you spray on your male plant into female, use it like you would sts/cs

Cool project you’ve got going; enjoy !
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atomizing haze essence
Any pics in early veg early/mid flower @MAHA KALA ?
look to my albums


where are people with positronics haze? here is one with 50% positronics haze.

new caledonia #4 x posi haze



Well-known member
I was just watering all 104 plants... again :sigh: and noticed balls on a few and one plant has a pale patch on a leaf if it means anything. They're growing hard out now and I've started weighing each plant as I water, before and after, which will help me figure things out . They're drying quickly at the moment as we're having some warm weather, probably close to 30c in the grow room with moderate to high humidity
I'm not going to panic as there's barely any pistils formed yet but I'll have to start making plans for separation



Well-known member
I was just watering all 104 plants... again :sigh: and noticed balls on a few and one plant has a pale patch on a leaf if it means anything. They're growing hard out now and I've started weighing each plant as I water, before and after, which will help me figure things out . They're drying quickly at the moment as we're having some warm weather, probably close to 30c in the grow room with moderate to high humidity
I'm not going to panic as there's barely any pistils formed yet but I'll have to start making plans for separation

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Looking good @StickyBandit !

What light schedule are you running?


Chasing the Present
I was just watering all 104 plants... again :sigh: and noticed balls on a few and one plant has a pale patch on a leaf if it means anything. They're growing hard out now and I've started weighing each plant as I water, before and after, which will help me figure things out . They're drying quickly at the moment as we're having some warm weather, probably close to 30c in the grow room with moderate to high humidity
I'm not going to panic as there's barely any pistils formed yet but I'll have to start making plans for separation

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I wouldn’t worry about the leaf variegation, I see it in a lot of cannabis plants, some Bros think it’s a tell - ha

I’ve run hundreds of plants like this BF bulking seed lines, it only gets more difficult… You would save a ton of time & headaches if you just dump a few gallons of water into your container & let it wick up, just make sure it’s as level as possible. Yes some slow growers will be overwatered but you’re gonna need to thin anyhow & soon or else they’re all gonna be unhappy…

@ here in winter humidity is normally low with furnaces running, plants love it warm & humid as long as adequate air flow in there & air flow down low - I see your humidity as a blessing :)

Cool project man - have fun !


Well-known member
I was just watering all 104 plants... again :sigh: and noticed balls on a few and one plant has a pale patch on a leaf if it means anything. They're growing hard out now and I've started weighing each plant as I water, before and after, which will help me figure things out . They're drying quickly at the moment as we're having some warm weather, probably close to 30c in the grow room with moderate to high humidity
I'm not going to panic as there's barely any pistils formed yet but I'll have to start making plans for separation

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Looking beautiful Sticky! Lol, you are definitely going to be a haze master card holder after this😅

That split leaf variegation seems to have an interrelationship with the other meristem petiole mutations in line breeding. It's a trait that was passed in the majority of everything that came out Nevil's original TSB 5haze release and not as much after.

Of the 5 JJ's Nigerian (Nigerian Silk x C5 (from the original pack). All of them have it. 1/3 of the Nigerian haze had it, 91' chem seed (mystery male) , CBH, tropicals 5haze f6 etc .

It was a dominant trait passed on from that original cross and that batch, but vary's in frequency depending on selections after. CBH to Bandaid passed it. Etc

@led05 is correct that it is not a tell more than any other trait of a plant. Narrow leaf, flowering time, stature, profile, field density, mutations etc. They all are generalizations in the shotgun approach that is cannabis breeding. However, even a shotgun can have a tighter pattern the closer we get and more practiced and familiar we are in the effort to narrow the range of possibilities.

What is one persons tell in an ongoing project will have relevance and in another ones none at all. I think that is where all of the disagreement comes from. Everyone is both right and wrong. They are correct looking out their own window of experience and incorrect peering through another's through theirs.

One the other hand. If traits aren't identified and recorded what is the point of discussing them at all?

One thing your find may indicate is that Nevil'C , or the one he used at that time did have this as a dominant or displayed trait rather than the NL side of the cross. I beat the NL to death and never found it.

It's also just one leaf. I would still mark or tag it along with any other traits you notice. Nevil had his red dot petiole. Totally irrelevant in cannabis as a whole, but it had some relevance to him within the context of his projects.

Similarly. If you tag or organize this project to some degree it may be helpful in Identifying traits you associate favorably in the future. Breeding isn't a perfectly disorganized mess. Where one trait is present another may tag along in greater frequency as well.

Sometimes traits do accompany other traits from their plant of origin. One of the traits I associate with my favorite haze profile has been the 'floating node' where the branching node comes out anywhere along the stem with no correlation to fan leaf.

Each time across several different lines (of the same 5haze origin) this trait and the profile where together to some degree. An outlier/ancestor somewhere in the haze pool holding on to the same floaty.

There are no absolutes and never will be, but selective breeding based on traits will get tighter patterns within your own projects.

I have had a lot of success in identifying and recording along the way and it makes the process more interesting.

Tom's practice opened up the pool for anyone to choose what they like and informed on how he selects which passes the baton. That saves a major step.

The original reason that I bred in the mutations was not superiority alone although it fid invite the other traits I associate favorably.

It was done to clearly identify the migration of traits, interrelationships and how ancestors and parents move through the various selections and how other traits tag along or don't. This Multiplies traits and data points to add to the complexity, confusion and clarity of equatorial breeding which can be vary difficult to differentiate because Equatorials have so many traits in common.

Thanks for sharing. For me it indicates one tic on the chart of likelihood that the trait comes from haze rather than NL. There is no way to know if it has other male C traits, but we can wonder 🤔 😉 😅
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Well-known member
I just started running 9/15 last week from 11/13 but I think they were going to show anyway. Maybe that will keep the height down a little though.
Next step will be to put all the males in the larger area along with the stragglers that aren't showing pistils or balls yet so can't be pollenated
Nice mate :)
I was wondering if you’d run a low light schedule Like that to try control growth/speed up expression.
Are you going to keep them in those little pots the whole way through too?
Will you collect pollen and dust manually?


Well-known member
Nice mate :)
I was wondering if you’d run a low light schedule Like that to try control growth/speed up expression.
Are you going to keep them in those little pots the whole way through too?
Will you collect pollen and dust manually?
They're in 2L pots. That should be plenty big enough for them for my purposes
Yeah, I'll dust manually so the early males don't make all the babies :)


Well-known member
They're in 2L pots. That should be plenty big enough for them for my purposes
Yeah, I'll dust manually so the early males don't make all the babies :)
Yeah fair, got to avoid those premi boys over soaking the biscuit hey.
sounds like you’re replicating toms methodology :)
Just wondering if you will keep all the females offspring in seperate containers or just mix the whole bunch together ?


Well-known member
Premium user
I was just watering all 104 plants... again :sigh: and noticed balls on a few and one plant has a pale patch on a leaf if it means anything. They're growing hard out now and I've started weighing each plant as I water, before and after, which will help me figure things out . They're drying quickly at the moment as we're having some warm weather, probably close to 30c in the grow room with moderate to high humidity
I'm not going to panic as there's barely any pistils formed yet but I'll have to start making plans for separation

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All I can say is I know you can pull this off. I also agree you will likely exceed 5% and especially if you keep your thoughts steady and positive which is no small task. I never thought anyone would pop the whole pack but it’s a great task for a great grower.

Fatigue makes everything worse they used to tell us in Lamaze class……so remember to breathe and stay calm dude…….lol

I hope you stay true to your vision and you will be blessed with great results.

At some point I think it will be EASY to cull a few



Well-known member
All I can say is I know you can pull this off. I also agree you will likely exceed 5% and especially if you keep your thoughts steady and positive which is no small task. I never thought anyone would pop the whole pack but it’s a great task for a great grower.

Fatigue makes everything worse they used to tell us in Lamaze class……so remember to breathe and stay calm dude…….lol

I hope you stay true to your vision and you will be blessed with great results.

At some point I think it will be EASY to cull a few

@StickyBandit about to clock the game by beating big boss Tom hill haze level!

Bloody kiwi LEGEND :D


Well-known member
Hats off to @Tom Hill for keeping these pure all these years! (y)
@FTL I'll try and keep a few seeds aside from any standouts but will likely mix the rest but take cuts from any nice males and females, looking for trichome size, will be stripping some of the lower laterals soon also
Will start removing the females tonight and anything that hasn't sexed day by day to make life easier
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