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Tom Hill Haze


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
THH x MH (bx1) :



ICMag Donor
In the mid-1970s the one and only time I saw red hash oil it came around in the north east coast of USA. It was a thick, dark cherry red viscous oil we were dropping on tinfoil and then hit it with a lighter underneath and then suck it up with a tube. You only need a tiny bit and expanded tremendously in your lungs, which is a defining factor of this product. I’d like to hear if anybody ever tried it, or even knows about it….


Well-known member
All im say is this, what if Leonardo Da Vinci was interrupted during his painting of the Mona Lisa
How much poorer would the world have been for lack there of ?

Grandma and Grandpa in their old age may have said some things that shock you and seem unorthodox
Respect your elders there is wisdom in all those years, allow the posts to come full circle
and hopefully patience willing you learn from those who have wisdom and art to share
If anything a group of stoners should have is tolerance of diversity, how boring would it be if we were all the same? Life on the farm is about survival and fitness and im sure that was the point.
Carry on pops 😉 :huggg: I seen TH around for a few years now he knows some things


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
In the mid-1970s the one and only time I saw red hash oil it came around in the north east coast of USA. It was a thick, dark cherry red viscous oil we were dropping on tinfoil and then hit it with a lighter underneath and then suck it up with a tube. You only need a tiny bit and expanded tremendously in your lungs, which is a defining factor of this product. I’d like to hear if anybody ever tried it, or even knows about it….
1981or 82...I met some ppl that traveled to Turkey and managed to smuggle some red oil ... Inside a condom!!
I was the only grower around and had a lot of weed by then.
They wanted to swap what was left Inside the condom by a nice handful of some weed they liked the most.
I accepted,we shook hands and said bye
But...what was left in the condom was very good...that red oil...what a mess,what a fckn mess!! lmao

My good old friend @GrassMan made some red oil many years ago.He gifted me a couple of rolled J's...It was very good too
Here's the reflned oil

EDIT: server error...Will try later
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Well-known member
What is red oil compared to classic dark brown/black one ? I've never seen oil with a red color, the most common one in my area was very dark sometimes a bit green, it was always coming from Morroco. When I went there I bought a Kinder egg full or hasch oil, I left most or if there as I could not smoke all of it during my trip


ICMag Donor
What is red oil compared to classic dark brown/black one ? I've never seen oil with a red color, the most common one in my area was very dark sometimes a bit green, it was always coming from Morroco. When I went there I bought a Kinder egg full or hasch oil, I left most or if there as I could not smoke all of it during my triphash oil was
It Existed that’s why I mentioned it… I was hoping more had experience with it


Well-known member
A poor grow can reveal more of a plants potentials than a perfect one.

In the 90s I had a strain called purple giant. It's the best strain I've ever grown. It was the first purple ganja I'd ever seen. Had an incredible fruity purple smell, huge amounts of resin, and would absolutely crush you. Psychedelic, powerful, in body and mind. I also had a fantastic version of the old Sensi hashplant.

The caveat was that purple giant was fussy. Difficult to clone, hard to get it to yield well. I used organic soil, babied it, flowered it out in cool temperatures with lots of air circulation, and it was the best strain ever. The hashplant was more forgiving but still required a light touch.

A buddy knew a hydro rockwool commercial grower. 'Rockwool Rick'. He had asked the buddy for the 'best stuff he could get' so the buddy asked me. I gave him cuts of my two strains. This rockwool grower thought he was the best grower ever, huge ego. He'd grow bud on a stick style, veg for a couple weeks, flower for 6 weeks, than harvest and sell the shit wet. Pumped it full of the super high powered hydro chemical shit.

He was all about the $$. He'd grow a mediocre big bud type strain and get one bud a plant that weighed a half lb, wet. He bragged about it constantly, how he could get 5 lbs under a thousand watt light in 6 weeks with his magical hydro rockwool.

I was owed an ounce for giving him the cuts and was looking forward to it. My buddy brings over a coffee can with ganja inside. We open it and look. It's rotting wet algae weed. I think it dried out to a couple grams. There was one slightly purple one that looked like Thai weed it was so airy and leafy, with male flowers popping out of it.

Rockwool Rick had cut a couple wet buds, one hashplant, one purple giant, thrown them in the coffee can, slapped the lid on, and gave the can to my friend. In a huff because he was angry. He'd given it to my friend who hadn't opened it to see that it was wet, because he was the middle man. In the time he'd had it before giving it to me it had started to mold and smelled like shit. Although it didn't smell good to begin with...

I was also angry, I was pissed, my friend the middle man was pissed. Rick had grown the two best strains I've known in his shitty chemmy hydro setup, flowered them for 6 weeks, harvested, and didn't get shit. Thought we'd played a joke on him.

I learned from that experience. It's the grower that makes the strain, just as much as the strain makes the grower. I'm sure Rockwool Rick's blue ribbon '1/2 lb a plant' strain wouldn't be so great if I'd grown it out in soil and dried it properly. And you can give the best strain in the world to a chump and it's going to be schwag. This is why there's so many strains that come highly regarded that end up being disappointing.

One more thing I learned, you don't learn shit from a poor grow. Well, you could say you learn from your mistakes you make in a bad grow, but I learn more from fixing my mistakes as I grow, and continue to grow well. The strain that does best in a poor grow probably isn't going to be the best one in a proper grow. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. You grow in a pig pen and your strains will be piggy. You're not selecting for the best, your selecting for what can survive your abuse.
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Well-known member
Another 'Rockwool Rick' story. He'd dug himself out a grow room underground. There was a hole hidden on his property, you had to squirm down it to get to his grow room. Very well done, perfectly hidden. Then one day he got ripped off, someone stole his entire crop. He got pissed off, started blaming everyone. His other grower friends, the only other people who knew about it.

Things got heated, RR had a temper. He got nasty. He said the kinds of things that can't be taken back. His friends didn't like being called thieves, told him to fuck off, bridges were burned and friendships were ruined. Terrible threats were made. A couple weeks later he figured out his 15 year old son was the one who stole the shit. Ooops.


passing the gas
In the mid-1970s the one and only time I saw red hash oil it came around in the north east coast of USA. It was a thick, dark cherry red viscous oil we were dropping on tinfoil and then hit it with a lighter underneath and then suck it up with a tube. You only need a tiny bit and expanded tremendously in your lungs, which is a defining factor of this product. I’d like to hear if anybody ever tried it, or even knows about it….
I was smoking that in 9th grade, '77 and it was really strong. amyl nitrate was big that year too