you are raising a very good point mate!Quit smoking 4 packs of Marlboro a day in 1981.. one of the best days of my life. Glass pipe and jonints till about 5 years ago
whe I purchased a Silver Surfur Vape.. tried the low cost, heat with a lighter vapes, junk. Now, after useing it for the last 5 years, my NewYear resolution was to quit burning... completely. I've come to these conclusions: if you smoke cigaretts, you will probably prefer 'burning'. if you do not smoke cigs, vapeing would be more appealing. After the first couple months of vapeing, I could feel the ash I was inhaleing thru the glass pipe, taste was 'filmy' in my mouth, gave it away. Socially, out in public, with friends, not burning is a PITA, Smoking joints was my preferred way to burn socially but then started tasting the butane or sulfer from the flame used to light it and can not taste anything but ash anyway..but can however, tell the difference between bunk and high grade.. I use an SSV at home and a Vapir NO2 portble, out. Burning... to remain social, cant give up burning completely but do it half heartedly and rarely.
I had never thought about that before but I felt weird while going through this thread man; I really like volcano vape but I also love smoking! I smoke cigarettes, used to smoke 20 a day but now that I can rely on my weed I curbed the limit to 5-6 a day. in conclusion I think that if it is not burning it is not satisfying, according to my personal taste
thanks for sharing your thoughts guys