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to vape or to combust?


Quit smoking 4 packs of Marlboro a day in 1981.. one of the best days of my life. Glass pipe and jonints till about 5 years ago
whe I purchased a Silver Surfur Vape.. tried the low cost, heat with a lighter vapes, junk. Now, after useing it for the last 5 years, my NewYear resolution was to quit burning... completely. I've come to these conclusions: if you smoke cigaretts, you will probably prefer 'burning'. if you do not smoke cigs, vapeing would be more appealing. After the first couple months of vapeing, I could feel the ash I was inhaleing thru the glass pipe, taste was 'filmy' in my mouth, gave it away. Socially, out in public, with friends, not burning is a PITA, Smoking joints was my preferred way to burn socially but then started tasting the butane or sulfer from the flame used to light it and can not taste anything but ash anyway..but can however, tell the difference between bunk and high grade.. I use an SSV at home and a Vapir NO2 portble, out. Burning... to remain social, cant give up burning completely but do it half heartedly and rarely.
you are raising a very good point mate!
I had never thought about that before but I felt weird while going through this thread man; I really like volcano vape but I also love smoking! I smoke cigarettes, used to smoke 20 a day but now that I can rely on my weed I curbed the limit to 5-6 a day. in conclusion I think that if it is not burning it is not satisfying, according to my personal taste :)
thanks for sharing your thoughts guys


Well-known member
Doesnt look quite as complicated as the subliminator and cheaper too i'll bet. where's the whip? How do ya charge the battery??

there's also 35 pages of assembly language code that makes the heater stable at a set temperature.

$500 complete -- whenever paraphernalia is legal, that is.

The whip is a direct draw glass tube: 16mm diameter x 150mm long:


hold the tube against the herb vial:


battery charger is kind of crude right now (waiting for law change):


Green Supreme

Well-known member
Complicated, only if you are trying to figure out what is happening. Really you apply the heat injector and inhale. Pretty simple. I mean like many others you will have to plug in, let warm up and put weed in the bowl. I would say not more complicated for use than most, just to clear the air. Peace GS

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Sorry forgot to add this part. I remember when the Volcano came out. Many folks said it was too expensive and therefore not worth it. They preferred to wait till the price became reasonable. Well those folks are still waiting. Did Volcano go under cuz it was too expensive? Food for thought. Peace GS


Well-known member
well, we had a lively discussion of FC whether it was really sublimation or just vaporization. nobody is/was sure of the physics involved -- well, at least i don't since i'm a bits-head and don't live in the physical world.


nothing compares to a good dab as far as I am concerned...wow

but i do love my MFLB and am anxiously awaiting the release of it's concentrate adapter. My wife did not use the launch box and was strictly a joint girl until we discovered BHO... It has been dabs exclusively since then. I will look at a bud and smell it and the first thing that comes to mind is the oil i could get from it... I am starting to worry about our tolerance though actually


Still Learning
for budget consideration, what does everyone think of the VaporGenie?


it's only around 50 bucks and it sounds like it takes a little to dial it in but I like the looks of it.

How is it supposed to work? It is wood and stainless steel and they do not mention how it 'vaporizes'.. flame? Save your money, buy an extreme Q about $150.. i tried one of those heat the glass vapes first.. why? can not regulate heat, so it burned, not vaped. WOT.

komrade komura

Active member
I have a volcano and love it. My weed last 50% longer...it takes a couple of days to finish a chamber of Neville's.

Quit combustion 6 years ago and never looked back, except for the ceremonial joint in Dam...which kills my throat now.

Iolite is good...it is hissing beside me right now. Get about a 18 months before it packs up.

Been through 2 Arizer solos in rapid succession. Wonderful machine but I think the control board is too close to the heat....and then they die.

Magic Flight Launch Box is good...can't break, but requires getting used to sipping at it...and is harsh compared to other vapes

Also have a Thermovape...never quite got the hang of it, only occasionally getting a really good draw. And it eats batteries like a fat kid eats cake.

Combustion? I'll pass thanks...but the choice belongs to the individual, don't really see a right or wrong answer here. Do what you want cuz I'm sure as fuck going to.


Still Learning
I had to try the VaporBlunt 2.0.. oil, wax, herb.. fuggin glass attachment ($150, didnt get it) makes it about 1.5 ft long.. it looks and is supposed to act like a bong for the vapors. I want "in my pocket" reliability, this looks like it.. for now. thought about PAX but their reviews seem to be 'marketing' rather than real.:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Despite having the volcano etc, the vehicle that sees the most work is the Dry Hammer


Well-known member
for budget consideration, what does everyone think of the VaporGenie?


it's only around 50 bucks and it sounds like it takes a little to dial it in but I like the looks of it.

i love the vapor genie and have 4 on hand atm...3 coils and one of the old metal pipes. i run one of the coils through a small bong and this is my fav...

i use the genie for grass, hash and oil...getting the technique does take some practice. i use a jet lighter as it is easier to direct and won't soot up the filter

but i still love my joints...and swap around, sometimes daily...just like today


New member
Bought a Volcano after a good harvest a few years ago, and somehow managed to not sell it when my economy imploded in 2009. Barely used it the whole time.

Now, 52yrs old against an attack of thyroiditis, I have changed my lifestyle - am on an exclusively anti-inflammatory diet - it is remarkable. I recommend all people 40 and over try it. At least for a detox. My whole mental attitude has changed, and relaxation is the norm, not a rare bonus.

Now, I cannot enjoy bongs (my previous preferred method) - because I am very conscious of my throat area. I feel much better doing a large bowl in a volcano at dial setting 4-4.5. Than bong hits.

No, it is not as satisfying for most compared to smoking. I know. But I follow it up by puffing on my Hi-Q Bubble Hash throughout the rest of the day in a clean pipe, a hit at a time. Great buzz that I look forward too, and no coughing..

The detox is being aided by this change, and I recommend you folks recharge your Endocrine system. No gluten, low sugar, no Goitrogenic foods unless well cooked. Coconut products, Seaweed and other sea-borne food items.

And use the vape. Never thought I'd be saying this..! haha..
Respectfully, as a 5 yr volcano enthusiast - put it at 6.5 and you get more cannibanoids - only a little harsher, better high - still no where near combusting


Still Learning
I would have thought so too - but look around and you'll see plenty of folks who prefer combustion! Pas moi! I love, love, love volcano.

In my experienc, mom, people who still smoke ciggarets or the like prefer combusting. I'm starting to slide from the vaper to edibles.


Still Learning
VaporBlunt 2.0

VaporBlunt 2.0

And on another note, I recieved my VaporBlunt 2.0, 3 days ago, it says in the ad that it turns off, if forgotten, after 20 minutes and they tell the truth. What they fail to mention or maybe they dont know (yet) is that the heat it generates in 20 minutes of sitting there idle will melt the little weed mixing jammy within the cap that goes over the bowl to the point where it will no longer stay in the cap, making the unit totally useless. I'll contact seller tomorrow (ebay) and see about warranty.


Still Learning
And on another note, I recieved my VaporBlunt 2.0, 3 days ago, it says in the ad that it turns off, if forgotten, after 20 minutes and they tell the truth. What they fail to mention or maybe they dont know (yet) is that the heat it generates in 20 minutes of sitting there idle will melt the little weed mixing jammy within the cap that goes over the bowl to the point where it will no longer stay in the cap, making the unit totally useless. I'll contact seller tomorrow (ebay) and see about warranty.

The seller is sending a new cap, NC. He says not to vape at the highest setting this is for oils/wax/etc. only, there is a seperate piece for that which goes in place of the cap/mixer... my first impressions.... I more accustomed to using the vapirNO2 while on the go and it servers the purpose well... silver surfer (whip) at home. for one or two people, SSV is hard to beat. Volcano... I'd like to try it but thats alot of money for someone that doesnt vape with crowds very often and I hear that when the vapors in the bag cool down, they arent as pleasing as when the are warm.. true?

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