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to vape or to combust?


Active member
You might wanna ck out one of those vp100s they sell on ebay...29 bucks including shipping..cheap and awesome!


I have vaped with the volcano so long... that when I smoke a joint it seems like it just takes the edge off....and I dont get stoned

Mark Knopler

New member
57 and been smokin since age 11. I do own a vape and would like to use it for the better health, but man just can't get a decent buzz as you can with a bong hit. The coughing crap up in the morning aint fun!



ICMag Donor
Just below the 60 mark and bought a volcano a year ago. Great product but I still like my "dry pipes", especially the hammer ones as it's easier to pick up and walk around the house with:blowbubbles:


Still Learning
Quit smoking 4 packs of Marlboro a day in 1981.. one of the best days of my life. Glass pipe and jonints till about 5 years ago
whe I purchased a Silver Surfur Vape.. tried the low cost, heat with a lighter vapes, junk. Now, after useing it for the last 5 years, my NewYear resolution was to quit burning... completely. I've come to these conclusions: if you smoke cigaretts, you will probably prefer 'burning'. if you do not smoke cigs, vapeing would be more appealing. After the first couple months of vapeing, I could feel the ash I was inhaleing thru the glass pipe, taste was 'filmy' in my mouth, gave it away. Socially, out in public, with friends, not burning is a PITA, Smoking joints was my preferred way to burn socially but then started tasting the butane or sulfer from the flame used to light it and can not taste anything but ash anyway..but can however, tell the difference between bunk and high grade.. I use an SSV at home and a Vapir NO2 portble, out. Burning... to remain social, cant give up burning completely but do it half heartedly and rarely.


Parker Schnobel
Purchased my Extreme Q almost two and a half years ago....Never looked back.Smoked out of my bowl twice since then,both times were due to the power being out.


New member
I have an iolite and have been using it for a couple years. I find that I get a much better buzz when using it. I find that hash does not work well in mine but if I don't press the keif it works really well. the volcanos are a little expensive but I may try to get one in the future.


I have a nice little bubbler, a side-car and a one hitter. The only time I use anything besides the Bubs is when I'm out and about. I would love a nice Vape, but for now they are cost prohibitive.


Registered Non-Conformist
Bought a Volcano after a good harvest a few years ago, and somehow managed to not sell it when my economy imploded in 2009. Barely used it the whole time.

Now, 52yrs old against an attack of thyroiditis, I have changed my lifestyle - am on an exclusively anti-inflammatory diet - it is remarkable. I recommend all people 40 and over try it. At least for a detox. My whole mental attitude has changed, and relaxation is the norm, not a rare bonus.

Now, I cannot enjoy bongs (my previous preferred method) - because I am very conscious of my throat area. I feel much better doing a large bowl in a volcano at dial setting 4-4.5. Than bong hits.

No, it is not as satisfying for most compared to smoking. I know. But I follow it up by puffing on my Hi-Q Bubble Hash throughout the rest of the day in a clean pipe, a hit at a time. Great buzz that I look forward too, and no coughing..

The detox is being aided by this change, and I recommend you folks recharge your Endocrine system. No gluten, low sugar, no Goitrogenic foods unless well cooked. Coconut products, Seaweed and other sea-borne food items.

And use the vape. Never thought I'd be saying this..! haha..

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
hey GS have you used a vapexhale cloud? how does it compare? cloud gets me grade 9 high.

sublimator looks promising, do you have any idea about pricing? can you contact the sublimator guys? should tell them to join up on fuckcombustion

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Have not tried that one. Not really a mobile vape guy. Like to do it at home in the morning.

Pricing for the units will be about 750 - 1200. They are on FC, not sure the handle but you will likely be able to tell by the way he defends the product. I do have contact. Anyone can contact them through the above site. Peace GS


Well-known member
No real news or info about sublimator on FC, just guesses and speculation.

i only vape for last 12 years and for last 2 years with my latest version battery powered, all glass, digital temperature controlled unit.



Still Learning

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