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TnT Lab Genetics CFF3k-Semi Auto!


ICMag Donor
Are you top watering? Water from the bottom to wick up.
Next time you clone, put your node a little deeper, since that's where most of the roots will first grow from.


Well-known member
Awesome thread Dakine! I am pulling up a chair. Love watching Auto's

Hey Aridbud,
yeah from what i gathered, from my very limited experience with these semi autos, is they will start flowering when root bound.
So my advise was to up pot into the flowering containers in about a weeks time.
yes.. 25% / 75%.. so i guess with some phenos more, some less auto leaning
:thank you:

I just started researching auto's. I didn't know semi autos were a thing. That is some really cool info.

Yep, our 10 yr. experience changing photos to autos....a generational process....they don't liked cramped root space....stunts them and takes longer to return, due to the slow down in growth.

But for some reason, shes making me think shes gonna start flowering pretty soon, even though shes under 24/0 lighting lol...

True autoflowers can show sex in 24/0 light....due to genetic characteristics. That's just what autos/semi autos do. Preferably needing minimal dark period (4, 6, or 8 hrs) for uptake of nutrients and "rest" before next light schedule.Certain hormonal and metabolic processes do occur in darkness, and that allowing your plants to have a “rest” at night-time leads to overall increased health and vigor.

As autoflowering plants are not dependent on changes in the light cycle to commence flowering, they can successfully be grown using a lighting cycle of anything from 16/8 to 24/0 compared to 12/12 lighting to induce flowering for photoperiod cannabis. Many growers cultivate their autos under a 24/0 regime; however anything over 18/6 is overkill (we've grown enough to see it's effect) and that electricity costs can be reduced with no reduction in final yield if following this regime.

Some will dispute the autos needing darkness for a period of time (usually 1/4 of their light cycle)....I'll leave it to individualistic grow techniques. We've done comparisons and no appreciative differences between 18/6, 20/4, 24/0....other than electric consumption. We prefer using 20/4 or 18/6.

Looks like I stunted the shit outta her..
Yep...semi-autos....finicky....shouldn't top as it slows growth pattern....only LST.
Airbuds you are dropping some seriously good information concerning auto flowers. Thanks for your time and experience!

Im starting to think its some of the liquid nutes or something that I was using before.. I just started Watering my SSSDH Girl and clones with some nutes/food and now they are getting the claw back MAJORLY and the leaves seem to keep yellowing but slowly..

If I want to feed the plants that are vegging I use, Dyna Gro-Grow, and Earth Juice Cal/Mag.. For the plants in Flower I use Dyna Gro-Bloom,Raw-Potassium,Earth Juice-Cal/Mag...
I could make A tea with Organic Nutes, and I also now have Lime,Gypsum, and OysterShells for Calcium..

I want to get away from this Fox Farms Ocean Forest... Maybe try the Light Warrior by itself instead of 1/2 and 1/2 soil mix.. I can also get Royal Gold-Mendo, Roots Organic, and SS #4, and Pro Mixes.. The plants outside look fine, but im not sure if that has something to do with it, Or if I have some kind of viruses or disease inside?

You know whats up good eye! The clawing is definitely coming from the liquid nutrients. Fox Farms Ocean forest has a ton of food in it already and usually doesn't need nutrients for the first 2-3 weeks and every time you transplant into more of it you extend that time. Are you using Reverse Osmosis water? If you are not you can drop the use of Calmag. Calcium nitrate and Magnesium nitrate can cause leaf clawing REAL FAST if there is enough Nitrogen in the soil already because calmag provides nitrogen with the calcium and magnesium and many seem to miss this fact. The plants outside don't have as much clawing because they are being given enough light and heat to properly breathe and use the nitrogen. Your plants inside don't have a disease. They are actually pretty healthy albeit slightly over fed. I'd honestly just be giving them plain water at this point.

If you are thinking about trying straight light warrior or another soilless mix inside that means you are touching into the world of hydro:). I run organics outside with soil and hydro inside with coco coir. If you ever think about trying coco coir let me know I can help you to the best of my knowledge.

Haha so im still debating on which bags of soil to get to finish this current grow with.. Im going to be transplanting everything into there finals pots to flower in..

Im using bags of soil only because I still need to get everything in order to make my own mix, and then I want it to sit for atleast 1 month before use.

Also please let me know which bags I should get in order to finish this round.. Or should I use the Fox Farms Ocean Forest & Light Warrior Bags I stil have?

Also what should I be getting for my own mix I want ot make? Should I use LCs Recipe? Or one of the recipes in the Organic Forum? Even though some of the recipes say to pute organic nutes into FFOF like I did, and I didnt even use 1/4 of the recipe and I got major Toxicity issues..

I've used LC's recipe with great success. If you want to make your own blend that's an excellent place to start. LC's base mix is pretty much like light warrior but I like it better. It's a great base that allows for many different inputs and styles.

Ya bro FFOF alone is HOT. It has tons of food to last for a while with just plain water. I'd say since you are already in FFOF you should just finish out this run with it. Once you get the hang of its hotness it can be really convenient to use as essentially every time you transplant with it you just added more food too, so it really requires very little outside nutrient input, aside from maybe some flower nutrients later on during flower. It has plenty of Calcium in it too.

Amazon has some really cheap set HPS/MH set ups if you don't mind ordering online. I can't speak for the quality as I don't have that set up but here's a link.
600w HPS system
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Active member
Awesome Stuff Justiceman, and you both as well Ari and TnT.

Ari, im hand watering from the Top. Everytime I try to water them by leaving the entire pots in water. It doesnt seem like the water ever soaks up to even half the bottom of the pot. I usually cut the clone from the mother plant at A node section. I've recently been scraping the bottom 1/4 of it and dipping it in clonex gel. I've been having 100% success and have ALOT more roots now, compared to when I wasnt scraping but still getting 100% success. But those clones would only have roots at the VERY bottom.

Alright ill try to cut the clone A little higher next time. So then by the time I make my second and final diagonal cut and dip in clonex gel, ill be covering A node in gel and sticking that completely into the rockwool cube.

Yeah TnT she has enough vigor to not need to top lol. It looks like I stunted her(Runt) when I topped her. But once she caught up she caught up with swiftness. The Runt is almsot looking just as bushy now as the older sister.

Yeah Justice, the FFOF mix is pretty hot. I never grew inside before so I didnt know what to expect. When I used it on my outside plants before, I never had these issues.. I was looking at LCs mixes. Im going to possibly try one of them, and possibly the Soil Less Mix. Never really wanted to order online. But ill take A look, I could possible have A friend order it and have it sent to his house.

So Im going to be transplanting the Bigger CFF3k into A 5-Gallon Smart Pot I already have, then let her stay inside for about another week before I put her outside. Once shes outside, ill transplant her little sister Aka "The Runt" , and keep her inside for about A week before putting her outside with her older sister!.

Anyone know A good way to get rid of white flies? They are attacking my chili pepper plants like crazy. I dont want them to go ham on my girls once I put them outside. LAst time I had A problem with those White Crazy looking bugs that make Like A web between the calyx/flowers. These cant fly though, but they look like A scorpion version of the white flies haha.


Active member
do some accompanying planting with a few lavender, thyme, mint & catnip bushes spread around the garden...from a local nursery that way they are already a bit bigger and will grow quickly
in addition get neem oil, cinemon essential oil & a product with spinosad...


Active member
So right now I already have Rosemary, Mint,2 different types of Basil, Neem Oil, Pure Peppermint Oil,Cinnamon sticks & Powdered Cinnamon, and multiples types of Chili Pepper Plants.

I thought Chili Pepper wouldve been good to keep pest/bugs away but it looks like the plants are attracting bugs instead.

Im A chef and Mechanic by Trades. So I already had A bunch of Herbs,vegetables, and fruits in my garden. lol good stuff to have


Active member
So right now I already have Rosemary, Mint,2 different types of Basil, Neem Oil, Pure Peppermint Oil,Cinnamon sticks & Powdered Cinnamon, and multiples types of Chili Pepper Plants.

I thought Chili Pepper wouldve been good to keep pest/bugs away but it looks like the plants are attracting bugs instead.

Im A chef and Mechanic by Trades. So I already had A bunch of Herbs,vegetables, and fruits in my garden. lol good stuff to have

perfect ro, just get lavender and thyme then... simmer a hand full of chillis for 15min in half a gallon.. then mix that with 2 gallons of water and neem and add fulvic and spray top to bottom


Active member
CFF3k 56/57 & 66/67 Days From Initial Soak

CFF3k 56/57 & 66/67 Days From Initial Soak

Hey you guys I decided to do an Update since I had A little bit of time before I go to sleep.. LOL even though its 5:20am right now.. Plants look to be liking the new placement/rotations I've been doing in order for everyone to get more room/space and better mixed lighting.

So I think the bigger girl will be going into A 5-Gal for Flower, and the smaller one will be going into either A 4-Gal or possibly A 5-Gal Smart Pot if she magically grows A lot more roots in the next week and A half.

I was also thinking about the Gypsum,Lime, and Oyster Shells that I added almost A month ago.. You guys think atleast some of it is now being used at all? The Nitrgoen Toxicity seems to be going away. If even just A little bit at the least. I guess me choosing to do A little longer veg might benefit the availability of those 3 things during flower?


So I just watered everyone but it looks like some leaves are prob not gonna heal from the Nitrogen Toxicity. But she does look to be doing A little better.

Next we have pictures of the Younger CFF3k "The Runt".. I've Topped her and thats about it. Gonna train A few of her branches right now.

CFF3k "The Runt"



Active member
bro, new leaves are lush and healthy... starting to look hungry.. just a touch..you are doing everything right.. you can start with half strength nutes now and see how they do


ICMag Donor
You can KILL a plant by overdoing everything throwing EVERYTHING at them.....but a learning curve.


Active member
Its about that time!

Its about that time!

So I decided to take A last picture of the Older CFF3k that will be going outside to flower and finish her hard life lol. The past couple weeks ive been doing A little defoliation and A semi/weak lollipop.. Did it over a period of time because alot of people say it shocks the plant way to much if you do it in one session..



Active member
Dang, So I never really realized how dark these vegging plants where. After I finished training and trimming the ones going outside. I packed all of them up, and took them to my friends house where the SSSDH clones are flowering outside in his yard.

The new vegging plants going into flower, are seriously there own shade of green lol.. The SSSDH clones are A bright Lush Green, and the CFF3k and other TnT Strains are ALL Dark Lush Green. Almost look Purple in A way..

Good news though, The cuts I took from both CFF3ks are fully rooted and established in there .25 and 1/2 gallon pots. I need to grab more perlite and some other bags of soil. But they seem to like that new bag of pro mix I decided to try out. IT DOESNT have alot of aeration though..


Active member
so now you understand why i was frantically saying just water & here and there molasses and kelp... weeks ago
its all good though.. you did well and they are healthy and ready to be flowered..
you will be rewarded well i hope!
thanks D


Active member
Lol I know bro, I didnt listen as fast I shouldve.. But how do you think the big CFF3k looks now? Do you think shes ready to be flowered, or should I still keep her under 24/0 lighting for now?

Im trying to get all the plants into good shape before flowering.. Might take another week atleast for some. But I think it will be well worth it, instead of just putting A semi weak or sick plant into flower now?


Active member
yes, put the strong ones outside.. weak ones can get a little more time
CFF3K looks good man.. if you ask me..put her outside over the weekend


Active member
So the Older&Stronger CFF3k has been outside for A couple days now, and she looks good.. A little to Dark of A green for my liking. But ill deal with it, since it doesnt look like shes suffering lol..

So when I was vegging both girls inside, under 24/0 lighting.. I observed that when I attempted to change the light schedule to 20/4, both girls started throwing A shit load of Pre flowers. BUT I would always change the schedule back, and they would stop.. So I wasnt quite sure if they where wanting/trying to go into full flower mode, since I didnt give them the chance...

Even with that being said and known, I still couldnt stop the smaller CFF3k Aka "The Runt" lol... I was trying to keep her in veg just until the tent cleared up. Well so much for that, "The Runt" is flowering under 24/0 lighting lol.. 2 Days ago I thought she was just reaching maturity.. I just looked and she has A shitload of pre sex calyxes, and ALL the new growth has A bunch of new pistils coming out the tops..

Im not wavering one bit on what im observing lol.. The fricken bitch is flowering and screwing up my plans.. The Auto-Flower Genes seemed to be 99% recessive on the older/bigger CFF3k.. Yet the younger and smaller CFF3k seems to have the genes Semi-Dom apparently..

For A second I thought all the seeds/plants from this batch wouldve had Recessive Auto-Flower genes... But I guess thats why breeders usually try to grow out hundreds-thousands of plants for selection..

Aribud im sorry bro! I seriously thought I sent the message to you! I just looked and apparently I either forgot to send the message I wrote to reply back to you, or my Wifi crapped out like usual when I sent it!


ICMag Donor
Dark green....maybe wee bit much phosphorus (bloom nute)? Glad the transition is going well. Good luck!


Active member
So the Older&Stronger CFF3k has been outside for A couple days now, and she looks good.. A little to Dark of A green for my liking. But ill deal with it, since it doesnt look like shes suffering lol..

So when I was vegging both girls inside, under 24/0 lighting.. I observed that when I attempted to change the light schedule to 20/4, both girls started throwing A shit load of Pre flowers. BUT I would always change the schedule back, and they would stop.. So I wasnt quite sure if they where wanting/trying to go into full flower mode, since I didnt give them the chance...

Even with that being said and known, I still couldnt stop the smaller CFF3k Aka "The Runt" lol... I was trying to keep her in veg just until the tent cleared up. Well so much for that, "The Runt" is flowering under 24/0 lighting lol.. 2 Days ago I thought she was just reaching maturity.. I just looked and she has A shitload of pre sex calyxes, and ALL the new growth has A bunch of new pistils coming out the tops..

Im not wavering one bit on what im observing lol.. The fricken bitch is flowering and screwing up my plans.. The Auto-Flower Genes seemed to be 99% recessive on the older/bigger CFF3k.. Yet the younger and smaller CFF3k seems to have the genes Semi-Dom apparently..

For A second I thought all the seeds/plants from this batch wouldve had Recessive Auto-Flower genes... But I guess thats why breeders usually try to grow out hundreds-thousands of plants for selection..

Aribud im sorry bro! I seriously thought I sent the message to you! I just looked and apparently I either forgot to send the message I wrote to reply back to you, or my Wifi crapped out like usual when I sent it!

very interesting..
the asumed runt, might just like you said, be auto, hence being
shorter and the stunting caused from topping
so maybe 50/50 auto / photo phenos...
be interesting to see when you pop more of those..

yeah you can give them a half dose of bloom nutes now then, good call arid... this will make them stretch nicely too..
for outside great...
as high phosphorus in stretch causes big stretch...
if you dont want a plant to stretch, keep low phosphorus levels till after stretch! this is a tried & tested method!


Active member
Heres A Little Preview lol

Heres A Little Preview lol

First up is "The Runt" thats still inside under 24/0 lighting.. Cant really tell shes flowering from the picture.. Ill take some top shots in A couple days when we should know for sure or not. Here lower growth seems to be yellowing out A little bit.. TnT you think I should feed her the Grow or Bloom nutes? I've actually been using the Bloom nutes because it has less nitrogen then the Grow.. Looks to me like ALL the plants like it better whether they're in veg or flower stage. Seems like they like bloom better because the clawing basically stopped for the most part..

Heres is the Older Sister. Shes been outside for A couple days now.. I just put her into direct sunlight today. The first 2 days she was in bright shade in order to get acclimated to the new enviroment. You can see what I mean when I say she has/had A much Darker Green look to her.
