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TnT Lab Genetics CFF3k-Semi Auto!


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Hey you guys!

Just wanted to show you guys why im so amazed at the 1st CFF3ks growth.. She hasnt been topped,fimmed,supercropped, or trained AT ALL.. She was one of the last to germinate out of all the other plants frrom different strains, but shes been the biggest&bushiest plant out of all of them. Her secondary growth/shoots have been growing like I topped and crushed her stems multiple times. Her VERY LOWEST secondary shoots have literally reached the exact same height as the main top.

I cant say the same for the last to germinate runt of A sister... Well she actually was doing good until I topped her. I've come to realize that I really shouldnt have topped her if she was gonna grow anything like her older monster sister.

I think the only technique that should be used on this strain/these specific girls, would be to train the secondary shoots to grow outwards and up. The fan leaves on this girl are so huge that they block all light from penetrating down to the lower growth.
The oldest/biggest CFF3k girl has stems like theyve been just growing for 1-2 weeks.. Even though she has literally the biggest stems out of all the TnT strains/plants I germinated. The stems are all A super lush light green, and they are sturdy but very soft when pressed/squeezed.. Not hollow or woody at all.
So far she doesnt seem to have any strong smells coming through. Even when the stems and leaves are rubbed, theres not really any smell to them at all.. The other TnT strains smell so loud and dank, I might need to get some kinda odor control for my veg area.

Im not really sure whats going on with the leaves on the bigger CFF3k. I thought her lower leaves/fingers where drooping from the damage I caused when they where very young. But now the drooping seems to be spreading VERY slowly to the newer growth.. It looks different from the Claw though..
I've been watering about very other day to every 2 days. Once A week they get molasses and Great White Shark for Microbe enviroment. I recently top dressed with 1-Tsp gypsum and 1/2-Tsp powdered/crushed oystershells. So hopefully the drooping will stop.

Here is A pic of the lower growth that looks to be drooping from not getting any light at all.. I need to find A way to train in these smart pots, since they dont have an edge like the black plastic pots I use to hold the twisty ties. Either that or I was seriously debating on trimming A few of the fan leaves off. I think the lower growth would be surpassing the main top easily if light was getting to the bottom 1/2 of her..



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nice one bro... im going to be back as from next week, just a few more things to sort out.. the one on the right is huge! they both planted the same day?
i forgot sorry


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So the Runt is 35/36 Days from Initial Soak if I go by the most recent Update. Um according to the post/updates the Big CFF3k is 45/46 Days from the initial soak... So there's not that much of A difference in germination. But there's A pretty huge difference in overall growth/structure...

Also take in mind, I topped the smaller girl.. I really wanted to know what happens when you top A semi-auto lol. Looks like I stunted the shit outta her.. I shoulda just left her alone and took the Older Sisters Growth as my answer and reason to not top them.. All I've done is bend/train some lower growth to grow outwards then up.. Other wise I'd have to trim the huge fan leaves off!!!


Active member
its really hard to say, ye compared to the bigger/older girl, one could think topping stunted her,
but one has to remember that growth exponentially increases and increases after the first few weeks of initial growth
but ye doubt she will look as big as the other one in 10 days...
cool, so you could start to think where outside to flower the big girl as she is nearly ready... hope she starts to show pre-flowers before you put her out...


ICMag Donor
Looks like I stunted the shit outta her..
Yep...semi-autos....finicky....shouldn't top as it slows growth pattern....only LST.


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I know exactly where I'm going to put these girls outside lol.. I've been growing small bunches of roots from A couple different herbs these past few weeks.. So far I have 4 Bunches (3-4Branches Each) of Rosemary, 2-Bunches of Lemon Grass, 2-Bunches of Thai Basil,2-Bunches of Chinese Basil (which had started growing a bunch about 2ft away from the pot its in... I also have Hawaiian Chili Pepper Plants and Scorpion Pepper Plants in pots.. I don't think I'll be putting them near the grow. They seem to attract every single bug/pests even though I've been spraying with neem and dish soap, I even added Pure PepperMint Oil/water(?), and Hawaiian Chili Pepper to 2 Foliar Sprays to see if they did anything..

These 2-CFF3ks will be put right on the left side of the imaginary raised bed... I want to plant some of the herbs into the smart pots with the girls, and possibly even in the raised bed when it's finished.. But A few will be heavily regulated and kept in pots next to the plants, like the Mint and Basils..

The Smart pots will be sitting on A few regular bricks in order to maximize the amount of direct sunlight that will be hitting them.. Most likely the big girl will be transplanted from her 3-Gal Smart Pot into A 5-Gal Dirt/Smart Pot when im putting her outside..

I'll be training them once they are outside in there finishing spots. These girls need no topping at all ime. As long as they are in big enough pots to veg in, you will have A plant that looks like it's been used for multiple different methods that all promote different types/kinds of growth lol.. As long as good enough light is hitting the plant, and her roots have space to grow freely.

This grow is supposed to be A grow to test out certain strains/plants I think.. ;) So trying different methods out on each plant will be A way for us to see how/if these girls react to certain methods differently?

^Was that good enough to draw the blame away from my novice curiosity? Atleast we know it reacted to being topped like they're supposed to...


Active member
D, do your thing! 4 sure experiment... it is your garden! i appreciate the effort and time you are taking! 5 Gallon sounds perfect...
more and more i look i think its cause of the lack of light that they are showing deff, soil should be ok till transplant.. maybe one feed at 1.5EC over the weekend for the big girl


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CFF3k 48/49 Days From Initial Soak- Update

CFF3k 48/49 Days From Initial Soak- Update

Hey you guys, sorry for the half ass update before.. Been going through some personal stuff.. But I agreed to do this, and its something I actually love to do.

For some reason, im getting A feeling like this Older CFF3k might actually go into flower soon.. When she produces new leaves at the very top, its starting to look like the first pistils are going to come out as well... She hasnt shown pre flowers yet, I have never had A plant show pre flowers under 24/0 lighting. Im guessing its because theres no Dark time for them to produce the hormones.

So far she has been getting plain water, with molasses, and Great White Shark added 1x A week.. I didnt want to feed her since it looks like im still getting A minor Claw on her Leaves, but no yellowing.

Im starting to think its some of the liquid nutes or something that I was using before.. I just started Watering my SSSDH Girl and clones with some nutes/food and now they are getting the claw back MAJORLY and the leaves seem to keep yellowing but slowly..

If I want to feed the plants that are vegging I use, Dyna Gro-Grow, and Earth Juice Cal/Mag.. For the plants in Flower I use Dyna Gro-Bloom,Raw-Potassium,Earth Juice-Cal/Mag...
I could make A tea with Organic Nutes, and I also now have Lime,Gypsum, and OysterShells for Calcium..

I want to get away from this Fox Farms Ocean Forest... Maybe try the Light Warrior by itself instead of 1/2 and 1/2 soil mix.. I can also get Royal Gold-Mendo, Roots Organic, and SS #4, and Pro Mixes.. The plants outside look fine, but im not sure if that has something to do with it, Or if I have some kind of viruses or disease inside?

So back to the subject lol, I wanted to do A little bending of branches now, A slight trim, and take 1 Cut from each plant from all TnT strains.. I also Did A Foliar Spray with Neem Oil,Molasses, and Dawn Blue Dish Soap.. Just to be prepared and to prepare the plants/cuts that will be outside...

First Two Are Before Shot- CFF3k-#1 .. I didnt want to cut the fan leaves off no matter how much they where blocking lower growth.. So I trimmed them and bent the lower shoots outwards...

Top View-After Shot CFF3k-#1.. Let me know if you guys think I should take the fan leaves off, Or If I should fully train the ENTIRE branch horizontally?

Haha she also has Huge Fan Leaves



Active member
Hey you guys, sorry for the half ass update before.. Been going through some personal stuff.. But I agreed to do this, and its something I actually love to do.

For some reason, im getting A feeling like this Older CFF3k might actually go into flower soon.. When she produces new leaves at the very top, its starting to look like the first pistils are going to come out as well... She hasnt shown pre flowers yet, I have never had A plant show pre flowers under 24/0 lighting. Im guessing its because theres no Dark time for them to produce the hormones.

So far she has been getting plain water, with molasses, and Great White Shark added 1x A week.. I didnt want to feed her since it looks like im still getting A minor Claw on her Leaves, but no yellowing.

Im starting to think its some of the liquid nutes or something that I was using before.. I just started Watering my SSSDH Girl and clones with some nutes/food and now they are getting the claw back MAJORLY and the leaves seem to keep yellowing but slowly..

If I want to feed the plants that are vegging I use, Dyna Gro-Grow, and Earth Juice Cal/Mag.. For the plants in Flower I use Dyna Gro-Bloom,Raw-Potassium,Earth Juice-Cal/Mag...
I could make A tea with Organic Nutes, and I also now have Lime,Gypsum, and OysterShells for Calcium..

I want to get away from this Fox Farms Ocean Forest... Maybe try the Light Warrior by itself instead of 1/2 and 1/2 soil mix.. I can also get Royal Gold-Mendo, Roots Organic, and SS #4, and Pro Mixes.. The plants outside look fine, but im not sure if that has something to do with it, Or if I have some kind of viruses or disease inside?

So back to the subject lol, I wanted to do A little bending of branches now, A slight trim, and take 1 Cut from each plant from all TnT strains.. I also Did A Foliar Spray with Neem Oil,Molasses, and Dawn Blue Dish Soap.. Just to be prepared and to prepare the plants/cuts that will be outside...

First Two Are Before Shot- CFF3k-#1 .. I didnt want to cut the fan leaves off no matter how much they where blocking lower growth.. So I trimmed them and bent the lower shoots outwards...

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1272.jpg]View Image[/URL]

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1273.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Top View-After Shot CFF3k-#1.. Let me know if you guys think I should take the fan leaves off, Or If I should fully train the ENTIRE branch horizontally?

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1275.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Haha she also has Huge Fan Leaves

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1276.jpg]View Image[/URL]

thanks for the update my friend!
i have the feeling she is going to flower well...
i would up-pot and train all stems evenly around the pot... she will get huge outside...


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So I can Up-Pot right now into A 5Gal, But im not sure if shes ready. Usually I see Roots coming out of the Fabric, right now I dont see even 1. Ill train the branches once I transplant her. Im having A difficult time figuring out what to use. Should I just stake bamboo skewers into the soil? I hate doing that cause I think it damages roots lol..

I have A feeling that this girl is going to produce well. The younger/smaller of the 2 CFF3ks is still stunted, but she looks really good.

So today im working on the veg area, trying to create more space while I make the platform. Good for the CFF3ks, they get to get some of that Good Hps lighting, I guess the MH is to high since I moved it up A little because the other plants got to tall..

You can clearly see how much lighter lush green the smaller CFF3k is compared to the SSSDH on the side of her. Now I can clearly see theres way to much nitrogen, and thats why im seeing the clawing leaves..



Active member
yes and see top left plant with the thin leaves..clawing... its cause she is not getting enough light and too much food...
if you would have a 600 or 1000w ontop of those you wouldnt have any clawing...
come to think of it.. that might be the problem... the food in FFOC or what its cald calls for at least a 600w...its a fact.. the more light, the more food they get.. the less light.. less food... CFF3k looks like she could use some food.. but lets wait another few days till she feels comfy under the new light


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Update-Soil Stuff

Update-Soil Stuff

Haha so im still debating on which bags of soil to get to finish this current grow with.. Im going to be transplanting everything into there finals pots to flower in..

Im using bags of soil only because I still need to get everything in order to make my own mix, and then I want it to sit for atleast 1 month before use.

Heres some pics of the 2-CFF3k Top layers in there pots..

This shot is the Bigger CFF3k Girls Pot.. I hope its that good Beard thing.. Which shows when you have good microbial life? If im not mistaken, or A good enviroment for them?

This is the Smaller CFF3k-AKA The Runt, Nothing has shwon to be happening yet..

Also please let me know which bags I should get in order to finish this round.. Or should I use the Fox Farms Ocean Forest & Light Warrior Bags I stil have?

Also what should I be getting for my own mix I want ot make? Should I use LCs Recipe? Or one of the recipes in the Organic Forum? Even though some of the recipes say to pute organic nutes into FFOF like I did, and I didnt even use 1/4 of the recipe and I got major Toxicity issues..
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ICMag Donor
Doubtful....microbial means you can't see good microbes. Fungus due to you dumping leaves. There's good and bad fungi. Could be mistaken, but it looks like no mi gusta fungus.
Appears to be damp off-a type of mold that thrives in too wet soil, not enough air circulation.

Who told you to do that, dump the leaves???


Active member
My wording might be wrong, not to sure.. but EVERYONE in the organic section says to dump the trim and leaves and stuff on top of the soil... they said to put wood chips, fresh grass cuttings and all that good stuff... I'm not sure which seeds of certain plants to get to put into the pots as well... I'm trying to learn and experiment before I try my no-till raised bed outside

The 2nd picture is A wrong pic though lol...All of the Smart Pots I'm using dry out After 1 full day passes, maybe 1 1/2 Days max..


Active member
yeah seems strange to dump organic litter on top of the soil.. you going to restrict air movement plus add fungus and unwanted pathogens straight onto your roots...
on a compost pile.. thats fine.. but not on your plants...
ye id scrape that away.. just to be sure!


Active member
Ahhhh alright, I removed everything.. even dead leaves from all my other pots..Gonna do more research on it later tonight..

Atleast we where able to prevent something bad from happening lol... Mistakes are the best way to learn new things, or the best to kill A whole grow lol


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CFF3k 48/49 & 58/59 Days From Initial Soak

CFF3k 48/49 & 58/59 Days From Initial Soak

Hey you guys, I decided to do A little Update since I HAD to water the girls.. I waited till the Afternoon on the Day after the Actual day I was supposed to. Which would usually be Every Other Day. But A couple Guys where sure that I was overwatering.

I've been rotating the plants around in veg, and even putting some in the Flower Tent when lights are on in order to create more room/space and so each plant wouild get A good amount of light. I HAVE NOT found A good deal on another Hps/MH Cheap set up thats around 200-600watts.

So I havent been feeding the girls like TnT said I should. I dont know the exact cause of the clawing I was getting before. Im not to sure if it was nitrogen toxicity or what. But because I didnt water when I shouldve, the leaves where drooping BIG TIME. Which greatly effected the leaves that where already being effected by the drooping and no feeeding..

Here Is A Top View Picture of Both CFF3k Girls.

Side Shot

Leaves I trimmed off..



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Take A look at the roots on these cuts I took from the big CFF3k. I know 100% that I scraped the stem that would only be below the surface in the rockwool cube. The other strains dont have as much root growth as this.. Not to sure why the roots/nubs are so high..

CFF3k Clones
