Hows it going tleaf
Not sure if you know but there is a great book called "Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil
Food Web". Book really helped me understand microbes and feeding the soil instead of the plant type of deal. I highly
recommend it if you have not already.
Im pretty sure this is the guy that wrote that. I didnt look it up so im probably wrong. Remember every books now on pdf. I got real into the "smarts" of the business.....Got full notebooks .
Then i took 20 pages of notes off some guru that knew every scientific do dad in the soil.. till i looked at his unhappy garden and decided i was just fine without his super book smarty .
Life experince beats book smarts 100% of the time..... the more you grow the more you know.
P.s. that is a good book
funny how that works lol. you can read and read and nothing prepares you for real life application.
i love seeing bacteria and cells , i stare like i stare at my plants