I personally have found it can rob nutrients.
thanks for the link Mm.
guano i think is a fairly special 'group' of ferts. because in some ways they are manure, but the bat droppings also get processed by various beatles and insects on the cave floor - so in other ways they could also be compared to worm castings or similar.
I'm kind of an oldschool organic gardener and although compost is king, i feel manures in general bring a lot of growing power to the plants when used. I use a fair bit of stable manure in my veg garden as well as compost and i swear by it - but it's richness means it needs to be used in a careful and measured way in canna growing.
i think most of the disagreements here are arising from different grow styles/intensiveness/pot size. some generalizations will work across the board, others wont.
Root/soil volume as a ratio to yield will imo dictate if you can get way with just mild nutrition/ferts like compost and rockdusts, or if you need to move into stronger amendments like guanos/manures... and those things need to be used sparingly and with caution.