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Time to go to jail.....


Hope to see ya in Six bro!

I really got a laugh with all the people telling you things like don't talk trash about bike's in the pen and don't get raped and make you oil outside etc etc ;) Somehow I got the feeling you knew most of that before you started cooking lol

Anyways we'll be here waiting when you get back best of luck!


God damn! I bet that did the same thing to your nerves as the door. I had a pressure cooker blow up in my face once. Scary shit. Lots of shrapnel but no flame though. Wow you must have been in shock! Were you in county? Do you have any good stories?
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wow all that bc of a little ventilation issue. sucks glad its over. safety 1st w/ BHO or prepare to open yo back do' (not to be confused with the sliding one near the porch ;) )


I wish you the best! You are lucky you actually know when you are going, whenever I was in enough trouble to get locked up I was cuffed and stuffed and stayed locked up til sentencing, though I have seen a few people get a week or two deferment of sentencing so they can get their bills in order and other stuff, but they never gave me that chance, though I would have taken off for sure, I am glad I don't take part in criminal activity anymore...other than the occaisional victimless crime...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Welcome Back!

May you not pass that way again!

They say jail can smarten you some.

Were you in Colorado? Same thing was in the news.
It's a small world, but,,,,,,
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I had read this thread when you went away, just never commented. I sure am glad to see you're back. I want to know......did you eat the 10g of hash and if so, what happened.

Toking good vibes your way.


A foot without a sock...
Hope you brought your shower shoes home with you as a reminder to keep the windows open next time ;)

Welcome home :joint: