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Time to go to jail.....

good luck man, you are crazy for trying to eat a brownie before going in haha. i would maybe down half a 5th. work out, read, make plans for the future, and let us know how it works.

Brownie? Please... 10g chunk of 73u blackberry kush bubble hash is being downed with a nice cold quart of vitamin d milk.... In fact, if anyone is daring, try the above recipe with any available hash.... Good times :D
You will miss a lot of things but focus on something positive for when you get out...


Jesus Christ man. Who is she? :snowkiss: I wanna bump snowman uglies with that one, my god.
Sometimes I think if I had several months totally away from some of my vices,they would just go away.Unfortunately they are always waiting for me at the door.Use these few months to get as healthy as you can,excercising a lot

I was hoping to have a better understanding as to how I cope without my vices being included in the coping process. I hope and pray that I have that understood or at least, a more complete set of tools to combat said vice....


A foot without a sock...
I'm going for doing this (click image) to my place while making a big batch of oils....

I find that most people on bikes, hogs, jap bikes, cruisers, sport, ect... Are all just people who enjoy two wheels. Love the road, track, drag strip, whatever enough to get past petty bs like the make and model of the bike... If I know a person rides, I've already got much in common with them as I've been riding for almost 17 years at this point.


Ohh shit...I remember when that happened.

You took alot of flack if I recall.

GL man :joint:

And MORE VENTILATION next time...Peace



what was the official charge? I looked back at the other post but could not find =what were you convicted of??
Jail time

Jail time

I feel u bro! I have 7 months of home monitoring! If Tommy chong can do itwe can also. Best of wishes to u & yours!! Peace green rasta


Yup, took a bunch, but that's how the cookie crumbles... Some people think I should be shot for making oil :D

how are your burns?
what did they convict you of? blowing yoself up?
Im guessing no medical paperwork on your side, patient,caregiver,ect?

good luck in the slammer:( ,do lots of meditating ..I used to think it was bullshit ..but now believe in the power of the mind


Good luck, Blink...Never been there myself (well, besides town/city stations) , but I still feel for ya :joint: Stay strong and we'll all be here for ya when you wriggle outta that place!


danimal7 - If I recall correctly, he was medical and the cops sent him to the hospital without charging him at first. But then the detectives tried to charge him with manufacturing LSD maybe? meth? Can't remember what he said haha...but yeah, something about concentrating the THC makes it illegal? Idk read his thread if you want a "not mad baked" answer :joint:

Peace & Love
Yoinkstaaaa :yoinks:
how are your burns?
what did they convict you of? blowing yoself up?
Im guessing no medical paperwork on your side, patient,caregiver,ect?

good luck in the slammer:( ,do lots of meditating ..I used to think it was bullshit ..but now believe in the power of the mind

Felony Narcotics manufacturing
Had all my paperwork in order, in fact they left my grow.
The mind is the strongest thing on earth mang, glad you see the light :D

Read "golf in the kingdom" some good stuff about the mind and how to tap into it more easily in there... Thanks -
danimal7 - If I recall correctly, he was medical and the cops sent him to the hospital without charging him at first. But then the detectives tried to charge him with manufacturing LSD maybe? meth? Can't remember what he said haha...but yeah, something about concentrating the THC makes it illegal? Idk read his thread if you want a "not mad baked" answer :joint:

Peace & Love
Yoinkstaaaa :yoinks:

Close, PCP at first was the mis-charge...

It's not the concentration. In fact in CA if you're a med patient, hash, water hash or keif, is the same as mj. In other words, if you can carry 3 lbs like in Sonoma, you can have flowers or hash legally.

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