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Time to go to jail.....


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
good luck bro.
doing short time isn't as bad as it's made out to be. use your head, do your own time, don't get involved in the politics and it'll be over before you know it.
Quickly becoming the coolest guy on ICMAG.

Blow shit up... Check
Eat a 10g block of oil...Check
Bust out of Jail in a hail of gunfire...

Thanks Bobby :D

One correction, not eating oils... I will never have the oils in my lungs again as long as I live... I will however be eating a nice block of 73u blackberry kush hashish... Yummy yummy

we all have to learn, I just seem to have a need for tough lessons... ah well, thanks for all the support guys, too bad I can't write you guys from jail... lol


Gene Mangler
Crazed lol Hang tuf, get buffed, be over before ya know it ;)

Had a micro version back in the 80's as kids, nothing but some fused carpet fibers tho.
We were shooting Bu thru a McDonald's straw stuffed w/bud. Fkin buddy was fartin around, sprayed a ton in the carpet & lit it off. Kawoooooooooof! lol the whole bottom 3ft of the room went off.
It was Beavis n Buttheads meet BHO... "whoooooa, that was gnarly hehe" "fire fire hehehe" while everyones checkin to make sure their big hair was intact lol
Damn glad we never thought bigger than straws at the time :joint:


Active member
this thread is a total surprise lol

yesterday there was confrontations, today there is jail


good luck.
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Devil's Advocate
Yikes man. I'm glad you are ok, but I bet you won't make BHO indoors again.
Good luck doin' your time. It'll be like nothing


Sometimes I think if I had several months totally away from some of my vices,they would just go away.Unfortunately they are always waiting for me at the door.Use these few months to get as healthy as you can,excercising a lot


Active member
You will miss a lot of things but focus on something positive for when you get out...



I don't know what it is about oversized breasts but they do tend to frighten me..I know I'll find myself in a twilight zone type situation one night and those mamaries will come to life in all their fury.Pummeling and pounding me about the face and mouth.Painfully forcing their oversized nipples down my throat!No thank you people I can live without all of that..


Active member
good luck man, you are crazy for trying to eat a brownie before going in haha. i would maybe down half a 5th. work out, read, make plans for the future, and let us know how it works.


I remember in jail in the 70's,the only thing you could get high on was lsd.Friends would put a blotter under a stamp and that would be it,they caught on eventually of course.Once you get into the dept. of corrections,its just a matter of how much money you have.I got stoned pretty consistently after a long day swinging a bushaxe lol


wow is it really you i remember i have read the other thread started by you!!

wish you all the very best my friend keep your head up!! much love!!

mdk ktm

Glad youre okay after the explosion, hope you get out early. I hear ya on the harley thing. I run a 600rr and i cant help but smiling blowin the doors off of guys tryin to go fast on their 600 plus pound motorcycles. To each their own though, many people just ride for the comfort and to be free because it is awesome. But a buell on the other hand, there is nothing that makes me happier than when a guy on a buell tries to keep up on a twisty road. Just isnt going to happen.

mdk ktm

Damn dude! lol yer lucky you didn't get fried to a crisp!

I dig what yer sayin about the comon bond all riders have. But some jus don't take kindly to someone tellin em their bikes are outdated technology. People like the guy in that picture you saw yesterday. That was Sonny Barger, the founding father of the Hells Angels. All I'm sayin is go easy with the attitude about Harley's. With some of those guys, you might as well be talking about their mothers by cutting down their bikes. They hate anything that's not Harley. Jus food fer thought my friend.

No one should have to go to jail for pot, oil, etc.... Good luck with it all, I hope it goes quickly for you! We'll be here when ya get out, take care! BC

I have learned my lesson real fast about trash talking big guys that ride harleys. I have never been more scared in my life. Some people actually think that a harley is the best motorcycle in the world and there is nothing close. Im close to the harley plant and man when those big biker dudes get rubbed the wrong way. watch the hell out, i almost shit my pants.
I have learned my lesson real fast about trash talking big guys that ride harleys. I have never been more scared in my life. Some people actually think that a harley is the best motorcycle in the world and there is nothing close. Im close to the harley plant and man when those big biker dudes get rubbed the wrong way. watch the hell out, i almost shit my pants.

lmfao, I grew up in Milwaukee man, heckling hardley riders was SPORT for us... Heckle em with a big laid out on the gas tank thumbs down instead of a wave as you pass is usually good enough to get them turned around, wait till they catch up, pop clutch floating bp wheelie and watch them try to catch up... We had this one dude chase us around West Allis for freaking years! Anyway, good times but I'm a bit wiser these days...
I remember in jail in the 70's,the only thing you could get high on was lsd.Friends would put a blotter under a stamp and that would be it,they caught on eventually of course.Once you get into the dept. of corrections,its just a matter of how much money you have.I got stoned pretty consistently after a long day swinging a bushaxe lol

I'm not sure I'd like to trip in jail with out a good quantity of valium on hand... and smokes... At least I'm coming out a non-smoker :D