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thread for people born 150+ years to late


Active member
well ill be the first to say that 150 years ago I woulden't have made it to age 30. (again w/ the "get out of line you get whaked")...I dont follow the rules very well.

...today I plan to live as long as I want. (and I don't know if thats all that long anyway)

I dont care what anyone does or thinks as long as you leave me the fuk alone. ....that'll be my longevity...150 years ago it would have worked the same.


For all you haters...just take a step back from your computer screen...and just
to roam

imagine a world
that was peacefullllllllllllllllllllllll

Nubie Biatch

Active member
Gotta say I'm jealous of anyone capable of living off the grid.

I am very grateful for the advances in medicine and science but I think all the "advances" in society and politics have nullified those.

I would rather live in a time when I could die from a cavity but be free to grow 20 acres of cannabis in my backyard. I think the shortened life span would be worth the heightened quality of life.


Stoned2Death said:
All you've got are your childish insults. Everything I said in that post can be verified by that link. What do you have? Your wore out insults?

Here's an idea. If I'm wrong, prove it. I'll bet anything you won't argue it, but let's see what you've got. I'm tired of your insults, so show me where I'm wrong. Time to put up or shut up.

You are awfully defensive. You are asking for proof that you're wrong, but you haven't claimed anything...Why don't you proof something your saying is right? The excuse you're using has been exploited by the greatest sanctimonious hypocrites of all time and it's a load of shit. Na Na I'm right. I say all Jews are evil. Look at this website. You can't prove me wrong. Na Na.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Nubie Biatch said:
Gotta say I'm jealous of anyone capable of living off the grid.

I am very grateful for the advances in medicine and science but I think all the "advances" in society and politics have nullified those.

I would rather live in a time when I could die from a cavity but be free to grow 20 acres of cannabis in my backyard. I think the shortened life span would be worth the heightened quality of life.

I think its actually the "archaic conservatism" of society and politics that have nullified advances in science and medicine, I mean, we still have Christianity and all other Religions controlling the attitudes of the ignorant masses.


Nubie Biatch said:

Monkey says what? You are such a tool. Pull the hand out of your butt and stop flapping your mouth for 5 seconds.

For starters, I don't frequent sites that advocate violence and hatred. The link you are advertising won't prove anything other than the fact that you are a member of a white supremacist group.
I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by and watch some piece of trash like you come up into ICM and make this another one of your hate sites. I'm here to share some experiences with other growers. Just because a racist bigot like yourself grows some cannabis, it doesn't justify your presence on this site. You nullify your right to be here as soon as you start advocating the murder of a group of people and pass out links to other sites that claim the best solution is the "Final Solution".

Anytime I come across you spouting more of your facist rantings, I'll call Bullshit on you.

You are nothing more than the mouthpiece for un-intelligible hatred. Your last resort is always pointing the finger at someone else, making a scene, and using small 4 letter words to express a small mind.

You're the one that "came up in here" spouting the racist, nazi, victim bullshit. I simply point out where all our troubles come from, and you must be involved to have such a stake in defending it.

Zionists run the ENTIRE USA. They run our GOVT, MEDIA, SCHOOLS, PRINT OUR MONEY, and are responsible for almost every major terrorist attack this century.

Hell yeah, it would have been GREAT to be alive 150 years ago to catch these Zionists before they had such a strong grip on our nation, but here we sit on the verge of an engineered collapse of our economy where more assets will go into the hands of the zionists for rock bottom prices, and you're calling me a hater? You're god damn right I'm a hater. I hate zionist scum like you with a passion and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Know this......you WILL have to kill me to shut me up dude. I know the game and I am not afraid of you or anyone else for that matter. Before I die, I'll spread this message a million times. You're on a sinking ship zionist.

Everyone else. Look it up yourself. Who controls the media? Who's the most powerful lobby in washington? Who prints our money? Who owns all the banks? Who is known for their usery and deciet?

You CAN NOT argue the point. Attack me punk. Give me all you've got because I'm already sick of you. Hide behind your keyboard and talk smack about me.

I don't need to prove shit. Everything I say is verifiable by anyone halfway intelligent. Everything you say is slander. YOU HAVE SHIT for an argument. NOTHING.

It WILL get to the point that MOST of these people will realize I'm telling the truth and that you are scum. When we get there, you are TOAST dude.

Peep these links folks before Nubie complains and has the thread binned again: www.judicial-inc.biz www.erichufschmid.net www.hugequestions.com www.iamthewitness.com

FIGURE IT OUT. We CAN have a peaceful life as soon as people realize WHY we don't know.
george washington hayduke I agree...(yeah i looked sum shit up heh
yeah george hayduke has been my favorite character of any book. him and huck finn are tied. but not only did he stand up for a good cause but he was just a ****ing badass. haha. an ex-green beret trained in explosives starts a group to save the world. its a shame edward abbey isn't able to share his words with us anymore.
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Nubie Biatch

Active member
George - It seems that what most of of us want is really not simply to be relocated to another time but to another place. I agree that it's far better to fend for one's self than to become entangled and disenfranchised in an ass-backwards society like our own. Perhaps we are merely wishing to have been born in a time when the word unexplored had meaning.
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Perhaps we are merely wishing to have been born in a time when the word unexplored had meaning.

yeah i kind of used 150+ years and have been getting hell for it when this is kind of what i really meant. however even 150 years ago the world was still less explored and exploited than it is today and it still had alittle bit of meaning left.


Argue the point then. For well over 150 years zionist scum like yourself have ruined this country and many others. Literally crushed Russia during the Bolshevik revolution, killed 58,000 Germans in the Danzig corridor forcing Hitler to attack Poland, absolutely SLAUGHTER Palestinians like they are just target practice, responsible for the Armenian holocaust and VEHEMONTLY fighting to make sure it's not recognized as such. This is history homeboy, and I have nothing to fear. Copy and past me all you want. What, you think I'd take back saying I am a ZIONIST HATER? No way in hell. I hate anyone and everything oppressive and EVIL and I won't take that back on my life.

150 years ago zionists didn't have complete and total control yet and the general public was MUCH more aware of their trickery. At that time they weren't even organized under the label zionist, but 150 years ago your "hater/racist/nazi" game would have had you laughed into oblivion. History hadn't been re-written and taught to a number of generations that didn't know any better. 150 years ago EACH and every american was FAR more dilligent in watching out for their rights and FAR less complacent. I would give anything to have lived during that time knowing what I know now, and all of it again can be verified if you search hard enough.


Well-known member
Stoned2Death said:
Argue the point then. For well over 150 years zionist scum like yourself have ruined this country and many others. Literally crushed Russia during the Bolshevik revolution, killed 58,000 Germans in the Danzig corridor forcing Hitler to attack Poland, absolutely SLAUGHTER Palestinians like they are just target practice, responsible for the Armenian holocaust and VEHEMONTLY fighting to make sure it's not recognized as such. This is history homeboy, and I have nothing to fear. Copy and past me all you want. What, you think I'd take back saying I am a ZIONIST HATER? No way in hell. I hate anyone and everything oppressive and EVIL and I won't take that back on my life.

150 years ago zionists didn't have complete and total control yet and the general public was MUCH more aware of their trickery. At that time they weren't even organized under the label zionist, but 150 years ago your "hater/racist/nazi" game would have had you laughed into oblivion. History hadn't been re-written and taught to a number of generations that didn't know any better. 150 years ago EACH and every american was FAR more dilligent in watching out for their rights and FAR less complacent. I would give anything to have lived during that time knowing what I know now, and all of it again can be verified if you search hard enough.

STD, How many more threads are you going to high-jack for your own hate filled selfish agenda? You have personally been responsible for 8 threads being closed in the past month that were unrelated topics to all your hate filled Nazi-KKK bullshit.

It's obvious to all that you have zero respect for other members threads. You really are very selfish to continue to high-jack other members threads of unrelated topics to promote your Nazi-KKK hate machine.

S2D, I was willing to give you the benefit of doubt, however, now I know I was wrong and must agree with the vast majority of other members that say you should be banned. Your one selfish dude that dosent give a shit about anyone but yourself. And for the record you lost me several colsed threads ago when posting links that promote killing & hanging Blacks & Jew's, I'm Irish-American and that crap your promoting even offened me.

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Active member
Jack D Ripper said:
I eat nothing but wild game and mostly food from local farmers markets. I think its a good place to start...

I <3 the mid-west

I got to say that's one of the best things about the midwest is the food. And the beer. For a dude who used to live in NYC, the midwest is nice for getting back to the heart of it nature.

Nubie Biatch

Active member
So true trouble
George - We were definitely in a better place 150 years ago in a lot of ways. I think we are in sync on what the true problem is. The world is getting smaller everyday and peoples freedoms, rights, and privacy are disappearing as quickly as endangered species are.

To be in a simpler time and to live a simpler life...
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