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This is my uk cheese.


Well-known member
Here ae he other cheese ladie in soil. On the next wateing ill up the bloom food to bulk up the flowers.



Well-known member
The flowers are turning purple. 😁🍇🦨 its the end of week 8. I PIan on flowering to week 11-12. Currently in flush cycle.
Had I known a long time ago that these aerogarden systems work this well I would have bought one. And as soon as it's finished, I'm going to clean the system out of start all over.



Well-known member
So I had to harvest at week 8 due to a little bit of Mildo or something Like that. I cut out that part and hung the rest to dry. Thankfully, 95% of it was of it was salvageable. This is the most I've ever gotten in 8 weeks from beginning to end.

Then I cleaned out the aerogarden and started over. This time with my last ak47 auto seed.






Well-known member
Heres my last harvest of the last 4 plants. I guess you can just call me a small batch kind of guy. But at least the flowers give an amazing high.😋🤪😎💨
And a pic of the new cheese plants. Since they are plants from the same batch of cheese seeds as the last several grows. I'm hoping they all turn out female like every seed planted from that batch of seeds.😁🌱🌲

I planted them in fox farm happy frog 3 gallons.
And like the last several times I'll be happy with whatever yield I get. Cause my gardening skills are only half way to a full green thumb. But I'm working on getting better at gardening on a cheap budget, butt shit cause i'm broke.

If people in the Himalayan mountains can grow the best weed around with practically zero dollars than what's my problem.😁

As I always say something is better than nothing for your efforts.




Well-known member
More pix from the new cheese 🪴s. And I started two more cheese seeds. One from the original batch of cheese seeds and one cheese seed from my most recent home grown 🧀 flowers that grew a few mature seeds.😁 I really, really hope they all out female.




Well-known member


Well-known member
So three of them are female.

I tied one down last week andbmore down yesterday and I'm gonna tie the another one down today. Wonder when I should start feeding these bloom food. I was told after 2 weeks of flowering is when most people start.


Well-known member
So the last one turned out female. Now, as long as I don't f*** up the light/feeding schedule between now and the time they are ready to harvest I should get nice fat flowers. The second picture shows the top heads of all the ladies.


Well-known member
Still going good. Knock on wood. I feel like I should get a good yield.
Then i have two micro cheese plants. The plan with these is to see how big they can get in a tiny container. This will take several months. But i've got nothing but time. And i'm patient.😁



Well-known member
There's still alive and getting a lil bigger. The next round of watering they will get a lil bit larger dose of boom food. Up until now they haven't been getting hardly any extra food. This is me doing the best.I can with what I have with the knowledge I have. So I do wish I could yield ten times this much In this space. But sad they don't have an extra space to vegetate plants.
Long enough to get them big before the bloom stage.😞 On the positive side, they are flowering nice and frosty. Hope they keep up this and grow big and fat by the end.






Then i also have these cheese's thats now in a three gallon pot and on an 18/6 light schedule in another location and Ill flip to 1212 in a month or so. This one's gonna get plain water for the untill flowers are 2 weeks into flower. Plus i just started another cheese seed that has purple centered leaves. This is the first of any of the cheese that has turned purple in the very beginning of life.😁 I'm excited to see what happens.




Well-known member
Heres the cheese ladies that are on the 15/9 schedule. 🌲😁 I guess my thumb is still green after all.😁 all I have to do is to get through the long awaited battle of flowering to fully ripen without many problems. The smaller plant got a bigger pot recently.




Well-known member
These two are still growing good. The bigger of the two got femed a while back. And it worked like a charm. Getting nice and bushy just the way I like it. I like my girls to be fat AF before they flower. I plan on keeping them on the 15/6 light schedual untill the flowers are around 3 weeks flower cycle. Then ill switch to closer to 1212 cycle. I'm glad all of the cheese seeds that I collected from those cheese buds I got earlier this year are all turning female. And I have at least close to 100 seeds left maybe more.🤘🔥😁🌱🌲🌹💐
