rain..weeell it´s october and I´m in a usually soggy climate but , surprisingly it has not rained in a while ..
Yeah, if he IS afraid of heights, should I simply remove him from the wall and put him down in the front garden?
Nah, let him work it out. He'll be a better snail for it. "What ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." 'Sides, he's wearing a helmet of sorts, so it seems he came prepared for what ever might happen.
In the interim, I suggest you contact Guinness Book, and see what the world's record is for a snail clinging to a second-story brick wall. You may have some sort of agent's fees coming your way,
A 'friend' once gave me a tab of acid while we were setting trusses, believing it would help to overcome my fear of heights. Not going to recommend anything so drastic with your peeping snail, not to mention wasting a good stash on the little feller, but that's up to you. I can attest that such a tact merely left me hugging trusses for a good 12 hours. But the snail and I may be sufficiently different for there to be vastly different outcomes.