any comments i made is what i had to do 1st time, i just renewed for a 3rd time. my 1st time applying i used a MMJ consulting serviceI'm just correcting blatantly incorrect information about the Nevada Medical Marijuana Program. No one forces you to join the program. If you don't like it, than don't join.
1st time gettn into the NV MMJ program
send 1 time fee 50$ money order to
nevada state health division
4150 technology wy
carson city NV 89706
now wait 45 - 60 days for your application to arrive in the mail, once approved every year 2 months befor ya expire they send another application for free.
MCCNV now closed charged me 40$ to help me fill out paper work dr referal and notary stamps and finger prints. MCCNV is now closed shame james parsons seemed like a good person
step 2 fill out application and find Dr who writes recomendations for MMJ not all pain management DR's do this only a few.
show Dr any med records exlain your problems maybe get a exame then pay DR his 250$. once approved most Dr's only charge 100$ for your renewal
go get your finger prints done or do it yourself on the pretty FBI back ground check card provided.
get the 2 notary stamps needed
get another money order 150$ filled out to the state again, send it off registered.
now your enrolled waiting for approval, once approved you'll recieve a letter stating this and when you'll expire also this paper you'll need to take to DMV for your picture.
pic at dmv cost me 20$ i think i'll know next wk when i get my pic again
as i mentioned in nevada and i'm not new to this state lmao been here this time since 1983, best to be registered in the mmj program and be abel to use medical nessisty as a defense. then not be registered and unabel to use med ness defense