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think I found yummybuds first date story

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I know it's way too late for analyzing anything, but I just thought of what I would've done if I was in the same situation as the guy who emptied everywhere in that girls place..

Okay..If I had a woody, I had to shit and piss...I would've just excused myself, went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet to get the #2 taken care of while I went #1 on the wall or whatever..that way you just have to clean up a puddle instead of making a total mess.


cant stop wont stop


Active member
haha that 17 year old girl at my work keeps on smiling at me and saying things to me when I pass her but she may just be the friendly type.

today I walked by her and she said "smile" and I said huh why do I look mad? and she said no but you should smile.

this other loser at my work is all over her though, he is not getting anywhere with her but still he is super desperate and sitting next to her at lunch and trying ot chat it up with her.

I honestly don't care. the 17 year old is physically attractive but I can't see myself going out with her i'd feel really awkward and creepy. but then she will eventually be 18 and out of highschool and perfectly fine.

dating a 17 year old would never work though. she is hot and once she is out of highschool she'll go to college and she'll have a 100 guys all trying to go out with her.


Cannabis 101
hahaha this shit is funny lol yummybuds no worrys man you be doing your thing if your ever in the dam or in Fl hit me up I'll get you weed and bitches! jk


you dont have to marry/date her to get in her pants!

she's age of consent +1, she's filling more than minimum requirements!(shudder)

im not saying go take advantage of her, but im saying if she's really into you mate, you should see where it could lead. YOU DONT KNOW

yeah, she said smile, cause she wants to see you with a smile on your face. a lot of girls find good smiles on handome male faces really attractive.. again, i have female friends. the more you know. smiling is fucking key man, you can tell if someone is smiling from over the phone - well maybe i cant, because i hate phones, but just ask those call center people, theyll tell you, it's their business to put on that facade.

with general conversation, MOODS ARE MIMICKED!

smiling can be like setting off your peacock feathers, she might be showing you her own pretty feathers without being a total slut and showing leg, or touching you excessively or something, dont be awkward R tard, play it cool and fucking smile for once. And remember, she's 17, so she probably already has experience on you, but not much. So, it isnt like youre jumping right in the deep end.

ps. that guy who keeps getting shot down is probably coming onto her too strong, and acting needy. a lot of girls just know(intuition). You keep brushing her off, and they love that - the chase, the thrilling hunt for a fucksack. but if you keep showing this disenchantment towards her, she will ACTUALLY get the idea that you are in fact HOMO and not willing to put it in her at any time, or youre really just not interested, which is a shame, because you seem to actually BE interested...or soemthing?


Active member
yup I noticed that also. I have failed before. This 17 year old girl at my work who turned 18 seemd to like me at first also, alwasy smiling really big when she passed me and coming ot talk to me all the time. then I started paying attention to her and going around her annd she started ignoring me then I finally asked her out and she gave me a number and never picked up and I got rejected.....

so now i'm thinking the same thing will happen to every girl I show interest in.

this new girl at my work she smiles at me all the time, and I catch her looking at me sometimes (she is a cashier) but I don't want to be like that guy at my work who is basically stalking her around.

he goes and tell her to go to lunch with him then after work he likes follows her around but he gets nowhere ever. I've worked with him for 2 years and he's done this with like 10+ girls, girls end up just being "friends" with him just at work he has never dated one of them. he's not exactly good looking maybe thats why. so maybe girls just don't see him as threatening and see him as a friend.

so yeah this 17 year old girl I think she is cute but I have no clue on how to approach her to potentially be able to date her. I have nothing in common to talk to her about. I just graduated university she is graduating highschool in 6 months lol.

I just know her name and that she is russian. that guy at my work is also always around her basically stalking her lol but he's not getting anywhere with her guaranteed he's not really a problem. its just htat I have no clue on how to approach her when we have zero in common to talk about.

you know girls in my class I could chat wit them about school and our classes and stuff to get to know them a bit and we have stuff in common.

I also have very little opportunity to talk to her at work especially with that loser at my work hanging around her. I don't want to be like him and be work buddies with her.

he's like the gay guy that girls see as a "girlfriend" I think lol, he always gets the hot girls to hang with him at work but they alll end up going out with other guys.


Active member
you only fail if you don't try

you should be proud that you went with it last time and got a phone number

sure sometimes it don't work out, sometimes there is no chemistry (Even if you might think)

I feel you have a chance with the russian girl


Active member
also I don'jt want to focus on any one girl anymore thats always led to failures.

This russian girl at my work I don't see it going anywhere unless she comes around me more and starts showing real interest then I'd do something about it but i'm not going ot bother chasing a 17 year old at my work.


Active member
what I meant is that when I have ignored girsl I can tell they become more intersted in me. by ignoring i don't mean not looking at them and not saying hi. but say I just say hi to her and smile but don't start hanging around her and trying to chat with her or being like that guy at my work and running around after her going to sit next to her and showing that I want to be around her.

this girl at my work I just smile and say hi to her or have a quick chat with her but I don't give her any signals I like her.

seriousl I have noticed that when I show a girl that I like her, girls can tell they lose interest. if I treat her like a guy girls seem to get more interested.

I don't know.


Active member
also when you are 24 and chasing a 17 year old girl you come off as creepy and desperate I think. thats why i'm not bothering this time. I just say hi and am friendly with her but i don't pay attention to her unless she comes to me.

with the previously girl at my work that I failed with this worked at first. when I was not paying attention to her her she started always coming around me and smiling at me all the time and always looking at me then all of a sudden when I started always going around her and paying attention to her I was totally ignored and she was avoiding me.

but maybe she never liked me from the start and the smiles and coming around me were just being friendsly. I'll never really know.


Active member
right now i'm trying not to focus on finding a girlfriend anymmore.... it hasn't worked i'm just continually failing.

I am trying to focus on studying really hard for my law school entrance exame so i can ace it in june and hopefully have a chance of getting into a lawschool as its really competitive here in Canada and becoming a criminal trial lawyer is my dream and I don't want to fail that also.


Active member
probably won't be making very many posts as I have nothing happening right now. I won't be meeting many girls anymore as i'm done school and I have slim chance with this girl at work so I don't care anymore.


Active member
I think you are mixing up dating the perfect girl you want to marry and finding a friendly girl to hang out with for the evening. Sometimes the friendly girl can be someone you really don't want all your friends to see you with. A girl you don't bring over to meet your mother.


probably won't be making very many posts as I have nothing happening right now. I won't be meeting many girls anymore as i'm done school and I have slim chance with this girl at work so I don't care anymore.

No, don't say this is so!


man, do you really believe you HAVE to date her to get sexuality from it? maybe she wants to court you, but maybe she just wants to do naughty things with what you have left of your manliness.

good, dont focus on girlfriends, you dont need one, if it works itll occur. first we need to get you acquainted with one- a few..

if you treat her like a guy, she will be more interested because it's not the social norm. there are a lot of guys that, like cruise missiles, only have one thing in mind. meeting the acquired target in a certain form of explosion. most dont like the stigma behind being slutty, you know the kind, theyll just roll over for any guy that hits on them. (good thing you dont live in my part of canada, you'd fail harder with these fridgid bitches and huge competition with tactless roid monkeys, anyways..we give highest concentration of playboy bunnies etc etc)

back to you, dont need preconceived ideas to talk about, make it up, what things does she like, GET HER TO TALK, they wont fucking shut up if you can get her started. it will come naturally or it wont, then you can go be reclusive and awkward after you fail with her, but give it a good through and through, not just questioning, comment ON her answers, bring up parallels with her answers, throw in some day to day BS, it isnt that hard. you havent been overthinking, as it sounds, so that's great, you dont care, you see her as a guy friend, should be like that even when youre tripping all over her with fascination, but need to amalgamate those 2 mindsets, the interested but not overtly interested that you scare her away, but not disenchanted to a point where she loses interest in your loss of interest, that's just mean...though you must learn this for ugly girls too, they get their time too, because you dont want to burn a bridge with an ugmo, they have hot friends, and theyre human people too, shouldnt shun them, just turn em down by treating them like the old 49 year old that hangs with your crew of 20 somethings, that weirdo that you give just enough attention to, to keep around, but not enough to give them hopes of being your best man, those kinds of girls.

it's not a science as much as it is experience. dont belittle your abilities nor your personality either, confidence is a myth, total BS, it doesnt get earned, or LEARNED from somewhere, you create it from within. it's YOUR personal force field of charisma +1(fuck im a nerd.)

you know when you go to some party...oh wait. umm, you know when youre dropped in an awkward situation, you know no one, theyre all so tough looking, people with a real front being put on. snobby chicks, street toughs, thug lyfe yo, people in the military, all these people are creating who they are from nothing. they were someone else before they created themselves. Later on they may totally metamorphosize into a totally different social archetype. But when you really know someone, none of those fronts mean anything, and sometimes it takes very little time to infiltrate passed someone's made up tough image persona. I say this in case you didnt know how easy it really is to hold your ground against even the most confident king shit type of people.

really good friends are like this, oh big bad corporate investor, looks all spiffy with his rolex and maybach, trying really hard to hang with his corporate buddies, but you know him better, you know he's a different person altogether, it's these fronts you must learn to disassemble with your own made up confidence in hand, so that you can meet them toe to toe, and not doubt yourself. (Because women have these made up defenses) When people lay it out for you, and dont play you around(like highschool kids) it's easy to sum them up. she should be easy prey, she has nothing to hide, and is really coming on to YOU it sounds like, there is nothing to decipher with her, doesnt sound like any games to play. sounds easy as warm apple pie just sitting and waiting to be plundered. :eggnog:

just food for thought, i get the jest that you dont have the spine to tell them what you want from them, so that's why i said the above, if you get to know them some, you wont be as terrified of them, even hot girls; just put their front aside.

cause hot girls know theyre hot, so they dont have to work hard on the food chain

people in between can be a try hard, or be themselves which works on many...

and the people at the bottom REALLY need to try hard. youve probably encountered many of these

anyway, ive had enough THC to kill a small dog. im going to go touch some plants and smell my fingers...:thanks:

merry christmas yummy! (this is a good time of the year, theyre all so RONRY)


Active member
I don't know man. I don't see myself getting anywhere with that young russian girl at work.

yeah she is hot nad yeah hot girls know they are hot and can pretty much get any guy.

so what will make her want me over the 100 other guys all trying to be "buddies" with her or tying to get her?

also she is 17, I am 24, she will know I just think she is hot and want to get laid and if she doesn't want that then its not going to work.

also how would I even go about asking her out. I don't see it sure I can chat with her at work.

that guy at my work also chats with all the hot girls at work but does he get anywhre with any of them, no.


Active member
you know a girl at school or whatever I could be lke hey lest go for cofee or something we have stuff in common.

but a hot 17 year old cashier from work? what do I do hey lets go for some cofee? no she'll think its creepy as she'll just see me as some 20 something year old guy that wants to bang her. I guess some girls want that.

I don't know.

actually I'm done my degree but i'm taking one class next semester to try and increase my gpa a tiny bit more but unlikely i'll meet many girls in one class a week lol. but better than nothing.

and at my work there are no other girls I like.

anyway yeah.
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