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Things Falling Apart: BAD SIGNS


Well-known member
It aint perfect but its gets a hell of a lot worse than we have it here. In China they'd probably tag you for making these gay jokes and ship you off to resume the lima bean harvest


Well-known member
All of this while our industry was shipped overseas by a few businesses with monopolistic aims and a deep hatred of the organized working class so the capitalist industrialists gave it to China.

While China's middle class is growing, ours is shrinking.

You are a white guy in Texas, the prisons weren't built for you, if one of you wind up there you become nazis.

Sad and pathetic, how many white pedophiles become nazis to stay alive in American prisons? It's a pipeline to radicalization.


Well-known member
It aint perfect but its gets a hell of a lot worse than we have it here. In China they'd probably tag you for making these gay jokes and ship you off to resume the lima bean harvest
i wouldn't survive there. just saying we're not much better. the facade we blanket our intentions of imperialism with are just more effective, or, historically have been. that juice seems to be running out though.


Well-known member
if you don't agree to sign pledges as a teacher that you won't criticize israel you cannot find work in that state

if you don't let someone exploit your labor and steal from you you will become homeless and die

the us govt has repeatedly tried to censor the internet and wants to/is banning tiktok because its showing children things the american empire does not want them to see (israeli war crimes for instance)

the us is a brutal police state w/ the largest prison population on earth that also uses prison labor (slavery)

they collect all of our data & surveil us just like china does to their citizens

boeing assassinated like 2 or 3 whistleblowers this year alone

just because we're not forced at gunpoint does not mean coercion isn't a threat. US authoritarianism is the gradual kind. we're the frogs in the pot being slowly cooked.
don't forget the covid tyranny commievore. you have a tendency to be a hypocrite and biased .


Well-known member
don't forget the covid tyranny commievore. you have a tendency to be a hypocrite and biased .
what exactly was the covid tyranny? wanting their human livestock to not get sick so it wouldn't hinder their profits? once they realized they were losing money they sent everyone back to work.

they wanted their productive cattle to get vaccinated so they can get back to work asap and continue making the elites money. not because the elites were injecting them with some population reduction virus lmao.

if you're a farmer and your livestock comes down with something, you're going to look to innoculations or something to get them to rebound. it is only until they become useless (not able to make you money) do you consider "putting them out to pasture". same is true for human livestock. until the capitalist elite can create self replicating conscious AI that can replace us and do our work, we are still needed.
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Well-known member
People who equate government with communism are too stupid to know why vaccine ordinance or any public safety ordinance exists.

My county now has public safety announcements because New York has polio in our waterways and idiots are swimming in rivers where live polio can be spread to unvaccinated.

First person contracted polio In nearly half a century in my county, thanks to these anti-vax idiots.


Well-known member
Shua you still haven't told me how the brown pedophiles survive in the prison system? Do they join the latin kings?


Well-known member
Shua you still haven't told me how the brown pedophiles survive in the prison system? Do they join the latin kings?
in the u.k. all paedophiles in the prison system go on the separate bacon wing . some become muslim for protection. most u.k jails are controlled by muslim gangs .


Well-known member
in the u.k. all paedophiles in the prison system go on the separate bacon wing . some become muslim for protection. most u.k jails are controlled by muslim gangs .

I think muslim gangs would be a good change of pace for the U.S. prison. less involuntary sodomy


Well-known member
Shua you still haven't told me how the brown pedophiles survive in the prison system? Do they join the latin kings?
The latin kings aren't responsible for genocide. Nice false equivalence.

"Umm like, Latin kings maybe?"

I know latin kings, I have no fear of Latin kings, I've never seen a latin king shoot a church full of black people and then the latin king gets fed burger King post mass murder before heading to prison by the police who arrested him.

That situation happened but with a white supremacist. His name is Dylan Roof. They didn't kill him, they took him alive and fed him burger King.

Probably gave him a blowjob.

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Well-known member
The latin kings aren't responsible for genocide. Nice false equivalence.

"Umm like, Latin kings maybe?"

I know latin kings, I have no fear of Latin kings, I've never seen a latin king shoot a church full of black people and then the latin king gets fed burger King post mass murder before heading to prison by the police who arrested him.

That situation happened but with a white supremacist. His name is Dylan Roof. They didn't kill him, they took him alive and fed him burger King.

Probably gave him a blowjob.

Well im just glad black folks aren't out there shooting people.

Its bad enough when whiteys making a scene


Well-known member
Well i did grew up in a town with a large black community..... and call some of them good friends to this day.... but the fear is real brother

If im ever in nyc I just wont take the subway 😜