Still hoping to get the ECSD clone back soon.... Lost her a few years ago...
I know you must miss her raskal. I did. And am happy to have her here. She puts a smile across this swampy mug every time I get a whiff of her.
Still hoping to get the ECSD clone back soon.... Lost her a few years ago...
I am still a bit confused. I am getting good sour diesels testing in the 25-30% range. Some are darker green and some have a brighter orange tinge overall when dry. Is there any way to guess what kind of sour diesel that is on the west coast? I see ECSD offered occasionally but haven't tried
I have been running drgt's ecsd and it doesn't get any better than those
- talk to F.A.M. about AJ s1 - all I'm going to say.
I'd buy some DrGt's S1's if they werent so god damned over priced, fucking rip off he is.
So just out of curiosity, you would by the GT ECSD s1 over the real cut? Its just that the seeds are too expensive, or did I read you wrong? Peace GS